Oracle Scratchpad

April 8, 2024


Filed under: Infrastructure,Oracle,Performance — Jonathan Lewis @ 10:02 am BST Apr 8,2024
Tags: , ,

Here’s a detail about dbms_output that is probably overlooked because (in most cases) it’s ignorable, except that it can lead to unexpected response times when you try using it to debug “busy” operations.

A question on the Oracle SQL and PL/SQL forum asked: “Why is a PL/SQL ‘for loop’ so slow on Oracle Autonomous DB?” and provided the following code to demonstrate the issue.

        for i in 1..36000 loop
                dbms_output.put_line ('i value: '|| i);
        end loop;

The OP reported the elapsed time for this block as 1 minute 40 seconds (compared to Java taking only 2 seconds), and showed a screen shot to prove the point.

A couple of people added calls to systimestamp to the block to show that the loop actually took less than a second and explained that the time reported was mostly the time spent in displaying the results, not in creating them. Correct, of course, but that still raises the question of why it takes so long to display such a small amount of data.

If you call dbms_output.put_line() in your code you only get to see the results if something subsequently calls dbms_output.get_lines() to extract the results from the buffer created by dbms_output. (In the case of SQL*Plus this call is built in and enabled by default, so that there’s a hidden call to BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES(:LINES, :NUMLINES); END; after every call you make to the database unless you’ve set serveroutput off.)

You’ll note the plural in get_lines(), and the parameter :numlines – how many lines do you think the call will get by default? In SQL*Plus it’s whatever is set by the last call to set arraysize, which defaults to 15.

I set up a little test, connected to a local instance of 19.11, to demonstrate the impact – executing the supplied code from SQL*Plus using an arraysize of 1 (which is actually honoured by dbms_output), 15 (default), and 1000, with the following times:

  • set arraysize 1: Time: 8.90 seconds (ca. 36,000 roundtrips)
  • set arraysize 15: Time: 1.43 seconds (ca. 2,400 roundtrips)
  • set arraysize 1000: Time: 0.41 seconds (ca. 36 roundtrips)


Historically there was a limit of 1MB on the dbms_output buffer but that limit was removed in a fairly recent version of Oracle so it is possible to generate huge amounts of data in a single PL/SQL block. This means that whatever else you do to optimise for network traffic time you may still see time spent in “PGA memory operation” as your shadow process tries to allocate memory chunks for the buffer.

November 1, 2023

Descending max()

Filed under: Bugs,Function based indexes,Hints,Indexing,Oracle,Performance — Jonathan Lewis @ 2:54 pm GMT Nov 1,2023

I’ve written a few notes about problems with “descending” indexes in the past (the word is in quotes because it’s not the index that’s defined as descending, it’s a proper subset of the columns of the index). A silly example came up recently on twitter where the cost of an execution plan changed so dramatically that it had to be hinted when the query changed from “order by list of column names” to “order by list of numeric positions”.

Just to make things a little messier, the index was not just “descending” but the column that had been declared as descending was actually a to_char() of a date column. I won’t reproduce the example here as the tweet links to a pastebin drop of a self-contained example. What I have, instead, is an even simpler example of a “descending” index producing a most unsuitable plan – even when you try to hint around it.

Here’s the demonstration that I’ve run on 19.11 and 23.3:

rem     Script:         ind_desc_max_bug.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          Nov 2023
rem     Last tested 

create table t1 
select  * 
from    all_objects
where   rownum <= 10000
alter table t1 modify object_name not null;

-- create index t1_i1a on t1(object_name);
create index t1_i1d on t1(object_name desc);

execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'t1',cascade=>true)

alter session set statistics_level=all;
set serveroutput off

select  max(object_name)
from    t1

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'cost allstats last hint_report projection'));

set serveroutput on
alter session set statistics_level = typical;

A couple of details to mention:

  • The code includes lines to create two indexes, one ascending and one descending. When I run the code I create only one of them.
  • I gather stats after creating the index – this is for the benefit of the descending index only, which needs stats collected on the underlying hidden column definition that Oracle creates to support it.
  • There’s a call to define object_name as not null – this is for the benefit of 23c. In 19c the view has several columns which carry forward their underlying not null declarations. In 23c none of the view columns has a not null declaration.

If I create the ascending index 19c and 23c both produce the following plan:

Plan hash value: 1421318352

| Id  | Operation                  | Name   | Starts | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)| A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT           |        |      1 |        |     2 (100)|      1 |00:00:00.01 |       2 |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE            |        |      1 |      1 |            |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       2 |
|   2 |   INDEX FULL SCAN (MIN/MAX)| T1_I1A |      1 |      1 |     2   (0)|      1 |00:00:00.01 |       2 |

Column Projection Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - (#keys=0) MAX("OBJECT_NAME")[128]
   2 - "OBJECT_NAME"[VARCHAR2,128]

If I create the descending index the plan changes (19c and 23c behave the same way, the following plan is from 23c):

| Id  | Operation             | Name   | Starts | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)| A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT      |        |      1 |        |     8 (100)|      1 |00:00:00.01 |      49 |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE       |        |      1 |      1 |            |      1 |00:00:00.01 |      49 |
|   2 |   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| T1_I1D |      1 |  10000 |     8   (0)|  10000 |00:00:00.01 |      49 |

Column Projection Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - (#keys=0) MAX(SYS_OP_UNDESCEND("T1"."SYS_NC00029$"))[128]
   2 - "T1"."SYS_NC00029$"[RAW,193]

There was a slight difference between versions – there are a couple of extra columns in the 23c view so the hidden column referenced in the Projection Information was sys_nc00027$ in 19c compared to sys_nc00029$ in 23c). I don’t know why the length is reported as 193 – I would have expected it to be 129 (since it’s going to hold the one’s-complement of the object_name and a trailing 0xFF byte).

The critical point, of course, is that the query is no longer using the special min/max path, it’s doing an index fast full scan, scanning through 49 buffers instead of accessing just the 2 buffers the min/max needed.

I added a no_index_ffs(t1) hint to see what would happen if I tried to block the bad path: Oracle did a tablescan; so I also added an index(t1) hint to see if that would help and got the following plan:

| Id  | Operation        | Name   | Starts | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)| A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |        |      1 |        |    46 (100)|      1 |00:00:00.01 |      46 |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE  |        |      1 |      1 |            |      1 |00:00:00.01 |      46 |
|   2 |   INDEX FULL SCAN| T1_I1D |      1 |  10000 |    46   (0)|  10000 |00:00:00.01 |      46 |

Column Projection Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - (#keys=0) MAX(SYS_OP_UNDESCEND("T1"."SYS_NC00029$"))[128]
   2 - "T1"."SYS_NC00029$"[RAW,193]

Hint Report (identified by operation id / Query Block Name / Object Alias):
Total hints for statement: 1
   2 -  SEL$1 / "T1"@"SEL$1"
           -  index(t1)

As you can see from the Hint Report, the optimizer accepted and used my hint. But it hasn’t used the min/max optimisation, it’s done an index full scan, walking through 46 buffers in index order, which could well be more resource-intensive than the fast full scan.

I tried various tricks to get back the min/max optimisation, and I did finally manage to achieve it – but it’s not a realistic solution so don’t copy it. Here’s the SQL and plan:

        /*+ index(t1) */
from    t1

| Id  | Operation                   | Name   | Starts | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)| A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |        |      1 |        |    46 (100)|      1 |00:00:00.01 |       2 |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE             |        |      1 |      1 |            |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       2 |
|   2 |   FIRST ROW                 |        |      1 |  10000 |    46   (0)|      1 |00:00:00.01 |       2 |
|   3 |    INDEX FULL SCAN (MIN/MAX)| T1_I1D |      1 |  10000 |    46   (0)|      1 |00:00:00.01 |       2 |

Column Projection Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - (#keys=0) MIN("T1"."SYS_NC00029$")[193]
   2 - "T1"."SYS_NC00029$"[RAW,193]
   3 - "T1"."SYS_NC00029$"[RAW,193]

Hint Report (identified by operation id / Query Block Name / Object Alias):
Total hints for statement: 1
   3 -  SEL$1 / "T1"@"SEL$1"
           -  index(t1)

There is a “extra” first row operator in the plan but you can see that we’re back to a min/max optimisation accessing only 2 buffers to get the result we want. (And it was the same result).

