Oracle Scratchpad

March 24, 2011

Small Tables

Filed under: Infrastructure,Oracle,Performance,Troubleshooting — Jonathan Lewis @ 6:45 pm GMT Mar 24,2011

Here’s a note I’ve been meaning to research and write up for more than 18 months – ever since Dion Cho pinged a note I’d written about the effects of partitioning because of a comment it made about the “2% small table threshold”.

It has long been an item of common knowledge that Oracle has a “small table threshold” that allows for special treatment of data segments that are smaller than two percent of the size of the buffer cache, viz:

If a table is longer than the threshold then a full tablescan of the table will only use db_file_multiblock_read_count buffers at the end of the LRU (least recently used) chain to read the table and (allowing a little inaccuracy for multi-user systems, pinning and so on) keeps recycling the same few buffers to read the table thus protecting the bulk of the buffer cache from being wiped out by a single large tablescan. Such a tablescan would be recorded under the statistic “table scans (long tables)”.

If a table is shorter than the threshold then it is read to the midpoint of the cache (just like any other block read) but – whether by accident or design – the touch count (x$bh.tch) is not set and the table will fall off the LRU end of the buffer cache fairly promptly as other objects are read into the buffer. Such a tablescan would be recorded under the statistic “table scans (short tables)”.

Then, in July 2009, Dion Cho decided to check this description before repeating it, and set about testing it on Oracle 10gR2 – producing some surprising results and adding another item to my to-do list. Since then I have wanted to check his conclusions, check whether the original description had ever been true and when (or if) it had changed.

As a simple starting point, of course, it was easy to check the description of the relevant (hidden) parameter to see when it changed:     _small_table_threshold        threshold level of table size for forget-bit enabled during scan     _small_table_threshold        threshold level of table size for direct reads    _small_table_threshold        lower threshold level of table size for direct reads

This suggests that the behaviour might have changed some time in 9i ( happened to be the earliest 9i listing of x$ksppi I had on file) – so I clearly had at least three major versions to check.

The behaviour of the cache isn’t an easy thing to test, though, because there are a number of special cases to consider – in particular the results could be affected by the positioning of the “mid-point” marker (x$kcbwds.cold_hd) that separates the “cold” buffers from the “hot” buffers. By default the hot portion of the default buffer is 50% of the total cache (set by hidden parameter _db_percent_hot_default) but on instance startup or after a “flush buffer cache” there are no used buffers so the behaviour can show some anomalies.

So here’s the basic strategy:

  1. Start the instance
  2. Create a number of relatively small tables with no indexes
  3. Create a table large enough to come close to filling the cache, with an index to allow indexed access
  4. Collect stats on the table – largest last.
  5. Query the large table through an index range scan to fill the cache
  6. Repeat a couple of times with at least 3 second pauses to allow for incrementing the touch count
  7. Check x$bh for buffer usage
  8. Run repeated tablescans for the smaller tables to see how many blocks end up in the cache at different sizes.

Here’s some sample code:

create table t_15400
pctfree 99
pctused 1
with generator as (
	select	--+ materialize
		rownum id
	from dual
	connect by
		rownum <= 10000
	rownum			id,
	lpad(rownum,10,'0')	small_vc,
	rpad('x',100)		padding
	generator	v1,
	generator	v2
	rownum <= 15400

create index t_15400_id on t_15400(id);

		ownname		 => user,
		tabname		 =>'T_15400',
		estimate_percent => 100,
		method_opt 	 => 'for all columns size 1'

	object_name, object_id, data_object_id
	object_name in  (
order by

	/*+ index(t) */
	t_15400 t
	id > 0

The extract shows the creation of just the last and largest table I created and collected statistics for – and it was the only one with an index. I chose the number of blocks (I’ve rigged one row per block) because I had set up a db_cache_size of 128MB on my Oracle instance and this had given me 15,460 buffers.

As you can see from the query against user_objects my test case included tables with 7,700 rows (50%), 3,750 rows (25%), 1,540 rows (10%), 770 rows (5%) and 300 rows (2%). (The number in brackets are the approximate sizes of the tables – all slightly undersized – relative to the number of buffers in the default cache).

