Oracle Scratchpad

November 19, 2018

Table order

Filed under: ANSI Standard,Execution plans,Oracle,Tuning — Jonathan Lewis @ 1:30 pm GMT Nov 19,2018

Over the last few days I’ve highlighted on Twitter a couple of older posts showing how a change in the order that tables appear in the from clause could affect the execution plan of a query. In one case the note was purely theoretical describing a feature of the way the optimizer works with simple query blocks, in the other case the note was about an anomaly with table elimination that could appear with both “ANSI” and “traditional” Oracle syntax.

Here’s another note that might be more generally useful – an example of an odd side effect of ordering and “ANSI” syntax, with a suggestion for a pattern for writing ANSI SQL. It’s based on a test I wrote to play around with a problem that showed up on the Oracle database forum more than six years ago and shows a strange inconsistency. The setup is a little long-winded as the example involves 4 tables, so I’ll leave the script to create, load and index the tables to the end of the note. Here’s the query that introduced the problem; it’s a fairly straightforward 4 table join with two (left) outer joins:

        episode.episode_id , episode.cross_ref_id , episode.date_required ,
left join
on      episode.cross_ref_id = request.cross_ref_id
ON      episode.episode_id = product.episode_id
left join
ON      product.prod_sub_type_id = product_sub_type.prod_sub_type_id
        episode.department_id = 2
and     product.status = 'I'
order by

And here’s the execution plan:

| Id  | Operation            | Name    | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |         | 33333 |  1725K|       | 17135   (4)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY       |         | 33333 |  1725K|  2112K| 17135   (4)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN OUTER    |         | 33333 |  1725K|  1632K| 16742   (4)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    HASH JOIN         |         | 33333 |  1236K|       |   436   (8)| 00:00:01 |
|*  4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| PRODUCT | 33333 |   325K|       |    54  (12)| 00:00:01 |
|*  5 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| EPISODE |   300K|  8203K|       |   375   (6)| 00:00:01 |
|   6 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL | REQUEST |  4000K|    57M|       | 13542   (3)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   4 - filter("PRODUCT"."STATUS"='I')
   5 - filter("EPISODE"."DEPARTMENT_ID"=2)

The first thing you’ll notice, of course, is that the plan reports a three table join. Thanks to various referential integrity constraints, the absence of the table in the final select list, and the nature of the join to that table, the optimizer has determined that the product_sub_type table could be eliminated from the join without changing the result set.

What you can’t tell from the plan is that there’s an index on the request table that holds all the columns needed to satisfy the query, and an index fast full scan on the index would be significantly more efficient than the tablescan that appears at operation 6.

Having noticed from the plan that product_sub_type is redundant, the obvious thing to do before investigating further is to rewrite the statement to remove the table . Here’s the resulting query, with execution plan:

| Id  | Operation              | Name        | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT       |             | 33333 |  1725K|       |  5525   (6)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY         |             | 33333 |  1725K|  2112K|  5525   (6)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN OUTER      |             | 33333 |  1725K|  1632K|  5132   (7)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    HASH JOIN           |             | 33333 |  1236K|       |   436   (8)| 00:00:01 |
|*  4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL  | PRODUCT     | 33333 |   325K|       |    54  (12)| 00:00:01 |
|*  5 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL  | EPISODE     |   300K|  8203K|       |   375   (6)| 00:00:01 |
|   6 |    INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IX4_REQUEST |  4000K|    57M|       |  1932   (7)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   4 - filter("PRODUCT"."STATUS"='I')
   5 - filter("EPISODE"."DEPARTMENT_ID"=2)

So – when the optimizer removes the product_sub_type from the query the plan reports a tablescan of request, when we remove product_sub_type the plan reports an index fast full scan of an appropriate index – which appears to be roughly one seventh (1,932/13,542) of the size of the table. It’s a little surprising that the optimizer didn’t get it right by itself – but “ANSI” style SQL often displays quirky little side effects because of the way the optimizer transforms it into traditional Oracle style.

