Oracle Scratchpad

July 22, 2022

Trim CPU

Filed under: Execution plans,Hash Join,Joins,Oracle,Performance,Problem Solving — Jonathan Lewis @ 6:56 am BST Jul 22,2022

Prompted by an unexpectedly high CPU usage on a hash join of two large dadta sets Stefan Koehler posted a poll on twitter recently asking for opinions on the following code fragment:

    TAB1.COL1 = TAB2.COL1

While I struggle to imagine a realistic business requirement for the second predicate and think it’s indicative of a bad data model, I think it is nevertheless quite instructive to use the example to show how a hash join can use a lot of CPU if the join includes a predicate that isn’t on equality.


Before examining the potential for wasting CPU, I’ll just point out two problems with using the trim() function in this way – because (while I hope that col3 is character string in both tables) I’ve seen code that uses “to_date(to_char(date_column))” instead of trunc(date_column):

Cut-n-paste from SQL*Plus:

SQL> select 1 from dual where trim(100) > trim(20);

no rows selected


SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';

SQL> select d1, d2 from t2 where trim(d1) > trim(d2);

20-jul-2022 15:24:46 19-aug-2022 15:26:44

1 row selected.

SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';

SQL> select d1, d2 from t2 where trim(d1) > trim(d2);

no rows selected

The trim() function converts numerics and dates to strings using the default format for the session before the comparison takes place, so not only can you get unexpected (i.e. wrong) results, two users can get contradictory results from the same data at the same time because they’ve specified different session defaults!

The CPU issue

The critical point that everyone should remember is this: hash joins can only operate on equality (though, to avoid ambiguity, one should point out that “equality” does also mean “not equals”, which is why hash anti-joins can be efficient).

This means that even though the clause “where tab1.col1 = tab2.col1 and tab1.col3 > tab2.col3” might specify the matching rows for an individual tab1 row with high precision and great efficiency for a nested loop join with the right index, a hash join has a completely different workload. Every tab1 row has to have its col3 compared with every tab2 row that matches on col1. The secondary tests multiply up to “n-squared”, and if any col1 value is is highly repetitive then the work done on checking col3 becomes excessive.

It’s easier to see this in a worked example, so here’s some sample data:

rem     Script:         trim_cost.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          July 2022
rem     Last tested 

create table tab1 as select * from all_Objects where owner != 'PUBLIC' and object_type != 'SYNONYM' and rownum <= 200;

create table tab2 as select * from all_Objects where owner != 'PUBLIC' and object_type != 'SYNONYM';

On a new pdb in 19.11 and 21.3 the second statement gave me roughly 46,000 rows. checking owners and row counts I got the following results:

SQL> select owner, count(*) from tab1 group by owner;

OWNER                      COUNT(*)
------------------------ ----------
SYS                             128
SYSTEM                           65
OUTLN                             7

SQL> select owner, count(*) from tab2 group by owner;

OWNER                      COUNT(*)
------------------------ ----------
SYS                           40104
SYSTEM                          417
OUTLN                             7

... plus about 17 rows aggregating 6,000 rows

And here’s the query (indicating 4 variations) that I’m going to use to demonstrate the CPU issue, followed by its execution plan and rowsource_execution_statistics:

set serveroutput off
alter session set statistics_level = all;

inner join 
        tab1.owner = tab2.owner
-- and  trim(tab1.object_name)  > trim(tab2.object_name)
-- and  rtrim(tab1.object_name) > rtrim(tab2.object_name)
-- and  ltrim(tab1.object_name) > ltrim(tab2.object_name)
and     tab1.object_name > tab2.object_name

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'projection allstats last'));

SQL_ID  74m49y5av3mpg, child number 0
select  count(*) from  tab1 inner join  tab2 on  tab1.owner =
tab2.owner -- and trim(tab1.object_name)  > trim(tab2.object_name) -- and rtrim(tab1.object_name) > rtrim(tab2.object_name) 
-- and ltrim(tab1.object_name) > ltrim(tab2.object_name) and tab1.object_name > tab2.object_name

Plan hash value: 2043035240

| Id  | Operation           | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT    |      |      1 |        |      1 |00:00:00.39 |     942 |       |       |          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE     |      |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.39 |     942 |       |       |          |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN         |      |      1 |    101K|    329K|00:00:00.39 |     942 |  1335K|  1335K|  814K (0)|
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB1 |      1 |    200 |    200 |00:00:00.01 |       5 |       |       |          |
|   4 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB2 |      1 |  46014 |  46014 |00:00:00.01 |     937 |       |       |          |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("TAB1"."OWNER"="TAB2"."OWNER")

Column Projection Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - (#keys=0) COUNT(*)[22]
   2 - (#keys=1; rowset=407)
   3 - (rowset=256) "TAB1"."OWNER"[VARCHAR2,128], "TAB1"."OBJECT_NAME"[VARCHAR2,128]
   4 - (rowset=256) "TAB2"."OWNER"[VARCHAR2,128], "TAB2"."OBJECT_NAME"[VARCHAR2,128]

Comparing the basic colums the CPU time recorded at the Hash Join operation was 0.39 seconds, of which only a tiny amount was in the feeding tablescans. There are two things to note from the plan.