  1. For 23c the indexed column is the hidden column SYS_NC00029$, and I know that the optimizer will recognise the equivalence between the column and the expression sys_op_descend(object_name) so it’s been fooled into using the min/max optimisation on the index.
  2. If I want the maximum object name I want the minimum sys_op_descend(object_name). Possibly the first row operation appears because the optimizer doesn’t know that the function call will always return a non-null result.
  3. Once I’ve found the minimum I need to reverse the effect of the sys_op_descend() – which is where the sys_op_undescend() comes in, but that returns a raw value, so I’ve had to call a utl_raw function to convert the raw to a varchar2(). Watch out, though, because it’s going to be a maximum length varchar2().

If I can make it happen without even changing the shape of the query the optimizer ought to be able to make it happen – but there’s probably a little bit of generic index-usage code that’s currently getting in the way.


We’ve seen the pattern fairly often: indexes with a mix of ascending and descending columns can be very helpful in specific cases, but we shouldn’t be surprised when a mechanism that appears for “ascending only” indexes doesn’t work perfectly for an index with some descending columns.

August 19, 2023

force_match patch

Filed under: Oracle,Performance,Troubleshooting — Jonathan Lewis @ 2:56 pm BST Aug 19,2023

A recent post on one of the forums (needs a MOS account) asked if it was possible to change a batch of SQL Plan Profiles from “exact match” to “force match” without going through the hassle of dropping and recreating them. This took me back a couple of years to an occasion when I was asked if it was possible to make an SQL Patch “force match” – the answer was “yes” and the method is pretty simple (once you’ve done the research). There are two methods – the dangerous one and the “safe” one, but both are hacks and there’s no reason for Oracle Corp. to support you if either goes wrong.


When you create an SQL Patch Oracle calls the same PL.SQL code that it uses to create SQL Plan Profiles, so the method applies to both features.

  • Patches and profiles are referenced through an SQL_Handle, but the handle is derived from a signature, and the signature comes from v$sql which holds two columns exact_matching_signature and force_matching_signature,
  • All the components of the profile or patch are keyed through the signature – and if a profile is set to force_match Oracle uses the force_matching_signature as the signature, otherwise is uses the exact_matching signature. Patches, of course, only ever use the exact_matching_signature.
  • The SQL_handle consists of a text prefix attached to the “rawtohex()” representation of the signture, viz:
sql_handle = 'SQL_' || to_char(signature,'fm0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
  • Finally, for SQL Plan Profiles there is a flag on the profile “header” record that tells Oracle whether it is exact matching or force matching.

So, to convert an SQL Plan Profile or an SQL Patch from exact matching to force matching all you have to do is find the two signatures for the statement, then update the data dictionary to change the SQL_Handle and flag on the header, and change the signature on all the connected tables!

If you’re not keen on updating the data dictionary directly there’s a “safer” option.

  • create the appropriate staging table (see dbms_sqldiag (patches) or dbms_spm (profiles))
  • pack (export to) the staging table
  • update the staging table with relevant signature, handle and flag values.
  • unpack (import from) the staging table (the “replace” option doesn’t seem to work correctly for SQL Patches so you’ll have to delete the existing SQL Patches)

Demonstration (sql_patch)

rem     Script:         patch_hack_force_2a.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          Oct  2021 / Nov 2022

create table t1 as
        rownum            n1,
        rownum            n2,
        lpad(rownum,10)   small_vc,
        rpad('x',100,'x') padding
from dual
connect by
        level <= 1e4    -- > comment to avoid WordPress format issue

create index t1_i1 on t1(n1, n2);

alter system flush shared_pool;
set serveroutput off

select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 15 and n2 = 15;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'-hint_report'));


SQL_ID  ayxnhrqzd38g3, child number 0
select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 15 and n2 = 15

Plan hash value: 2432955788

| Id  | Operation         | Name  | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |       |       |       |     1 (100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE   |       |     1 |     8 |            |          |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN| T1_I1 |     1 |     8 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("N1"=15 AND "N2"=15)

I’ve started by creating an indexed table and executing a query that clearly ought to use the index. I’ve flushed the shared_pool [see warning] before running the query and reported the actual plan with the “-hint_report” format so that I don’t get a complaint about my “find” and “this” hints.

column exact_signature new_value m_exact_signature
column force_signature new_value m_force_signature

column exact_handle new_value m_exact_handle
column force_handle new_value m_force_handle

column sql_id new_value m_sql_id

        sql_id, child_number,
        to_char(exact_matching_signature,'999999999999999999999') exact_signature,
        'SQL_' || to_char(exact_matching_signature,'fm0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') exact_handle,
        to_char(force_matching_signature,'999999999999999999999') force_signature,
        'SQL_' || to_char(force_matching_signature,'fm0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') force_handle
from    v$sql
where   sql_text like 'selec%find this%'
and     sql_text not like '%v$sql%'

------------- ------------ ---------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
ayxnhrqzd38g3            0   14028721741576327483 SQL_c2b00818bb74d13b     2882966267652493885 SQL_28025a8bbadc523d

After checking the plan (I have plenty of “prompt” comments and “pause” lines in the full text) the next step is to pick out the sql_id and two signatures from v$sql – reporting the signatures both in their original numeric form and after “conversion” to SQL Handle form. The next step is to create a patch; and the best patch I can make to demonstrate the point is a patch that forces the optimizer into a full tablescan. You’ll notice that I’ve started by dropping it with a “when others then null” exception – that’s just a lazy bit of code to deal with the pre-existence of the patch if I’ve crashed the program on a previous execution.

set serveroutput on

                when others then null;

                'Patch result is: ' ||
                        sql_id  => '&m_sql_id',
                        name    => 'patch_hack_force',
                        hint_text => 'full(t1@sel$1)',
                        validate => true


Patch result is: patch_hack_force

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

So now we need to see what Oracle has stored as the patch, and whether it works.

column signature format 999999999999999999999

select  force_matching, signature, sql_text 
from    dba_sql_patches
where   name = 'patch_hack_force'

--- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NO    14028721741576327483 select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 15 and n2 = 15

1 row selected.

So we have an SQL Patch in the data dictionary; it’s not “force matching”, and its signature does match the value we reported above as the “exact signature”. Now we can test the effects of the patch – starting with a flush of the shared_pool [see warning] so that we don’t pick up the previous execution plan by accident.

alter system flush shared_pool;
set serveroutput off

select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 15 and n2 = 15;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format => '-hint_report'));

select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 16 and n2 = 16;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format => '-hint_report'));

We re-execute the original query so see if the plan changes and the SQL Patch is reported, then execute a “similar enough” query to see if the patch has any effect on it:


1 row selected.

SQL_ID  ayxnhrqzd38g3, child number 0
select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 15 and n2 = 15

Plan hash value: 3724264953

| Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |       |       |    25 (100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE    |      |     1 |     8 |            |          |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1   |     1 |     8 |    25   (4)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - filter(("N1"=15 AND "N2"=15))

   - SQL patch "patch_hack_force" used for this statement

23 rows selected.


1 row selected.

SQL_ID  gqjb8pp35cnyp, child number 0
select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 16 and n2 = 16

Plan hash value: 2432955788

| Id  | Operation         | Name  | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |       |       |       |     1 (100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE   |       |     1 |     8 |            |          |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN| T1_I1 |     1 |     8 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - access("N1"=16 AND "N2"=16)

As you can see the plan for the original query is now using a full tablescan and the SQL Patch is reported as used; but only for an exact matching query. The extremely similar query where the 15’s have been changed to 16’s still uses an index range scan and (trust me) didn’t have any note mentioning the SQL Patch.