Here’s the query that I then ran against x$bh (connected as sys from another session) to see what was in the cache (the range of values needs to be adjusted to cover the range of object_id reported from user_objects):

	obj, tch, count(*)
from	x$bh
	obj between 77710 and 77720
group by
	obj, tch
order by

Typical results from

After executing the first index range scan of t_15400 to fill the cache three times:

       OBJ        TCH   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ----------
     75855          0          1
     75854          0          1
     75853          0          1
     75851          0          1
     75850          0          1
     75849          0          1
     75852          0          1
     75855          2          9    -- Index blocks, touch count incremented
     75855          1         18    -- Index blocks, touch count incremented
     75854          1      11521    -- Table blocks, touch count incremented

Then after three tablescans, at 4 second intervals, of the 7,700 block table:

       OBJ        TCH   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ----------
     75853          3          1    -- segment header of 7700 table, touch count incremented each time
     75855          0          1
     75854          0          1
     75852          0          1
     75849          0          1
     75850          0          1
     75851          0          1
     75855          2          9
     75855          1         10
     75853          0       3991    -- lots of blocks from 7700 table, no touch count increment
     75854          1       7538

Then repeating the tablescan of the 3,750 block table three times:

       OBJ        TCH   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ----------
     75853          3          1
     75855          0          1
     75854          0          1
     75851          0          1
     75852          3          1    -- segment header block, touch count incremented each time
     75849          0          1
     75850          0          1
     75855          2          9
     75855          1         10
     75853          0        240
     75852          0       3750    -- table completely cached - touch count not incremented
     75854          1       7538

Then repeating the tablescan of the 1,540 block table three times:

       OBJ        TCH   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ----------
     75853          3          1
     75855          0          1
     75854          0          1
     75851          3          1    -- segment header block, touch count incremented each time
     75849          0          1
     75850          0          1
     75852          3          1
     75855          2          9
     75855          1         10
     75853          0        149
     75851          2       1540    -- Table fully cached, touch count incremented but only to 2
     75852          0       2430
     75854          1       7538

Then executing the tablescan of the 770 block table three times:

       OBJ        TCH   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ----------
     75853          3          1
     75855          0          1
     75850          3          1    -- segment header block, touch count incremented each time
     75849          0          1
     75851          3          1
     75852          3          1
     75854          0          1
     75855          2          9
     75855          1         10
     75851          0         69
     75853          0        149
     75850          2        770    -- Table fully cached, touch count incremented but only to 2
     75851          2       1471
     75852          0       1642
     75854          1       7538

Finally executing the tablescan of the 300 block table three times:

       OBJ        TCH   COUNT(*)
---------- ---------- ----------
     75853          3          1
     75855          0          1
     75854          0          1
     75850          3          1
     75852          3          1
     75851          3          1
     75855          2          9
     75855          1         10
     75851          0         69
     75850          0        131
     75853          0        149
     75849          3        301	-- Table, and segment header, cached and touch count incremented 3 times
     75850          2        639
     75852          0       1342
     75851          2       1471
     75854          1       7538

This set of results on its own isn’t conclusive, of course, but the indications for are:

  • “Large” tablescans don’t increment the touch count – so avoiding promotion to the hot portion of the buffer
  • There is a 25% boundary (ca. 3750 in this case) above which a tablescan will start to recycle the buffer it has used
  • There is a 10% boundary (ca. 1540 in this case) below which repeating a scan WILL increment the touch count
  • There is a 2% boundary (ca. 300 in this case) below which tablescans will always increment the touch count.

I can’t state with any certainty where the used and recycled buffers might be, but since blocks from the 3750 tablescan removed the blocks from the 7700 tablescan, it’s possible that “large” tablescans do somehow go “to the bottom quarter” of the LRU.

There also some benefit in checking the statistics “table scans (short)” and “table scans (long)” as the tests run. For the 2% (300 block) table I recorded 3 short tablescans; for the tables in the 2% to 10% range (770 and 1540) I recorded one long and two short (which is consistent with the touch count increment of 2 – the first scan was expected to be long, but the 2nd and 3rd were deemed to be short based on some internal algorithm about the tables being fully cached); finally for the tables above 10% we always got 3 long tablescans.

But as it says in the original note on small partitions – there are plenty of questions still to answer:

I’ve cited 2%, 10%, and 25% and only one of these is set by a parameter (_small_table_threshold is derived as 2% of the db_cache_size – in simple cases) are the other figures derived, settable, or hard-coded.

