Oracle Scratchpad

February 29, 2012

Missing Filter

Filed under: Bugs,Execution plans,Oracle,subqueries — Jonathan Lewis @ 9:30 pm GMT Feb 29,2012

I see that Christian Antognini posted a note about an interesting little defect in Enterprise Manager a little while ago – it doesn’t always know how to interpret execution plans. The problem appears in Christian’s example when a filter subquery predicate is applied during an index range scan. It’s a topic I wrote about a few months ago with the title “filter bug” because the plan shows (or, rather, fails to show) a “missing” filter operation, which has been subsumed into the predicate section of the operation that in other circumstances would have been the first child of the filter operation: the rule of recursive descent through the plan breaks and the ordering that OEM gives for the operations goes wrong.

Christian’s example shows the filter hiding itself when it should be applied to an index scan – as does my example from a few months ago – but the operation can also go “missing” when it is supposed to apply to a table access (whether a tablescan or an access by rowid), and the recursive descent algorithm that OEM is (probably) using to work out the execution order breaks in that case too.

The easiest way to construct an example of the anomaly is to write a query with a subquery which is blocked from unnesting (I’ve done this by using an outer join in the correlated predicate but you could simply use a /*+ no_unnest */ hint), and then pushed (/*+ push_subq */) to execute at the earliest possible point in the plan:

rem     Script:         push_subq_3.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          Mar 2003

select	/*+
                leading(t1@main t2@subq1 t3@main)
        t1, t3
        t1.n2 = 15
and     exists (
                select --+ qb_name(subq1)
                from    t2
                where   t2.n1(+) = 15
                and =
and     t3.n1 = t1.n1
and     t3.n2 = 15

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display(null,null,'basic rows predicate'));

| Id  | Operation                     | Name  | Rows  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT              |       |     9 |
|*  1 |  HASH JOIN                    |       |     9 |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL           | T1    |     8 |
|*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T2    |     1 |
|*  4 |     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | T2_PK |     1 |
|*  5 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL           | T3    |   157 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - access("T3"."N1"="T1"."N1")
   2 - filter("T1"."N2"=15 AND  EXISTS (SELECT /*+ PUSH_SUBQ QB_NAME
              ("SUBQ1") */ 0 FROM "T2" "T2" WHERE "T2"."ID"(+)=:B1 AND
   3 - filter("T2"."N1"(+)=15)
   4 - access("T2"."ID"(+)=:B1)
   5 - filter("T3"."N2"=15)

As you can see, the subquery appears in the filter predicate at operation 2, but this doesn’t come from a parent filter operation; it’s simply a subquery applied to each row accessed by the tablescan. To make it easier to read complex cases I sometimes take a text editor to a plan like this and put back the missing filter operation – which means inserting one line where the filter predicate appears and moving the filtered operation (in this case the full tablescan) and any descendent(s) thereof one step to the right, as follows:

| Id  | Operation                     | Name  | Rows  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT              |       |     9 |
|*  1 |  HASH JOIN                    |       |     9 |
|*  2a|   FILTER                      |       |     9 |
|*  2b|    TABLE ACCESS FULL          | T1    |     8 |
|*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T2    |     1 |
|*  4 |     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | T2_PK |     1 |
|*  5 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL           | T3    |   157 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - access("T3"."N1"="T1"."N1")
   2a- filter("T1"."N2"=15 AND  EXISTS (SELECT /*+ PUSH_SUBQ QB_NAME
              ("SUBQ1") */ 0 FROM "T2" "T2" WHERE "T2"."ID"(+)=:B1 AND
   3 - filter("T2"."N1"(+)=15)
   4 - access("T2"."ID"(+)=:B1)
   5 - filter("T3"."N2"=15)