Time for hacking

execute dbms_sqldiag.create_stgtab_sqlpatch(table_name         => 'my_sql_patches')
execute dbms_sqldiag.pack_stgtab_sqlpatch  (staging_table_name => 'my_sql_patches', patch_name =>'patch_hack_force')

select signature, sql_handle, sqlflags from my_sql_patches;

             SIGNATURE SQL_HANDLE                       SQLFLAGS
---------------------- ------------------------------ ----------
  14028721741576327483 SQL_c2b00818bb74d13b                    0

update my_sql_patches set
        signature = &m_force_signature,
        sql_handle = '&m_force_handle',
        sqlflags = 1
        signature = &m_exact_signature
and     sql_handle = '&m_exact_handle'

1 row updated.

You’ll notice that I’ve been cautious with my update to the staging table – I’ve updated it only if the signature and sql_handle both match the values I extracted with my query against v$sql above

So now we need to import that contents of the staging table and overwrite the original SQL Patch. Unfortunately for patches it seems as if you have to drop the original – using the “replace” option without first dropping resulted in error ORA-13841:

ORA-13841: SQL profile named patch_hack_force already exists for a different signature/category pair

You might note particularly that this refers to an SQL profile, not an SQL patch. Just one of several indications that the SQL Profile and SQL Patch code have a significant overlap.

        when others then null;

execute dbms_sqldiag.unpack_stgtab_sqlpatch  (staging_table_name => 'my_sql_patches', patch_name =>'patch_hack_force', replace=>true)

select  force_matching, signature, sql_text 
from    dba_sql_patches
where   name = 'patch_hack_force'

--- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YES    2882966267652493885 select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 15 and n2 = 15

After the unpack you see that the patch is now force matching, and its signature matches the force_matching_signature from the orginial query against v$sql above. The only thing left to do is check if the “similar enough” query now uses the same SQL patch (flushing the shared_pool [see warning] first to avoid confusion):

alter system flush shared_pool;
set serveroutput off

select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 16 and n2 = 16;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format => '-hint_report'));


1 row selected.

SQL_ID  gqjb8pp35cnyp, child number 0
select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 16 and n2 = 16

Plan hash value: 3724264953

| Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |       |       |    25 (100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE    |      |     1 |     8 |            |          |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1   |     1 |     8 |    25   (4)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - filter(("N1"=16 AND "N2"=16))

   - SQL patch "patch_hack_force" used for this statement


It’s worth reminding everyone that force-matching doesn’t take place for statements that have a mixture of bind variables and literals (even if the bind variables are only in the select list) until 19.12.

You need various privileges to run through the example I’ve shown. To make sure everything worked as expected I dropped and created a specific user to run the tests each time. Here’s the script I used to do this:

drop user patch_hacker cascade;

create user patch_hacker identified by patch_hacker;

grant create session to patch_hacker;
grant create table to patch_hacker;

alter user patch_hacker default tablespace test_8k_assm;
alter user patch_hacker quota unlimited on test_8k_assm;

grant execute on dbms_sqldiag to patch_hacker;
grant administer sql management object to patch_hacker;

grant select on dba_sql_patches to patch_hacker;

grant execute on dbms_xplan to patch_hacker;
grant select on v_$sql to patch_hacker;
grant select on v_$session to patch_hacker;
grant select on v_$sql_plan to patch_hacker;
grant select on v_$sql_plan_statistics_all to patch_hacker;

grant alter session to patch_hacker;
grant alter system to patch_hacker;

The privileges to select on the various v$ (v_$) views are necessary to take full advantage of dbms_xplan.display_cursor() The alter system/session were for testing only (enabling trace, flushing the shared pool). And, of course, you’ll need to pick your own tablespace for setting a quota and making default.

The only thing that worries me about using this strategy is the privilege on “administer sql management object” – is this something that requires the diagnostic and performance packs?

For convenience, the following drop-down includes the complete SQL script, with pauses, comments, prompts, etc. (and a call to setenv.sql which simply sets up a load of column and format definitions, purges the recyclebin, and does general tidying).

Click here to expand / contract the complete SQL script
rem     Script:         patch_hack_force_2a.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          Oct 2021 / Nov 2022
rem     Purpose:        
rem     Last tested 
rem     Not tested
rem     Notes:
rem     How to hack an SQL Patch to be "force matching"
rem     See also:

drop table t1;
drop table my_sql_patches;

        when others then null;
--        when others then raise;


create table t1
        rownum            n1,
        rownum            n2,
        lpad(rownum,10)   small_vc,
        rpad('x',100,'x') padding
from dual
connect by
        level <= 1e4    -- > comment to avoid WordPress format issue

create index t1_i1 on t1(n1, n2);

spool patch_hack_force_2a.lst

alter system flush shared_pool;
set serveroutput off

select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 15 and n2 = 15;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'-hint_report'));

-- pause Press return for sql_id etc.

column exact_signature new_value m_exact_signature
column force_signature new_value m_force_signature

column exact_handle new_value m_exact_handle
column force_handle new_value m_force_handle

column sql_id new_value m_sql_id

        sql_id, child_number,
        to_char(exact_matching_signature,'999999999999999999999') exact_signature,
        'SQL_' || to_char(exact_matching_signature,'fm0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') exact_handle,
        to_char(force_matching_signature,'999999999999999999999') force_signature,
        'SQL_' || to_char(force_matching_signature,'fm0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') force_handle
from    v$sql
where   sql_text like 'selec%find this%'
and     sql_text not like '%v$sql%'

-- pause press return

set serveroutput on

                when others then null;

                'Patch result is: ' ||
                        sql_id  => '&m_sql_id',
                        name    => 'patch_hack_force',
                        hint_text => 'full(t1@sel$1)',
                        validate => true


column signature format 999999999999999999999

select  force_matching, signature, sql_text 
from    dba_sql_patches
where   name = 'patch_hack_force'

pause Did we create a patch ?

alter system flush shared_pool;
set serveroutput off

select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 15 and n2 = 15;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format => '-hint_report'));

select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 16 and n2 = 16;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format => '-hint_report'));

prompt  ==============================
prompt  Patch NOT used for 16/16 query
prompt  ==============================

pause press return

prompt  About to create patch table
execute dbms_sqldiag.create_stgtab_sqlpatch(table_name         => 'my_sql_patches')

prompt  About to pack patch table
execute dbms_sqldiag.pack_stgtab_sqlpatch  (staging_table_name => 'my_sql_patches', patch_name =>'patch_hack_force')

prompt  ===============================================
prompt  check and update the patch in the staging table
prompt  ===============================================

select signature, sql_handle, sqlflags from my_sql_patches;

-- set verify on

update my_sql_patches set
        signature = &m_force_signature,
        sql_handle = '&m_force_handle',
        sqlflags = 1
        signature = &m_exact_signature
and     sql_handle = '&m_exact_handle'


prompt  =================================================
prompt  Dropping and replacing patch that has been hacked
prompt  =================================================

        when others then null;

execute dbms_sqldiag.unpack_stgtab_sqlpatch  (staging_table_name => 'my_sql_patches', patch_name =>'patch_hack_force', replace=>true)

select  force_matching, signature, sql_text 
from    dba_sql_patches
where   name = 'patch_hack_force'

pause   Is the patch now force matching?

select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 15 and n2 = 15;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format => '-hint_report'));

select /*+ find this */ count(*) from t1 where n1 = 16 and n2 = 16;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format => '-hint_report'));

prompt  ==============================
prompt  Patch now used for 16/16 query
prompt  ==============================

drop table my_sql_patches purge;

        when others then null;

spool off

set echo off
set autotrace off
set serveroutput on

alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';
alter session set statistics_level = typical;
alter session set tracefile_identifier = '';

                module_name     => null,
                action_name     => null

                client_info     => null

set doc off



A reader sent me a private email about this post, highlighting the dangers of flushing the shared_pool on a production system, and the potential for massive performance problems over an extended period as all the production SQL was re-optimised – with all the threats of dynamic sampling, statistics feedback, inflection point derivation etc. The “flush shared_pool” calls in this note are for testing and demonstration purposes only to avoid any possibility of being fooled by results which were (e.g.) the side effect of cached cursors.

Do not test on production, do not flush the shared_pool on production (or even on a shared dev/test/uat where other people could get very upset) unless you have a very good reason to do so. An alternative in this case would be to gather stats on the table (which no-one else should be using) with “no_invalidate=>false”. Again, though, on a shared system this could have side effects since all the cursors relating to that table will be invalidated. [Ed: see comment #3 below – reader izp offers an alternative for invalidating all SQL relating to this table by issuing a “zero-impact” DDL on it – add a comment to it.]