I’ve quoted the 2% as the fraction of the db_cache_size – but we have automatic SGA management in 10g, automatic memory management in 11g, and up to eight different cache sizing parameters in every version from 9i onwards. What figure is used as the basis for the 2%, and is that 2% of the blocks or 2% of the bytes, and if you have multiple block sizes does each cache perhaps allow 2% of its own size.

And then, in 11g we have to worry about automatic direct path serial tablescans – and it would be easy to think that the “_small_table_threshold” may have been describing that feature since (at least) if its description hadn’t changed slightly for 11.2 !

So much to do, so little time — but at least you know that there’s something that needs careful investigation if you’re planning to do lots of tablescans.

Footnote: Having written some tests, it’s easy to change versions. Running on and, with similar sized caches, I could see that the “traditional” description of the small_table_threshold was true – a short tablescan was anything less 2% of the buffer cache, long tablescans were (in effect) done using just a window of db_file_multiblock_read_count buffers, and in both cases the touch count was never set (except for the segment header block). (The reference to “direct reads” in the parameter name for 9i may be related to parallel query, rather than serial direct reads – but that’s a topic for another investigation.)

Further reading:

Tanel Poder on the _small_table_threshold, _serial_direct_read, and (for _direct_read_decision_statistics_driven. (Uses optimizer block count, not segment header block count). Includes link to a video about serial direct path reads and the fast object checkpoints and the “object cache queue” structures X$KCBOQH (one row per data_object_id per working data set currently in buffer cache) and X$KCBOBH (one row for each buffer in an object queue)

Alex Fatkulin on serial direct path reads.


  1. Nice analysis as always.
    Currently I’m a bit perplexed by the caching results on my (compatibility on Linux:

      drop table cacher;
      create table cacher(c1 char(2000), c2 char(2000), c3 char(2000)) nologging;
      insert /*+ append */ into cacher
        select 'x', 'x', 'x'
        from dual
           connect by level &lt;= 220000     ;
      EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(NULL, 'CACHER');
      alter system flush buffer_cache;
      set autot on stat
      select count(*) from cacher;
      select count(*) from cacher;
      select count(*) from cacher;
      set autot off;

    with parameters
    _db_block_buffers 273102
    _small_table_threshold 5462

    80% of buffer cache Statistics with stats gathered
         220033  consistent gets
         220005  physical reads
         220023  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
         220023  consistent gets
              0  physical reads

    On my windows box the caching seems to start out at 10% of the buffer cache, then if I change small_table_threshold, that value seems to be what is used for the caching limit:

    with parameters
    _db_block_buffers 51220 25% = 12805,10% = 5122
    _small_table_threshold 1024

     drop table cacher;
      create table cacher(c1 char(2000), c2 char(2000), c3 char(2000)) nologging;
      insert /*+ append */ into cacher
        select 'x', 'x', 'x'
        from dual
        -- connect by level &lt;= 5120    -- caches
           connect by level &lt;= 5122    -- doesn't cache ;
      alter system flush buffer_cache;
      select count(*) from cacher;
      select count(*) from cacher;
      set autot on stat
      select count(*) from cacher;
      set autot off;

    I get these results

      3rd count(*) Statistics  10% of buffer cache size
             5126  consistent gets
             5122  physical reads

    now if I increase small table threshold and bounce the database:

    alter system set "_small_table_threshold"=10240 scope=spfile;
    startup force

    I can now cache more on full table scan:

    Statistics with size just below small table threshold
          10091  consistent gets
          10004  physical reads
          10011  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
          10011  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
    Statistics for FTS with size just above small table threshold
          11101  consistent gets
          11288  physical reads
          11004  consistent gets
          11000  physical reads
          11004  consistent gets
          11000  physical reads

    Also if I set small table threshold greater than the size of the buffer cache I get no caching with a table bigger than the buffer cache:

    alter system set "_small_table_threshold"=1100000 scope=spfile;
    startup force;
         102545  consistent gets
         102522  physical reads
         102460  consistent gets
         102425  physical reads
         102460  consistent gets
         102425  physical reads

    where as on LINUX I get surpringly helpful caching with a table 5x the buffer cache:

    _db_block_buffers 273102
    _small_table_threshold 5462

    500% bigger buffer cache
    1350131 consistent gets
    1350002 physical reads
    1350037 consistent gets
    1177881 physical reads
    1350037 consistent gets
    1177856 physical reads

    Comment by Kyle Hailey — March 25, 2011 @ 8:07 pm GMT Mar 25,2011 | Reply

  2. Kyle,

    One of the boundary conditions on the buffer cache behaviour appears when the entire cache is “free” – that’s why I started my experiment with an index range scan to load a very large fraction of the cache before I started doing any tablescans.