If I don’t push the subquery (i.e. allow Oracle to execute late) then the plan changes to the following – showing you the filter operation that you might normally expect on a filter subquery:

| Id  | Operation                    | Name  | Rows  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |       |     1 |
|*  1 |  FILTER                      |       |       |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN                  |       |   173 |
|*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL         | T1    |   157 |
|*  4 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL         | T3    |   157 |
|*  5 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T2    |     1 |
|*  6 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | T2_PK |     1 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter( EXISTS (SELECT /*+ QB_NAME ("SUBQ1") */ 0 FROM "T2" "T2"
              WHERE "T2"."ID"(+)=:B1 AND "T2"."N1"(+)=15))
   2 - access("T3"."N1"="T1"."N1")
   3 - filter("T1"."N2"=15)
   4 - filter("T3"."N2"=15)
   5 - filter("T2"."N1"(+)=15)
   6 - access("T2"."ID"(+)=:B1)

Here’s an image captured from the OEM screen (11g) for the plan that actually appeared. The run-time action starts with the full tablescan of t1 at the third line of the plan, and for each row we acquire from t1 we run the subquery at the fourth and fifth lines (fifth first, then fourth) – but as you can see, OEM thinks the action starts with a unique scan of index t2_pk at the fifth line of the plan.

Moral: whenever you know there’s a filter subquery in the plan (and you’ll see it in the predicate section) make sure you think carefully about when it runs.


  1. […] the point at which each predicate was applied. Generally this isn’t too difficult, although subquery pushing (and a couple of presentation bugs relating to other scalar subqueries) can cause a little […]

    Pingback by Parallel Execution – 1 | Oracle Scratchpad — October 13, 2013 @ 7:43 pm BST Oct 13,2013 | Reply

  2. […] I came close to writing a complete blog post about this problem with reading execution plans – then decided to check if I had mentioned it before. I have: twice: originally in 2010, and then again in 2012. […]

    Pingback by Interesting Plan | Oracle Scratchpad — November 29, 2013 @ 8:56 am GMT Nov 29,2013 | Reply

  3. […] The final variation here is an example where the FILTER operation itself is swallowed up in line 3 of the plan, twisting the body of the plan in a way that makes the “first child first” rule of thumb lead to an incorrect interpretation. I’ve discussed this pattern of behaviour before, but in the earlier cases the “missing filter” has either applied to an index or to the first table of the hash join. […]

    Pingback by Filter Hash | Oracle Scratchpad — November 6, 2015 @ 6:43 am GMT Nov 6,2015 | Reply

  4. Dear Jonathan,

    Thanks for the post.

    How can i interpret this complete plan?Its somewhat confusing to me.Please help

    | Id  | Operation                    | Name  | Rows  |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |       |     1 |
    |*  1 |  FILTER                      |       |       |
    |*  2 |   HASH JOIN                  |       |   173 |
    |*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL         | T1    |   157 |
    |*  4 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL         | T3    |   157 |
    |*  5 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T2    |     1 |
    |*  6 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | T2_PK |     1 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - filter( EXISTS (SELECT /*+ QB_NAME ("SUBQ1") */ 0 FROM "T2" "T2"
                  WHERE "T2"."ID"(+)=:B1 AND "T2"."N1"(+)=15))
       2 - access("T3"."N1"="T1"."N1")
       3 - filter("T1"."N2"=15)
       4 - filter("T3"."N2"=15)
       5 - filter("T2"."N1"(+)=15)
       6 - access("T2"."ID"(+)=:B1)

    Best Regards,

    Comment by satish — April 19, 2020 @ 4:39 pm BST Apr 19,2020 | Reply

    • Satish,

      This is an example of the way that filter subqueries always used to appear in older versions of Oracle (and still do for some subqueries).

      The order of activity (by which I mean the order in which the operations produce a rowsource for their parent) is: 3,4,2,6,5,1

      The action starts with a hash join between t1 and t3 (hence 3,4,2), then for each row produced by the hash join Oracle runs a correlated subquery to test for existence (hence 6,5,1).

      Jonathan Lewis

      Comment by Jonathan Lewis — April 19, 2020 @ 5:03 pm BST Apr 19,2020 | Reply

  5. Thank you

    Comment by Anonymous — April 20, 2020 @ 10:59 am BST Apr 20,2020 | Reply

  6. […] original subq query block with no transformation. Filter predicates using subqueries often produce odd little “twists” in execution plans which would be hard to explain if you followed the basic “first child […]

    Pingback by Remove Subquery | Oracle Scratchpad — October 18, 2023 @ 2:33 pm BST Oct 18,2023 | Reply

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