I had considered purging all the cursors (dbms_shared_pool.purge()) that might be affected by the patch (both before and after) by using a pl/sql loop based on the force_matching_signature ; but my correspondent pointed out that this wouldn’t purge cursors that were executing, and didn’t invalidate them either. However, this prompted me to test what happened at two particular points in the code, with the following results:

  • At the “drop_sql_patch()” the exact_matching_signature cursor was invalidated
  • At the call to unpack the staging table any force_matching_signature cursors were invalidated.

This removes the need for any flushing of the shared_pool in your production systems – but it’s worth thinking about the edge cases (and I’ve see a few) where a very large number of similar cursors are generated dynamically and all need to be invalidated. The contents of v$sql are not “indexed” by either signature so the call to unpack will require at least one “full scan” of the library cache, and invalidating a large number of cursors may produce some shared pool contention.

June 26, 2023

Case Study

Filed under: Execution plans,Oracle,Performance,Troubleshooting — Jonathan Lewis @ 11:32 am BST Jun 26,2023

Here’s an example of reading an execution plan that appeared on one of the Oracle forums recently. It’s a simple example, made harder by the initial (costmetic) presentation of the problem. Essentially the owner has said:

  • Here’s a query that’s taking too long.
  • Here’s a bit of the query that seems to be the slow bit
  • Here’s the live execution plan with rowsource execution stats enabled.

The query hadn’t arrived in an easily readable format – possibly because the OP didn’t know how to get a fixed font code display in the forum – and to make things harder the select list included several scalar subqueries and the text used the “commas at the start of line” convention. (Moreover it wasn’t immediately obvious that the first few lines of SQL shown were the first few lines of the problematic scalar subquery and not the start of the entire query.)

The OP had, however, supplied a link to a fixed format text of the execution plan, including the Query Block / Alias information, the Outline information (which showed they were running 19c with optimizer features set to, the Predicate information, and the Column Projection information.

I’ve extracted the key details from this output showing just the operations that claim to be responsible for most of the time of the execution. As you might guess, this is the sub-plan for the in-line scalar subquery that the OP had identified as the problem part, and in a follow-up posting had commented that with this subquery in place the query took one hour but with the query removed it “completed faster”.

| Id  | Operation                                     | Name                          | Starts | E-Rows |E-Bytes| Cost (%CPU)| E-Time   | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers | Reads  |  OMem |  1Mem |  O/1/M   |
|  25 |  SORT UNIQUE                                  |                               |   8149 |      1 |    46 |   145   (2)| 00:00:01 |   1414 |00:19:44.48 |      91M|    176K|  2048 |  2048 |     2/0/0|
|  26 |   WINDOW SORT                                 |                               |   8149 |      1 |    46 |   145   (2)| 00:00:01 |  37811 |00:19:44.47 |      91M|    176K|   214K|   214K|     2/0/0|
|  27 |    NESTED LOOPS                               |                               |   8149 |        |       |            |          |  37811 |00:19:58.14 |      91M|    176K|       |       |          |
|  28 |     NESTED LOOPS                              |                               |   8149 |      1 |    46 |   143   (0)| 00:00:01 |     17M|00:14:44.21 |      73M|  90450 |       |       |          |
|  29 |      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID              | OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL            |   8149 |      1 |    31 |   139   (0)| 00:00:01 |     17M|00:10:17.69 |      19M|   8604 |       |       |          |
|* 30 |       INDEX RANGE SCAN                        | XXOM_OE_ORDER_LINES_N100      |   8149 |    142 |       |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |     17M|00:00:20.96 |     100K|   6570 |       |       |          |
|* 31 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                         | XXOM_3LP_SYM_ORA_ORDER_N11    |     17M|      1 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |     17M|00:03:45.52 |      54M|  81846 |       |       |          |
|* 32 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID               | XXOM_3LP_SYM_ORA_ORDER_LINES  |     17M|      1 |    15 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |  37811 |00:05:59.72 |      19M|  86126 |       |       |          |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
  30 - access("OL"."INVENTORY_ITEM_ID"=:B1 AND "OL"."SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID"=:B2)
  31 - access("ML"."LINE_ID"="OL"."LINE_ID" AND "ML"."ORG_ID"="OL"."ORG_ID")
  32 - filter("MODEL_STRING" IS NOT NULL)

Column Projection Information (identified by operation id):


       "ML".ROWID[ROWID,10], "ML"."LINE_ID"[NUMBER,22], "ML"."ORG_ID"[NUMBER,22]
  31 - "ML".ROWID[ROWID,10], "ML"."LINE_ID"[NUMBER,22], "ML"."ORG_ID"[NUMBER,22]

As I said in my reply, you have to be careful of two traps with execution plans with row source execution stats (gather_plan_statistics) enabled – first that enabling the feature can add a lot of overhead and be very misleading if the query includes a large number of very short operations, secondly that the workload and time information doesn’t always appear exactly where you feel it ought to be.

In this case we’ve got the OP saying the query completed in an hour while the report suggests that this part of the plan took 19 and three-quarter hours to complete! It seems likely that the discrepancy is a reporting error due to the side effect of the 17 million starts of operations 31 and 32, with a granularity error far in excess of the actual run-time.

If you want to check the rest of the execution plan, the driving body of the query (operations 123 to 175) has a few steps that report a few seconds with a total time of 26.90 seconds, and none of the other scalar subquery subplans report more that a few seconds. So it seems fairly clear that the necessary strategy for improving the performance of the whole thing is to find a way of improving the performance of this scalar subquery.

Note: addressing just the scalar subquery “in a vacuum” may be possible and may be sufficient. If this doesn’t work than the next – and more complex – strategy would be to take a wider view of the query and see if there were some way to get the optimizer to treat the scalar subquery differently – e.g. passing more access/filter predicates into the subquery, or finding a way of unnesting the subquery so that a brute force mechanism could be used once rather than the basic nested loop being used 8,149 times.

Analysis of subquery

I’ve shown the extracted plan for the critical subquery further up the page (which you can open from here in a new tab), here’s the in-line scalar subquery (with some cosmetic editing) that appeared in the original posting:

select distinct 
        first_value(model_string) over (
                partition by ol.inventory_item_id 
                order by ol.creation_date
        xxom.xxom_3lp_sym_ora_order_lines       ml,
        apps.oe_order_lines_all                 ol
        ol.inventory_item_id = pl.item_id                       -- po_lines_all
and     ol.ship_from_org_id  = pll.ship_to_organization_id      -- po_line_locations_all
and     ml.line_id           = ol.line_id
and     ml.org_id            = ol.org_id
and     model_string is not null
)       model_string,

I’ve highlighted the lines with the predicates that correlate the subquery back to the main query. You’ll note that there are two tables driving the subquery which means, in theory, that the join order and join method of those tables in the main query could (thanks to the way that scalar subquery caching is implemented) affect the number of times the subquery was called . For the purposes of this note I’m not going to worry about that detail, though.

The plan shows a simple nested loop, followed by a window sort (for the first_value() call), then a sort unique (for the distinct). We can see from the starts column that the subquery is called 8,149 times, and something that stands out quite sharply is that the index probe and table access for the second table in the nested loop (xxom_slp_sym_ora_order_lines) happens roughly 17 million times, i.e. for each row selected from oe_order_lines_all there’s an average of roughly 2,000 rows in identified and returned from xxom_slp_sym_ora_order_lines. Any tiny operation happening millions of times is likely to introduce some problematic side-effects, so it’s clearly worth having a look at this area of the plan (the fact that the values reported in the A-Time column are extreme just makes it stand out even more).