    In your case the whole cache was free, which means there are no useful data blocks to protect, so the code seems to have been allowed to use the whole cache on the tablescan.

    Your first experiment (table above/below 10%) suggests that Oracle Corp. has changed the boundary case so that it always uses the 10% that would apply to a “full” cache, even if the whole cache is free.

    The second experiment (_small_table_threshold set to 10% of cache_size) suggests that the algorithm I suggested relating to the 10% limit still holds at 10% – and NOT at 5 * _small_table_threshold.

    With the very large _small_table_threshold, it would be useful to check how many blocks from the table were in the cache after the tablescan – it might be 10% of the cache. (You didn’t say what the cache size was in this test, was it about 110,000, or was it back to the original 220,000).

    A possibly explanation for the 5x buffer cache anomaly might be that with a starting empty cache you fill the cache as the tablescan starts, and then keep recycling the bottom 25% of the cache from that point onwards.

    Comment by Jonathan Lewis — March 26, 2011 @ 8:39 pm GMT Mar 26,2011 | Reply

  3. >> A possibly explanation for the 5x buffer cache anomaly might be that with a starting
    >> empty cache you fill the cache as the tablescan starts, and then keep recycling
    >> the bottom 25% of the cache from that point onwards.

    That would make sense! I was wondering what kind of algorithm Oracle could use to efficiently cache a table that was larger than the buffer cache, but using this (accidental?) algorithm would be an explanation.

    What I’m most interested in is the parameters that control the caching mechanisms.
    My main concern is a customers is not caching even with an empty buffer cache when on my in house system it is caching with tables up to 80% of the buffer cache size. (I’m on LINUX and customer is on Solaris)
    In both cases _small_table_threshold is the default.

    The use case I’m looking to solve is a customer going from depending on the UNIX file system cache to depending on the SGA alone as they are switching to Direct File I/O.
    On their system (Solaris empty cache) the caching only happens well below 80%, more like 10-25% (I didn’t have the liberty to run extensive tests and nail down the value). I’m trying to figure out the options for making caching happen with bigger tables. Customer won’t use the cache table option because they want the new configuration to run just like the old without any extra administration. They are willing to change init params and maybe _small_table_threshold is the only way, but on my LINUX I have the default _small_table_threshold and I’m seeing caching up with tables up to 80% of buffer cache size (start with an empty buffer cache) and I’m wondering “is there some other mechanism controlling caching besides _small_table_threshold?”
    Customer wants the same “feel” with direct I/O as without. Without Direct I/O they could read a table once via FTS and then upon second read, the response time would be as if it was cached even though Oracle reports a high level of physical reads because the reads are coming from the UNIX file system cache.
    Now, with Direct IO and even if I have them increase the size of their buffer even beyond the size of this table, my concern is they won’t be caching the table. I can have them change _small_table_threshold but I’m wondering if there is another mechanism which seems to be the case on my on LINUX.
    The other alternative is something on the customers database is preventing the caching of larger tables even after an “alter system flush buffer_cache”

    PS my test script came from:

    Strong doubt on small table(_small_table_threshold)

    Charles Hooper pointed me to your entry here, from his blog at:

    _SMALL_TABLE_THRESHOLD Parameter and Buffer Cache – What is Wrong with this Quote?

    Glenn Fawcett has a good blog on the overhead of using the UNIX file system cache verses Oracle buffer cache

    Comment by Kyle Hailey — March 28, 2011 @ 6:28 pm BST Mar 28,2011 | Reply

  4. Hi Jonathan,

    Very interesting reads. I follow up the thread that I opened in OTN under title “serial table scan with direct path read compared to db file scattered read”,

    I have a table 1.7 Million rows with 1,943,824 blocks (no index) and a default buffer cache of 8320MB. That is 8320*1024*1024/8192 = 1,064,960 8K available blocks. At 25% max this table can have up to 1,064,960 * 0.25 = 266,240 blocks in memory or around 14% of the table. So roughly in 7 cycles the whole table can be scanned in.