First is confirmation of my comments about the join having to be an equality and the inequality being applied later. You can see this in the Predicate Information in the way the user’s predicate list has been split at operation 2 into an access() predicate and a filter() predicate. The access predicate finds the right hash bucket and row(s) within bucket – the filter predicate is applied as a secondary test.

The second point to note is that the Column Projection Information shows us that the basic column values are passed up to the Hash Join, which tells us that the hash join operation has to do the trimming. The big question at that point is – how many times does the same value from the same incoming row get trimmed.

Remember that there are 128 rows in tab1 where where owner = ‘SYS’, so when a ‘SYS’ row arrives from tab2 the hash join has to find the right bucket then walk through the rows in that bucket (which will probably be nothing but those SYS rows). So how many times does Oracle evaluate trim(SYS). Arguably it needs to for each tab1 row in the bucket (though the hash table might have been built to include the trimmed value) but clearly it ought not to re-evaluate it 128 times for the column in the single tab2 row – and we’ll come back to that point later.

Let’s go back to the 3 variants on the first test. We were interested in the comparing trim() with trim(), but since trim() is equilavent to ltrim(rtrim()) I wondered if ltrim (left trim) and rtrim (right trim) took different amount of time, and whether the trim() time would be close to the sum of ltrim() time and rtrim() time.

Without showing the plans etc. here are the time reported in my test at the hash join operation (the 21.3 times were very similar):

  • no trim – 0.39 seconds
  • ltrim() – 1.02 seconds
  • rtrim() – 2.66 seconds
  • trim() – 2.70 seconds.

Clearly that’s a lot of extra CPU on top of the base CPU cost. This is not entirely surprising since string operations tend to be expensive, neverthless the differences are large enough to be more than random fluctuations and operational error.

Remember that this is just two tables of 200 and 46,000 rows respectively. It turned out that the rowsources that Stefan was using were in the order of 800K and 2M rows – with CPU time increasing from 1,100 seconds to 2,970 seconds because of the trim().

So how many times was the trim() function called in total?

Faking it.

If we assume that the trim() built-in SQL function behaves in the same way as a deterministic PL/SQL function we can at least count the number of calls that take place by writing a deterministic function to put into the SQL. Something like:

create or replace package p1 as
        n1 number;
        function f1(v1 in varchar2) return varchar2 deterministic;

create or replace package body p1 as 

        function f1 (v1 in varchar2)
        return varchar2 
                p1.n1 := p1.n1 + 1;
                return trim(v1);


set serveroutput off
alter session set statistics_level = all;

exec p1.n1 := 0

inner join tab2 on
    tab1.owner = tab2.owner
and     p1.f1(tab1.object_name) > p1.f1(tab2.object_name)
-- and  p1.f1(tab1.object_name) > trim(tab2.object_name)
-- and  trim(tab1.object_name)  > p1.f1(tab2.object_name)

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'projection allstats last'));

set serveroutput on
execute dbms_output.put_line(p1.n1);

I’ve created a package with a public variable n1 so that I can set it and read it from “outside”, then I’ve created (and lied about) a function that increments that variable and returns its input, claiming that it’s deterministic. Once I’ve got the package in place I’ve:

  • set the variable to zero
  • run a query that does one of
    • use my function twice
    • use my function once – on the build table
    • use my function once – on the probe table
  • report the execution plan with stats
  • print the value of the variable

The timings are not really important, but here’s the execution plan when I used the function on both sides of the inequality:

| Id  | Operation           | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT    |      |      1 |        |      1 |00:00:21.15 |    1513 |       |       |          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE     |      |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:21.15 |    1513 |       |       |          |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN         |      |      1 |  23007 |    329K|00:00:21.13 |    1513 |  1335K|  1335K|  860K (0)|
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB1 |      1 |    200 |    200 |00:00:00.01 |       5 |       |       |          |
|   4 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB2 |      1 |  46014 |  46014 |00:00:00.02 |     937 |       |       |          |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - access("TAB1"."OWNER"="TAB2"."OWNER")

Column Projection Information (identified by operation id):

   1 - (#keys=0) COUNT(*)[22]
   2 - (#keys=1)
   3 - (rowset=256) "TAB1"."OWNER"[VARCHAR2,128], "TAB1"."OBJECT_NAME"[VARCHAR2,128]
   4 - "TAB2"."OWNER"[VARCHAR2,128], "TAB2"."OBJECT_NAME"[VARCHAR2,128]

Apart from the change of function name the plan is the same – although it now takes over 21 CPU seconds to complete, of which most of the time is probably building and tearing down the PL/SQL stack. The important figure, though is the number of function calls I saw recorded in p1.n1: it was a little over 10 million calls to generate the 329 thousand rows (A-Rows for the hash join).