You have to be very cautious about the A-Time column when enabling rowsource execution statistics, it’s notorious for introducing double-counting and measurement error. For my own purposes I would ignore the silly figures at this point, but for the purposes of the case study I’ll make the suggestion that the 19 hours 58 minutes at operation 27 (nested loop) is the 14 hours and 44 minutes at operation 26 plus the 5 hours and 59 minutes at operation 32 (effectively double counting); then (leaving you to find the numbers and operations) 14:44 is 10:17 + 3:45 (double counting (again) with granularity errors); then 10:17 is double counting (yet again) 3:45 and 5:59; finally those last two figures have a measurement/granularity overhead that is larger than the actual time spent anyway. So ignore the exact details of the timing (once it’s given you a pointer), and look at the work done an output achieved.

Critically, we access xxom_3lp_sym_ora_order_lines 17 million times by rowid at operation 32 to return just 37,811 rows, and we also note that this 37,811 rows is the (8,149 versions of the) result set that is sorted for the first_value() function and sorted then again for the uniqueness operation. So a basic optimization strategy would be to see if we can reduce that 17 million to 37,811 earlier in the plan. Possibly there’s a different index that we could use that would allow us either to visit only the table rows we need (dropping the table access starts down to 37,811) or even to avoid visiting the table at all.

Option 1

Aiming for the simplest option – what do we do at the table: we have a filter predicate filter(“MODEL_STRING” IS NOT NULL), and the projection information says we’re only interested in “ML”.ROWID[ROWID,10], “MODEL_STRING”[VARCHAR2,240]. To sum up – if we can add model_string as a column of the index currently used then we could eliminate operation 32 entirely. The Outline Data (which I haven’t reproduced) tells us that the index in question has three columns (line_id, org_id, assembly_type), so we would have to decide whether to include the model_string as column 3 or column 4 – which we can’t do at this point because we have no information about how this index might otherwise be used.

Option 2

Adding a column to the index may eliminate some 17M function falls, 86K physical reads 19M buffer gets, but we still probe the index 17M times, taking 81K physical reads and 54M buffer gets; we also introduce the possibility of other queries performing less well because of the impact of the size and placement of the extra column – so we could consider a better approach: can we introduce a function-based index, or index on virtual columns, that would be much safer and also much smaller, and then modify the code to join through this index?

We access the table 17M times and find that the model_string is null in all but a few thousand cases. Does this give us a true picture of the whole table, or is it just a co-incidence in this case? If this is indicative of the whole table then an index defined as follows could be very effective:

        case when model_string is null then null else line_id end,
        case when model_string is null then null else org_id end,

(For all recent versions of Oracle I would prefer to create two invisible, virtual columns, then create the index on the virtual columns and model_string. I would also investigate the meaning of the line_id and org_id columns since there may be scope of basic index compression on one or both these columns, which might dictate a better order for the first two columns).

With this definition a row with a null model_string will not appear in the index then, with a corresponding modification to the SQL, the work of probing the index would be reduced to a minimum – though it would still have to happen 17M times!

Option 3

It’s possible that the performance will be good enough after eliminating the probe of the second table and the corresponding nested loop operation, and reducing the work needed for the index probe; but it may be necessary to do far more. The fact that the available information suggests the model_string is often null and results in almost all the 17M probes returning no data prompts what might be the next (in terms of complexity) strategy to investigate – would it be possible to visit the xxom_3lp_sym_ora_order_lines table first and the oe_order_lines_all table second and only (we hope) a few thousand times.

Option 4

It doesn’t look as if a simple rewrite would be possible, but it’s very hard to tell given the number of tables in the query and the number of scalar subqueries in the select list and my ignorance of what all the tables represent and what the code is supposed to do, so I’m not going to think about that.

Instead I’ll go back to a point that I made at the start of this note: system is 19c but the optimizer features have been set back to In (possibly Oracle introduced code to unnest scalar subqueries in the select list and it’s possible that an internal rewrite might manage to do something sensible with this subquery.

If it hadn’t been done already I’d try testing this query with the default optimizer features. If that was a disaster I’d repeat the exercise but start adding /*+ no_unnest */ hints to the scalar subqueries – maybe all but the critical one as a first test. I’d probably have to use some of the hints from the Outline Data of the 11g plan to disable some of the more esoteric 19c features.

If I didn’t get anywhere with the default 19c features I’d also do a few experiments with optimizer_features_enable set to (which, I think, is the earliest version that supported scalar subquery unnesting – though it might have been 12.1.x.x).


A detailed execution plan, with runtime statistics generated through the gather_plan_statistics hint gives a very clear indication of where most of the query time is (apparently) spent. When a very small operation executes a very large number of times the effect of granularity errors often exaggerate the times so a little caution is always needed – especially where nested loops are concerned.

In the interests of keeping any changes as simple as possible a nice strategy is to ask two questions

  • can I make this operation happen less frequently
  • can I make this operation less resource intensive each time it happens

In our case, adding a column to an existing index could make one of the critical operations (table access by rowid) disappear completely; then, in a refinement of that localised approach, creating a function-based index (or index on virtual columns) might also make the remaining operation (index range scan) much less expensive.

Beyond that it was not immediately obvious how a simple rewrite could make the whole query more efficient, but allowing the optimizer to use some of its newer features might allow it to produce an internal rewrite that could eliminate a “row by row” process of calling scalar subqueries with embedded nested loops into a “bulk” process that unnested the subquery and allowed Oracle to find the relevant data for all the rows in a single operation before combining with a hash join.


There is a little anomaly with the query that may have had some impact on the optimizer’s choice of execution path, but I didn’t want to get stuck into a detail that might be completely irrelevant when looking at a plan that flags up such a huge timing skew. The oddity appears in the Predicate information at operation 141 of the execution plan:


The sys_op_c2c() function calls tells us that there must be some “national language” activity going on somewhere in this query, and looking back at the full text of the query we can see this in the predicates:

AND COALESCE(ph.closed_code, 'OPEN') IN (N'OPEN',N'CLOSED')
AND PLL.SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID IN (N'12389',N'12390',N'12469',N'9083',N'12549')

If you’re wondering why I haven’t said anything about any sys_op_c2c() function calls appearing elsewhere in the predicate information, it’s because they don’t. Here (at operation 152) is the ship_to_organization_id predicate showing the character literals being coerced to numeric values:


Character-set conversions and storing numbers as characters are mechanisms that make it hard for the optimizer to produce a reasonable cardinality estimate – and bad estimates usually produce bad plans.

June 13, 2023

Case Study

Filed under: Oracle,Performance,Problem Solving,Troubleshooting,Tuning — Jonathan Lewis @ 12:50 pm BST Jun 13,2023

Here’s a problem that appeared on the Oracle-L list server a little while ago. It features an Exadata system with a “very large” GTT (global temporary table) and a pair of queries that are repeated frequently, using a different literal value on each repetition of the pair.

The queries, with sample execution plans, have been reported using the SQL Monitor feature and are available on github, but I’ll repeat them here, individually, for convenience. The first query is a very simple single-table with aggregation:

SELECT FG.FID,   FG.DCD, FG.MDT,1.00 , SUM (FG.N_CD), SUM (FG.d_nsd), and several more summed columns
   WHERE FG.FID = {literal constant}

Global Information
 Status              :  DONE (ALL ROWS)           
 Instance ID         :  3                         
 SQL ID              :  gmm2v6dtvu0yb             
 SQL Execution ID    :  50331648                  
 Execution Started   :  06/01/2023 14:52:21       
 First Refresh Time  :  06/01/2023 14:52:25       
 Last Refresh Time   :  06/01/2023 14:53:11       
 Duration            :  50s                       
 Fetch Calls         :  1                         

Global Stats
| Elapsed |   Cpu   |    IO    | Application | Cluster  |  Other   | Fetch | Buffer | Read  | Read  | Uncompressed |  Offload   |    Offload     |
| Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) |  Waits(s)   | Waits(s) | Waits(s) | Calls |  Gets  | Reqs  | Bytes |    Bytes     | Elig Bytes | Returned Bytes |
|      50 |      48 |     0.68 |        0.01 |     0.00 |     0.72 |     1 |     3M | 45632 |  22GB |         22GB |       22GB |           22GB |

SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=3209725901)
| Id |          Operation           |      Name      |  Rows   | Cost |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read  | Read  |  Mem  | Activity |      Activity Detail      |
|    |                              |                | (Estim) |      | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs  | Bytes | (Max) |   (%)    |        (# samples)        |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                |         |      |        47 |     +4 |     1 |       31 |       |       |     . |          |                           |
|  1 |   SORT GROUP BY              |                |     217 | 792K |        47 |     +4 |     1 |       31 |       |       | 14336 |          |                           |
|  2 |    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL | F_GTT          |   63836 | 792K |        50 |     +1 |     1 |    37491 | 45632 |  22GB |  14MB |    97.96 | Cpu (46)                  |
|    |                              |                |         |      |           |        |       |          |       |       |       |          | cell smart table scan (2) |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - storage("FG"."FID"={literal value})
       filter("FG"."FID"={literal value})

It’s not a difficult query, and it’s easy to see that almost all the time is spent in a tablescan that reads 22GB to identify 37,491 rows, with fractions of a second spent aggregating those rows. And of the time spent in the tablescan almost all of it is CPU time (rather than waits for I/O).