    When the buffer is empty after reboot, it prefers to use “direct path read” (DPR) as opposed to full serial table scan (FTS). So there must be some costing estimates that says DPR is cheaper than FTS. I suspect this may be the size of the underlying table larger than 2% of small_table_threshold as shown below).

    The full stats are as follows:

    Parameter                      buffer cache size/MB
    ------------------------------ --------------------
    buffer_cache                                  8,320
    Small table threshold at 2% of buffer cache size/MB Small table block limit
    --------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
                                                    166                  21,299
    My table details
    TABLE_NAME                               rows block size/KB       blocks avg free space/KB Table size/MB
    -------------------------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ----------------- -------------
    TDASH                               1,729,204             8    1,943,824               805        13,714
    Table block size/threhold limit

    When I run a test load on this table as

    ALTER SESSION SET TRACEFILE_IDENTIFIER = 'test_with_tdash_ssdtester_noindex';
            type array is table of tdash%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;
            l_data array;
            l_rec tdash%rowtype;
                    ,RPAD('*',4000,'*') AS PADDING1
                    ,RPAD('*',4000,'*') AS PADDING2
            FROM ALL_OBJECTS a;
            DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE ( waits=>true );
            FOR rs IN 1 .. 100
                            SELECT * INTO l_rec FROM tdash WHERE object_id = l_data(rs).object_id;
                      WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL;
            END LOOP;

    It takes 6,520 seconds to finish.

    When I force it not to use DPR, it chooses db file scattered read and it finishes in 4,299 seconds. Details are posted in the link

    So I am a bit confused.



    Comment by Mich Talebzadeh — January 13, 2012 @ 4:25 pm GMT Jan 13,2012 | Reply

    • Mich,

      I’ve replied to this on the OTN thread, but I didn’t say anything about Oracle choosing to do the direct path read just after startup. The public information about this is still under investigation but I recall seeing some notes somewhere about Oracle’s decision being based in part on the number (or percentage) of blocks from the object that are already in the cache. When you start up there’s nothing from the object in the cache, so it maximises the chance of Oracle picking the direct path option.

      I made some comments, and showed some arithmetic, about the effect of an empty cache on the speed of repeating the tablescan using db file scattered, so I won’t repeat that bit here.

      Comment by Jonathan Lewis — January 26, 2012 @ 9:37 pm GMT Jan 26,2012 | Reply

      • I’ll drop a couple of related links here too :)

        – Alex Fatkulin’s has written a little script for test the effect of object caching too:
        – Regarding buffer cache warmup – there’s a nice statistic called “physical reads prefetch warmup” which should tell whether prefetching happened due to buffer cache being “empty”. There’s an example of this happening here:

        Also, regarding the 25% of buffer cache threshold, I think one more thing what may affect this is that how many working sets you have in the buffer pool and how many DBWRs servicing them… I haven’t tested any of this but there’s a chance that these factors affect the 25% threshold logic as well…

        Comment by Tanel Poder (@TanelPoder) — March 7, 2013 @ 11:18 am GMT Mar 7,2013 | Reply

        • Tanel,

          Thanks for the comment and links.

          I didn’t think of it when I was writing the note, but the behaviour for tablescans (and ndex fast full scans) is probably linked directly to the 25% target that I describe for the auxiliary replacement list (REPL_AUX) in Oracle Core pp. 107- 109. I haven’t worked through it in detail, but I suspect – rough outline only – that:

            any tablescan under the 2% limit goes to repl_main (mid-point)
            any tablescan (index ffs) over the 2% figure goes directly to repl_aux
            any tablescan (index ffs) less than the 10% figure gets its touch count incremented if the blocks are still in repl_aux when the scan is repeated (which means they can eventually be promoted to the hot end of repl_main).
            any tablescan (index ffs) that is larger than repl_aux automatically cycles itself out of repl_aux as the scan is repeated.

          “going direct to repl_aux” may actually turn out to mean blocks first go into repl_main but are relinked almost immediately (on the next physical read request) to repl_aux as a side effect of the free buffer scan.

          Guessing (hypothesising) again – I don’t think multiple working data sets and database writers would make any difference to the 25% magic number, because every working data set has its own repl_aux which hovers around 25% of the set, and the tablescan will (statistically) spread its data evenly across all the working data sets. (That’s why the object queue table x$kcboqh ends up with multiple entries per obj# – it’s one row per object per working data set of the relevant buffer pool).