When I ran the code with only one call to my deterministic function it was called 5 million times regardless of whether it was used for the build or probe table. Oracle did nothing to minimise the number of times the function was called.

Predictive Mode

Near the start of this note I showed you a little query to aggregate the rows of the two tables by owner; with a little enhancement I can reuse that code to show you exactly how many times the deterministic function was called:

        v1.owner, ct1, ct2, ct1 * ct2, sum(ct1 * ct2) over() tot_ct
        (select owner, count(object_name) ct1 from tab1 group by owner) v1,
        (select owner, count(object_name) ct2 from tab2 group by owner) v2
        v2.owner = v1.owner

OWNER                  CT1        CT2    CT1*CT2     TOT_CT
--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SYS                    128      40104    5133312    5160466
SYSTEM                  65        417      27105    5160466
OUTLN                    7          7         49    5160466

3 rows selected.

The number of comparisons done by the filter() predicate 5,160,466: double it to get the number of function calls. For every single one of the 40,104 SYS rows in tab2 the function was called for every single one of the SYS rows in tab1, for both sides of the inequality.

It’s a shame that Oracle doesn’t calculate and project the “virtual columns” that will be used in the join predicates, because in my case that would have reduced the number of calls from 10 million to 40,232 – a factor of roughly 250. That would probably be worth a lot of CPU to Stefan.

Damage Limitation

For my silly little query that went from 0.39 seconds to 2.70 seconds you might decide there’s no point in trying to improve things – in fact many of the sites I’ve visited probably wouldn’t even notice the CPU wastage (on one call); but when the query runs for 2,970 seconds and a little fiddling around shows that it could run in 1,100 seconds you might be inclined to see if there’s something you could do improve things.

Andrew Sayer suggested the possibility of rewriting the query with a pair of CTEs (“with” subqueries) that were forced to materialize the trim() in the CTE. The cost of physically creating the two large GTTs might well be much less than the CPU spent on the trim()ed join.

Alternatively – and dependent on the ownership and quality of the application – you could write a check constraint on each table to ensure that the column value was always equal to the trim() of the column value.

A similar option would be to add an (invisible) column to each table and use a trigger to populate the column with the trimmed value and then use the trimmed column in the query.


I don’t think that anything I’ve done or described in this note could be called rocket science (or telescope science as, perhaps, it should be in honour of Webb); but it has shown how much insight you can gain into what Oracle is doing and how you may be able to pin-point excess work using a few simple mechanisms that have been around for more than 15 years.


  1. […] Hash Joins and functions (July 2022): how a trim() function in a hash join predicate used 1,800 seconds of CPU. […]

    Pingback by Performance catalogue | Oracle Scratchpad — July 22, 2022 @ 7:42 am BST Jul 22,2022 | Reply

  2. […] Hash Joins and functions (July 2022): tracking down why a trim() function in a hash join predicate used 1,800 seconds of CPU. […]

    Pingback by Troubleshooting catalogue | Oracle Scratchpad — July 22, 2022 @ 7:43 am BST Jul 22,2022 | Reply

  3. Hi Jonathan,

    if we create the function-based indexes on both tables:
    tab1(owner,trim(object_name)); tab2(owner,trim(object_name)) then Oracle still can perform HASH JOIN (to get data through IFS,IFFS)
    and improve HJ`s performance significantly (ofcourse, in “filter part” the function is not needed to be applied in this case as it is “precomputed”).


    Comment by Chinar Aliyev — July 23, 2022 @ 8:29 am BST Jul 23,2022 | Reply

    • Chinar,

      Thanks for the comment.
      It’s a point worth remembering that FBIs stored the computed value even though the computed value is not stored in the table.

      It might mean that sufficiently large overheads like Stefan’s could be addressed by creating an indexes on things like: (col1, id, trim(col1)) compress 1 and joining tables to themselves instead of adding invisible columns with triggers. Possibly worth investigating.

      Jonathan Lewis

      Comment by Jonathan Lewis — July 23, 2022 @ 6:58 pm BST Jul 23,2022 | Reply

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