Details to note:

  • We’ve done 45.000 read requests for 22GB of data read, which suggests we’re doing reads of 500KB (rather than the 1MB that you might have expected).
  • We’ve done 3M buffer gets – which is a good match for 22GB of data read with an 8KB block size, so it looks like we’re doing a simple tablescan into buffer cache. (This is a little unexpected since we spend time on “cell smart tablescan” so it would be nice to see the session statistics for one execution so that we could see the underlying reason for these buffer gets).
  • We don’t seem to have saved any data traffic through storage indexes (but that might be because Oracle doesn’t create storage indexes for temporary tablespaces – that’s a detail I’d have to check).

It would be nice to know, of course, how many rows there were in the table, and how many distinct values of FID, and how variable the number of rows per FID was across the table. Based on the little we know, though, and assuming that this single execution represents a fairly typical value of FID, the basic question seems to be: would we benefit from defining an appropriate index on the table, though there are several other ways that you could choose to improve the performance if you had a completely free hand and could make whatever simple changes you liked in the surrounding code.

We can note, of course, that with a suitable index we might have done about 37,500 (single block) read requests compared to 45,000 multi-block read requests, and that looks like a small win on I/O but with a potentially big win on CPU. The obvious index is on (FID), defined with “compress 1” but if we created the index on (FID, MDT, DCD) we might get some extra benefit since Oracle could walk the index using a “SORT GROUP BY NOSORT” operation to aggregate and return the data in the right order.

Note: the SQL says: select fid, dcd, mdt … group by fid, dcd, mdt order by 1,3 – but Oracle has assumed that the order by clause can be ignored because of the group by (the optimizer’s allowed to do that, programmers aren’t). This means the optimizer has recognized that it could the query to group by fid, dcd, mdt order by 1,2 to produce the same result.

Since the initial 37,491 rows for the FID collapsed to 31 rows after aggregation might find that we could even create the larger index with “compress 3”.

Here’s another thought that goes with the idea of creating the perfect index for walking the data and avoiding sorting for every execution of the query: this table is re-populated before the queries are executed so could we populate the table with pre-ordered data so that all the rows for any individual FID are packed into the smallest number of blocks?

Of course, changes like adding an index and pre-sorting data might have significant side effects in other parts of the code. What we’re trying to do here is find big wins using simple strategies that avoid complicated code changes – we need to be sure that we haven’t introduced side-effects that mean we’ve moved the problem rather than solving it.

We should keep our thoughts about the first query in mind as we move on to the second query. This one is a very simple join and aggregation (via distinct) which features the same very large tablescan:

SELECT  DISTINCT ft.fT_NM, FGTT.DCD, ft.COl5, ft.FT_CID, RGTT.mcg_ind,   C.D_CD
    FROM rt_gtt         RGTT,
         F_GTT          FGTT,
         RD_FTIN ft,
         RDC           c
   WHERE     FGTT.eid = RGTT.nid
         AND FGTT.etyp = RGTT.nety
         AND FGTT.FID = ft.ftid
         AND FGTT.FID = {literal value}
         AND FGTT.DCD = c.DCD
         AND ft.FT_CID = RGTT.mcid

	   Global Information
 Status              :  DONE (ALL ROWS)           
 Instance ID         :  3                         
 SQL ID              :  c3y3n73an8b69             
 SQL Execution ID    :  50331648                  
 Execution Started   :  06/01/2023 14:54:39       
 First Refresh Time  :  06/01/2023 14:54:43       
 Last Refresh Time   :  06/01/2023 14:55:17       
 Duration            :  38s                       
 Fetch Calls         :  1                         

Global Stats
| Elapsed |   Cpu   |    IO    | Application | Cluster  |  Other   | Fetch | Buffer | Read  | Read  | Uncompressed |  Offload   |    Offload     |
| Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) |  Waits(s)   | Waits(s) | Waits(s) | Calls |  Gets  | Reqs  | Bytes |    Bytes     | Elig Bytes | Returned Bytes |
|      39 |      37 |     0.57 |        0.01 |     0.00 |     0.59 |     1 |     4M | 45640 |  22GB |         22GB |       22GB |           22GB |

SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=891026795)
| Id |             Operation              |             Name             |  Rows   | Cost |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read  | Read  |  Mem  | Activity | Activity Detail |
|    |                                    |                              | (Estim) |      | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs  | Bytes | (Max) |   (%)    |   (# samples)   |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT                   |                              |         |      |         1 |    +38 |     1 |        1 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
|  1 |   SORT UNIQUE                      |                              |   19196 |   6M |         1 |    +38 |     1 |        1 |       |       |  2048 |          |                 |
|  2 |    NESTED LOOPS                    |                              |         |      |         1 |    +38 |     1 |      380 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
|  3 |     NESTED LOOPS                   |                              |   19196 |   6M |         1 |    +38 |     1 |      380 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
|  4 |      NESTED LOOPS                  |                              |      94 |   6M |         1 |    +38 |     1 |        2 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
|  5 |       NESTED LOOPS                 |                              |      1M |   4M |         1 |    +38 |     1 |        2 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
|  6 |        VIEW                        | VW_DTP_E7E675E0              |      3M | 815K |         1 |    +38 |     1 |        2 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
|  7 |         HASH UNIQUE                |                              |      3M | 815K |        35 |     +4 |     1 |        2 |       |       |  11MB |          |                 |
|  8 |          TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL | F_GTT                        |      3M | 792K |        39 |     +0 |     1 |    27239 | 45638 |  22GB |  14MB |   100.00 | Cpu (38)        |
|  9 |        TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | rt_gtt                       |       1 |    2 |         1 |    +38 |     2 |        2 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
| 10 |         INDEX RANGE SCAN           | rt_gtt_IX5                   |       1 |    1 |         1 |    +38 |     2 |        2 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
| 11 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID  | RD_FTIN                      |       1 |    3 |         1 |    +38 |     2 |        2 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
| 12 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN            | RD_FTIN_IX1                  |       1 |    2 |         1 |    +38 |     2 |        2 |       |       |     . |          |                 |
| 13 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN              | RDC_IX1                      |     206 |    1 |         1 |    +38 |     2 |      380 |     2 | 16384 |     . |          |                 |
| 14 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID    | RDC                          |     204 |  169 |         1 |    +38 |   380 |      380 |       |       |     . |          |                 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   8 - storage("FGTT"."FID"={literal value})
       filter("FGTT"."FID"={literal value})
   9 - filter("ITEM_3"="RGTT"."nety")
  10 - access("ITEM_4"="RGTT"."nid")
  11 - filter("FT"."FT_CID"="RGTT"."mcid")
  12 - access("ITEM_2"="FT"."ftid")
  13 - access("ITEM_1"="C"."DCD")

Again we have a query that selects all the rows for a given FID from the global temporary table, but this time it joins them to three other tables before eliminating duplicates. Unsurprisingly a very large fraction of the time is spent on the tablescan with the same 45,000 read requests pushing 22GB across the interconnect to the buffer cache, with most of the time recorded as CPU time not I/O wait time.

There’s a very interesting feature of this plan, though. The SQL statement says “join then make distinct”, but the plan reports “make distinct then join” – applying a hash unique operation to the GTT data reducing 27,239 rows to 2 rows before joining the other three tables. (I’ve written about the “group by placement” transformation in the past, this is the equivalent transformation for select distinct.)