          Comment by Jonathan Lewis — March 10, 2013 @ 12:08 pm GMT Mar 10,2013

  5. Excellent stuff! Is the “forget-bit” still used in Oracle Can it be retrieved from x$bh along with tim for time and tch for touch count, or elsewhere?
    The reason for my interest:
    I’m working with a DSS style workload – lots of reports\queries run in batch with a concurrency of 40 to 100 (and many of the parallelized) on a set of tables that is updated once nightly via ETL. Reports/queries with similar SQL text, varying only by parameters, are queued sequentially. This can lead to lots of near-concurrent repetitive full table scans and index fast full scans into PGA via direct path read. That increases the total read volume for the workload, making the Oracle instance a sometimes-unkind neighbor on shared storage. It can also lead to queue full (QFULL) conditions for the physical volumes/LUNs on the Oracle host, punishing query performance in response to the overloaded storage queues.
    My first thought was to increase _small_table_threshold and possibly _large_object_threshold, decreasing the fts/ffs direct path reads and increasing SGA traffic. Cache hit for similar concurrent/near-concurrent similar queries could go up, total IO for a given set of similar queries could go down, and the risk of QFULL conditions could go down together with the total IO (this is on systems with no filesystem buffer cache, else the repetitive requests could be satisfied from fs buffer cache).

    But, if DPR fts/ffs are just replaced by fts/ffs into SGA database cache, it looks like I should watch the following pretty closely to see if I’m really getting the benefit I want:
    1. Midpoint vs near-endpoint buffer cache LRU insertion. Midpoint insertion would allow a larger time window for near-concurrent queries to find the data still in cache. Insertion of fts/ffs blocks near the buffer cache LRU might not lower the total workload IO or the risk of QFULL much.
    2. change of touch count (x$bh.tch). If the ffs/fts blocks don’t have their touch count increased by subsequent touches after the three second timer goes by, they’ll age out and again might not provide as much cache benefit as originally expected.
    3. forget-bit.
    4. Updates to last touch time (x$bh.tim)

    In addition to watching total accumulated IO, short and long table scan counts, ffs counts… that’s a lot to watch in comparative tests. Makes me think in my case it may be better to work with optimizer_index_cost_adj, optimizer_index_caching, and/or table_cached_blocks to replace fts and ffs with more targeted index use with index blocks and index-selected table blocks just going to the normal database buffer cache LRU insertion point, with their touch count handled just like everything else.

    I’d like to design a good system test against a full-scale test workload, comparing baseline, modifications to _small_table_threshold, and modifications to optimizer_index_cost_adj. The comparisons would be batch execution time (of course), workload total IO (data volume), workload total IOPs, long table scans, short table scans, index ffs, DPR traffic, midpoint database buffer cache insertions, near-endpoint database buffer cache insertions, and total count database cache buffers with forget-bit set (if this is still used in

    Comment by Lonny (@sql_handle) — June 3, 2013 @ 4:36 pm BST Jun 3,2013 | Reply

  6. […] – and I haven't been keeping up.] [Update again: Some notes I wrote a couple of years laters about small tables and the variation in treatment depending on […]

    Pingback by Small Partitions | Oracle Scratchpad — June 9, 2013 @ 12:10 pm BST Jun 9,2013 | Reply

  7. […] Now I’m not entirely sure about this but I believe that the Small Table Threshold is reported in database blocks. The Buffer Cache size from the query above is definitely in bytes. The database we’re running on has a uniform block size of 8k. Therefore, the Buffer Cache is around 614 blocks. This would make 2% of it 614 blocks, which is slightly more than the 589 as being reported as the Small Table Threshold. If you want to explore further down this particular rabbit hole, have a look at this article by Jonathan Lewis. […]

    Pingback by Oracle – Pinning table data in the Buffer Cache | The Anti-Kyte — June 23, 2016 @ 9:13 pm BST Jun 23,2016 | Reply

  8. […] Table Threshold. If you want to explore further down this particular rabbit hole, have a look at this article by Jonathan Lewis. This all sounds pretty good in theory, but how do we know for definite that our table is in the […]

    Pingback by Oracle – Pinning table data in the Buffer Cache – ORACLE BOSS — January 5, 2017 @ 9:40 am GMT Jan 5,2017 | Reply

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