We could stop at that point, of course, but then you’d wonder about the significance of the title of the post. So let’s play around with the join order of the original query, without removing the product_sub_type table.

As a general strategy (though not an absolute rule) I tend to arrange code so that outer joins don’t appear before “inner” joins. In this example that means I would have written the original statement as follows:

        episode.episode_id, episode.cross_ref_id, episode.date_required,
ON      product.episode_id = episode.episode_id
left join
ON      product_sub_type.prod_sub_type_id = product.prod_sub_type_id
left join
on      request.cross_ref_id = episode.cross_ref_id
        episode.department_id = 2
and     product.status        = 'I'
order by

All I’ve done is move the join between episode and product up the SQL, following it with the outer join to product_sub_type, finally closing with the outer join between episode and request. Here’s the execution plan – which you might expect to look exactly like the original plan:

| Id  | Operation              | Name        | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT       |             | 33333 |  1725K|       |  5525   (6)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY         |             | 33333 |  1725K|  2112K|  5525   (6)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN OUTER      |             | 33333 |  1725K|  1632K|  5132   (7)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    HASH JOIN           |             | 33333 |  1236K|       |   436   (8)| 00:00:01 |
|*  4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL  | PRODUCT     | 33333 |   325K|       |    54  (12)| 00:00:01 |
|*  5 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL  | EPISODE     |   300K|  8203K|       |   375   (6)| 00:00:01 |
|   6 |    INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IX4_REQUEST |  4000K|    57M|       |  1932   (7)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   4 - filter("PRODUCT"."STATUS"='I')
   5 - filter("EPISODE"."DEPARTMENT_ID"=2)

The product_sub_type table has been eliminated and we’re doing an index fast full scan of the ix4_request index instead of a tablescan of the much larger request table.


Changing the order of the tables in an ANSI join – especially when there are outer joins involved – could make a significant difference to the way the query is transformed and optimised. While it is nice to write the table ordering so that “chains” of joins are easily visible, bear in mind that re-ordering the join to postpone outer joins may be enough to help the optimizer produce a better execution plan.


If you want to play around with the example, here’s the code to create and load the tables. The code doesn’t follow my usual style as most of it is cut-n-pasted from the Oracle forum thread:

rem     script:         Ansi_outer_5.sql
rem     Dated:          July 2012
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Last tested
rem          iffs still not used by default
rem           iffs still not used by default
rem           iffs still not used by default

create table episode (
        episode_id number (*,0),
        department_id number (*,0),
        date_required date,
        cross_ref_id varchar2 (11),
        padding varchar2 (80),
        constraint pk_episode primary key (episode_id)

create table product_sub_type (
        prod_sub_type_id number (*,0),
        sub_type_name varchar2 (20),
        units varchar2 (20),
        padding varchar2 (80),
        constraint pk_product_sub_type primary key (prod_sub_type_id)

create table product (
        product_id number (*,0),
        prod_type_id number (*,0),
        prod_sub_type_id number (*,0),
        episode_id number (*,0),
        status varchar2 (1),
        number_required number (*,0),
        padding varchar2 (80),
        constraint pk_product primary key (product_id),
        constraint nn_product_episode check (episode_id is not null) 

alter table product add constraint fk_product 
        foreign key (episode_id) references episode (episode_id)

alter table product add constraint fk_prod_sub_type
        foreign key (prod_sub_type_id) references product_sub_type (prod_sub_type_id)

create table request (
        request_id number (*,0),
        department_id number (*,0),
        site_id number (*,0),
        cross_ref_id varchar2 (11),
        padding varchar2 (80),
        padding2 varchar2 (80),
        constraint pk_request primary key (request_id),
        constraint nn_request_department check (department_id is not null),
        constraint nn_request_site_id check (site_id is not null)

prompt  ===================
prompt  Loading episode ...
prompt  ===================