Note: it’s a little odd that two queries running just one and a half minutes apart from each other should have estimates which are out by a factor of two in one case and 100 in the other for a simple “column = constant” predicate. This might be something to do with “out of range” values, or a side effect of a hybrid histogram with an unlucky sample size.

The only thing that really matters in this query is the tablescan of the GTT, and obviously we could again consider creating an index on (FID) as a possible way to reduce the workload, giving us a single extra index that might benefit both queries. In this case, though, there are (only) three other column from the GTT appearing in the query, so we could create an index that included those column so that Oracle didn’t have to visit the table at all. For example (FID, eid, etyp, dcd) – with some level of compression that we’d have to decide on by reviewing the data.

Of course that does leave us wanting two new indexes on the same large table that have to be maintained as the data is loaded (remember that you can’t create indexes on GTT’s after the data has been inserted). So we ought to look for alternative strategies.

Again the reduction from tens of thousands of rows to “just a few” rows prompts an idea. I’m guessing that Oracle aggregates (distinct) the GTT table down with the equivalent of an inline view: “select distinct fid, eid, etyp, dcd from … “ (the 10053 (CBO) trace might show this as one of the “unparsed” queries). If that’s the case, why not have a summary GTT that emulates a “refresh complete materialized view” on the main GTT and populate it with the result of that select distinct immediately after populating the main GTT; then reference the summary GTT in the join query instead of the main GTT. With a reduction by a factor of around 10,000 in the number of rows and a further reduction due to the column restriction, the tablescan might drop from 22GB to just a couple of (cached) megabytes.

With the “materialized view” concept in mind, we could revisit the first query. The big problem with the current coding strategy is that we populate a large table once, then keep executing a pair of queries that are interested in one FID at a time. Maybe we could put a wrapper around the whole thing to populate two pre-calculated, small, summary tables, and change then tweak the two problem queries to reference their corresponding “materialized views”.


The system populates a very large GTT, then seems to be running a loop to execute two queries per “FID” value. Both queries spend most of their time doing a tablescan of the large GTT before aggregating a few thousand rows down to a handful of rows.

A basic strategy for improving performance would be to create two new indexes on this table (though one might be “good enough” for both queries in the short term); the indexing strategy could be made more effective if the code to load the GTT could be modified to pre-sort the data before loading it.

An alternative strategy that takes advantage of the massive drop in volume as the data is aggregated is pre-load two (much smaller) “summary” GTTs after loading the main GTT and before starting the loop through the FIDs. This would require the two queries to be edited to reference their respective summary tables. (The summary tables could, of course, be indexed to add a little extra benefit.)

November 28, 2022

Hakan Factor

Filed under: Infrastructure,Oracle,Performance — Jonathan Lewis @ 3:14 pm GMT Nov 28,2022

There’s a question on the MOS Community forum (needs a MOS account) at present that started with the performance of the datapump API over a database link but moved on to the topic of how to handle a scenario that I’ve described in the past involving a table where rows are initially short and eventually become much longer and a requirement comes up to rebuild the table.

In this case the OP has to use datapump (selecting truncate as the “action on existence”) to copy the table data from one place to another rather then doing the more common ‘alter table move’ variant of rebuilding the table.

The underlying problem in this case is that:

  • the table has 84 columns made up of (pk_col1, pk_col2, flag, change_date) plus 20 groups of 4 “value” columns.
  • rows are inserted with just the four main columns and the first group of four values.
  • over time each subsequent group of 4 values in a row is updated in a separate statement

We haven’t been given numbers but a row probably ends up taking about 10 times the space it started with – and if that’s the case you would normally need to set the table’s pctfree to something like 90 to avoid getting a lot of migrated rows in the table. But that’s not the whole of the story.

Things to go wrong

If you don’t set pctfree to 90 you get lots of migrated rows. If you then do an export (expdp) in direct_path mode expdp will do a large number of single block reads following the migrated rows, and (prior to Oracle won’t cache those blocks so you may re-read them several times in the course of reading one block in the direct path tablescan. (For cached reads the code path for a tablescan will simply ignore the “head pointer” to a migrated row because it “knows” that it will find the whole row in some other block eventually.)

Update: the OP was using the PL/SQL API to control the import, and there didn’t seem to be an option for avoiding the direct path select at the opposite end of the link. In fact this was an omission in the PL/SQL Packages reference but there is a command line option access_method=insert_as_select and this is available in the API through a call to:

|                BEGIN    
|                        SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP.SET_PARAMETER(
|                                handle => :JOBHNDL,
|                                name   => 'data_access_method',
|                                value  => 'INSERT_AS_SELECT'
|                        );
|                END;

My thanks to Daniel Overby Hansen for pointing this out and arranging for an update to the documentation for 23c.

If you do set pctfree to 90 then when you rebuild the table (or recreate it with pctfree set to 90) than you end up with a much larger table with lots of blocks that are only 10% used because most of the rows are now big and aren’t going to grow any more.

Best strategy – the Hakan factor.

Work out how many rows in their final state will fit into a block and recreate the table telling Oracle that that’s the maximum number of rows it’s allowed to put in a block. (You could also set pctfree to zero at the same time to minimise the chance of Oracle inserting fewer rows than your target.)

The devil, of course, is in the detail. Part of the devilry comes from a bug that was fixed some time as far back as Part comes from the fact that Oracle doesn’t give us a documented API to set the magic number – we have to find a way to teach Oracle about the number or hack the data dictionary. Part, inevitably, comes from the fact that when dealing with undocumented (or barely documented) mechanisms you ought to set up some test cases to check that the latest version of Oracle behaves the same way as your previous versions of Oracle when you’re playing dirty tricks.

Part 1 – Teaching Oracle.

You may know your data so well that you can immediately say how many “full-length” rows should should fit a block. If you can’t do this you could simply create a copy of the original table structure with a pctfree of zero then copy into it a few hundred rows from the original table using a predicate to limit the selected rows to ones that would not be updated any further. For example (using the table definition supplied by the OP) you might say:

create table test_tab_clone 
pctfree 0 
select  * 
from    test_tab 
where   rownum = 0

insert into test_tab_clone 
select  * 
from    t1 
where   rownum <= 400 
and     fourthvalue19 is not null


I’m assuming in this case column “fourthvalue19” will only be non-null only if the whole of the 19th set of values is populated and all the other sets of values are populated. From the OP’s perspective there may be a more sensible way of identifying fully populated rows. You do need to ensure that the table has at least one full block otherwise some odd things can happen when you try to set the Hakan factor.

Once you’ve got a small table of full size rows a simple analysis of rows per block is the next step:

        count(*)        blocks
                count(*)                                rows_starting_in_block
        group by
group by
order by

---------------------- ----------
                     3          1
                    18         22
                    19          1
sum                            24

Looking at these results I can see that there’s a slight variation in the number of rows that could be crammed into a block – and one block which holds the last few rows of my insert statement which I can ignore. In a more realistic case you might need to tweak the selection predicate to make sure that you’ve picked only full-size rows; or you might simply need to decide that you’ve got a choice of two or three possible values for the Hakan factor and see what the results are from using them.

With the same figures above I’d be strongly inclined to set a Hakan factor of 18. That does mean I might be “wasting” roughly 1/19th of every block (for the relatively cases where a 19th row would have fitted) but it’s better than setting the Hakan factor to 19 and finding I get roughly 1 row in every 19 migrating for 22 blocks out of 23 where I should have restricted the number of rows per block to 18; the choice is not always that straightforward.

So here’s how we now “train” Oracle, then test that it learned the lesson:

truncate table test_tab_clone;
insert into test_tab_clone select * from test_tab where rownum <= 18;
alter table test_tab_clone minimize records_per_block;

truncate table test_tab_clone;
insert into test_tab_clone select * from all_objects where rownum <= 10000;

start rowid_count test_tab_clone

---------------------- ----------
                    10          1
                    18        555
sum                           556

In the first three statements I’ve emptied the table, inserted 18 rows (I ought to check they all went into the same block, really) and set the Hakan factor.