insert /*+ append */ into episode
with generator as 
(select rownum r
          from (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) a,
               (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) b,
               (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) c
         where rownum <= 1e6
select r, 2,
    sysdate + mod (r, 14),
    to_char (r, '0000000000'),
    'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' || to_char (r, '000000')
  from generator g
where g.r <= 3e5


prompt  ============================
prompt  Loading product_sub_type ...
prompt  ============================

insert /*+ append */ into product_sub_type
with generator as 
(select rownum r
          from (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) a,
               (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) b,
               (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) c
         where rownum <= 1e6
select r, 
       to_char (r, '000000'),
       to_char (mod (r, 3), '000000'),
       'ABCDE' || to_char (r, '000000')
  from generator g
where g.r <= 15


prompt  ===================
prompt  Loading product ...
prompt  ===================

insert /*+ append */ into product
with generator as 
(select rownum r
          from (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) a,
               (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) b,
               (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) c
         where rownum <= 1e6
select r, mod (r, 12) + 1, mod (r, 15) + 1, mod (r, 300000) + 1,
       decode (mod (r, 3), 0, 'I', 1, 'C', 2, 'X', 'U'),
       dbms_random.value (1, 100), NULL
  from generator g
where g.r <= 1e5


prompt  ===================
prompt  Loading request ...
prompt  ===================

insert /*+ append */ into request
with generator as 
(select rownum r
          from (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) a,
               (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) b,
               (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 1000) c
         where rownum <= 1e7
        r, mod (r, 4) + 1, 1, to_char (r, '0000000000'),
        'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890123456789' || to_char (r, '000000'),
        'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789012345678' || to_char (r, '000000')
  from generator g
where g.r <= 4e6


create index ix1_episode_cross_ref on episode (cross_ref_id);

create index ix1_product_episode on product (episode_id);
create index ix2_product_type on product (prod_type_id);

create index ix1_request_site on request (site_id);
create index ix2_request_dept on request (department_id);
create index ix3_request_cross_ref on request (cross_ref_id);
create index ix4_request on request (cross_ref_id, site_id);

exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats ('test_user')

Note that there is a call to gather_schema_stats() at the end, rather than a set of 4 calls to gather_table_stats(); you may want to change this. The entire data set, including indexes, will need about 1.5GB of free space.

Update (July 2021)

A recent question on the Oracle Developer forum prompted me to revisit this example, and nothing has changed in Re-ordering the tables will still produce the same change from full tablescan to index fast full scan thanks to the way Oracle starts by transforming “ANSI” syntax to “traditional” syntax.

1 Comment »

  1. Jonathan,

    While every ANSI style join syntax is transformed to an “Oracle style” syntax by the CBO, I was curious how the Oracle style syntax that produces the TABLE ACCESS FULL on table REQUEST would look like.

    So I did a 10053 trace on the LEFT -> INNER -> LEFT ANSI query and grabbed the transformated query after the last occurence of “ANJ: rearchitected query” from the created trace file.
    Then I tried to simplify the query as much as possible, so that it still gives me an FTS on REQUEST.

    This is what it looks like:

    select sq3.episode_id,
     from  (select sq2.episode_id,
             from  (select sq1.episode_id,
                     from  (select e.episode_id,
                              from episode e,
                                   product p
                             where e.episode_id = p.episode_id
                          ) sq1,
                          request r
                    where sq1.cross_ref_id = r.cross_ref_id(+)
                   ) sq2,
                   product_sub_type st
             where sq2.prod_sub_type_id = st.prod_sub_type_id(+)
          ) sq3 
      where sq3.department_id = 2 
        and sq3.status = 'I' 
      order by sq3.date_required

    Interesting detail: If I comment out the “,st.prod_sub_type_id ” line, I get the INDEX FAST FULL SCAN plan.

    Comment by Andi (@AndiSchloegl) — November 26, 2018 @ 12:01 pm GMT Nov 26,2018 | Reply

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