Once the Hakan factor is set I’ve emptied the table again then populated it with the “full” data set. In fact for demo purposes I’ve copied exactly 10,000 rows so that we can see that every block (except, we can safely assume, the last one written to) has acquired exactly 18 rows.

Part 2 – applying the strategy

It’s often easy to sketch out something that looks like as if it’s exactly what you need, but there are always peripheral considerations that might cause problems and an important part of examining a problem is to consider the overheads and penalties. How, for example, is our OP going to apply the method in production.

There are two problems

  • It’s a large table, and we’re cloning it because we can’t hack directly into the data dictionary to modify the table directly. What are the side effects?
  • We want the imported export to acquire the same Hakan factor. Do we have to take any special action?

The import is the simpler problem to consider since it’s not open-ended. As far as impdp is concerned we could import “data_only” or “include_metadata”, and the “table_exists_action” could be either replace or truncate, so there are only 4 combinations to investigate.

The bad news is that none of the options behaves nicely – impdp (tested on seems to import the data then execute the “minimize records_per_block” command when really it should transfer the Hakan factor before importing the data. So it seems to be necessary to go through the same convoluted steps at least once to precreate a target table with the desired Hakan factor and thereafter use only the truncate option for the import if you want to make the target behave in every way like the source. (Even then you will need to watch out for extreme cases if the export holds fewer rows than the value you’ve set for the Hakan factor – with the special case that if the exported table is empty the attempt by the import to set the Hakan factor raises error “ORA-28603: statement not permitted on empty tables”.)

Let’s get back to the side effects of our cloning exercise on the source table. We’ve created a copy of the original data with a suitable Hakan factor so that blocks holding “completed” rows are full and blocks holding “in-transit” rows have enough space to grow to their “completed” size and there are no migrated rows – and we don’t expect to see migrated rows in the future. But it’s not the right table, and to ensure we had a complete copy we would have stopped all processing of the source table.

Could we have avoided the stoppage? Maybe we could use the dbms_redefinition package – the OP is running Standard Edition so can’t do online redefinition any other way – and use the Hakan hack mechanism on the “interim” table immediately after creating it.

If we find that the online redefinition mechanism generates too much undo and redo we’ll have to use the blocking method – but then we have to do some table renaming and worry about PL/SQL packages becoming invalid, and foreign key constraints, synonyms, views etc. being associated with the wrong table.

So even though we can sketch out with an outline strategy there are still plenty of details to worry about around the edges. To a large degree this is because Oracle has not yet made the Hakan factor a “proper” property of a table that you can explicitly set in a “move” or “create table” operation . There is a function embedded in the executable (kkdxFixTableHAKAN) that looks as if it should set the Hakan factor, and there is presumably some piece of code that sets the Hakan factor when you execute a call to “create table for exchange”, it would be nice if there were an API that was visible to DBAs.


If you have a table where rows grows significantly over their lifetime, you ought to ensure that you’ve set a suitable pctfree for the table. But if you anticipate copying, or moving the table at any time then there’s no way to pick a pctfree that is good for all stages of the data’s lifetime.

There is a feature that you can impose on the data to avoid the problems of extreme change in row-lengths and it’s fairly straightforward to impose on a single table but there is no API available to manipulate the feature directly and if you don’t anticipate the need during the initial design stage then applying the feature after the event can be an irritating and resource-intensive operation.


For those not familiar with it, the Hakan Factor was introduced by Oracle to allow a little extra efficiency in the compression and use of bitmap indexes. If Oracle has information about the largest number of rows that can appear in any block in a table it can minimise the number of bits needed per block (space saving) and avoid having to expand and compare unnecessarily long sequences of zero bits when comparing entries across bitmap indexes. Given their intended use it should come as no surprise that you can’t call “minimize records_per_block” for a table that has an existing bitmap index.

September 29, 2022

Case Study

Filed under: Execution plans,Oracle,Performance,Troubleshooting — Jonathan Lewis @ 6:27 pm BST Sep 29,2022

A recent question on the Oracle Developer Community forum asked for help with a statement that was taking a long time to run. The thread included the results from a trace file that had been passed through tkprof so we have the query and the actual execution plan with the Row Source Operation details.

Here’s the query – extracted from the tkprof output:

       (SELECT ptl.line_type
          FROM apps.po_line_types_tl ptl
         WHERE ptl.line_type_id = pll.line_type_id AND ptl.LANGUAGE = 'US')
       DECODE (ploc.po_release_id, NULL, NULL, ploc.quantity)
       (SELECT items.preprocessing_lead_time
          FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b items
         WHERE     items.inventory_item_id = pll.item_id
               AND items.organization_id = ploc.SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID)
       (SELECT items.full_lead_time
          FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b items
         WHERE     items.inventory_item_id = pll.item_id
               AND items.organization_id = ploc.SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID)
       (SELECT items.postprocessing_lead_time
          FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b items
         WHERE     items.inventory_item_id = pll.item_id
               AND items.organization_id = ploc.SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID)
       NVL (
           (SELECT pla.promised_date
              FROM apps.po_line_locations_archive_all pla
             WHERE     pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
                   AND pla.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
                   AND pla.line_location_id = ploc.line_location_id
                   AND pla.revision_num =
                       (SELECT MIN (revision_num)
                          FROM apps.po_line_locations_archive_all plla2
                         WHERE     plla2.promised_date IS NOT NULL
                               AND plla2.line_location_id =
       (SELECT items.long_description
          FROM apps.mtl_system_items_tl items
         WHERE     items.inventory_item_id = pll.item_id
               AND items.organization_id IN
                       (SELECT fin.inventory_organization_id
                          FROM apps.financials_system_params_all fin
                         WHERE fin.org_id = pha.org_id)
               AND items.LANGUAGE = 'US')
       NVL (ploc.approved_flag, 'N')
         NVL (ploc.quantity, 0)
       - NVL (ploc.quantity_cancelled, 0)
       - NVL (ploc.quantity_received, 0) * ploc.price_override
       (SELECT meaning
          FROM apps.fnd_lookup_values
         WHERE     lookup_type = 'SHIP_METHOD'
               AND lookup_code = ploc.attribute9
               AND language = 'US')
       (SELECT prla.note_to_receiver
          FROM apps.po_req_distributions_all  prda
               INNER JOIN apps.po_requisition_lines_all prla
                   ON prda.requisition_line_id = prla.requisition_line_id
         WHERE prda.distribution_id = pdi.req_distribution_id)
       DECODE (pha.USER_HOLD_FLAG, 'Y', 'Y', pll.USER_HOLD_FLAG)
               INNER JOIN APPS.MTL_ABC_CLASSES classes
                   ON ASSI.ABC_CLASS_ID = classes.ABC_CLASS_ID
         WHERE     ASG.organization_id = ploc.SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID
               AND ASG.ASSIGNMENT_GROUP_NAME = 'MIN ABC Assignment'
               AND ASSI.inventory_item_id = pll.item_id)
       (SELECT CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS AS charge_accountsfrom
          FROM apps.gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc
         WHERE gcc.code_combination_id = pdi.code_combination_id)
           AS charge_accounts
  FROM apps.po_headers_all         pha,
       apps.po_lines_all           pll,
       apps.po_line_locations_all  ploc,
       apps.po_distributions_all   pdi,
       apps.per_all_people_f       papf,
       apps.AP_SUPPLIERS           pv,
       apps.AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL  pvs,
       apps.AP_SUPPLIER_CONTACTS   pvc,
       apps.ap_terms               apt,
       apps.po_lookup_codes        plc1,
       apps.po_lookup_codes        plc2,
       apps.hr_locations           hlv_line_ship_to,
       apps.hr_locations           hlv_ship_to,
       apps.hr_locations           hlv_bill_to,
       apps.hr_organization_units  hou,
       apps.hr_locations_no_join   loc,
       apps.hr_locations_all_tl    hrl1,
       apps.hr_locations_all_tl    hrl2
 WHERE     1 = 1
       AND pll.po_header_id(+) = pha.po_header_id
       AND ploc.po_line_id(+) = pll.po_line_id
       AND pdi.line_location_id(+) = ploc.line_location_id
       AND ploc.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'PLANNED')
       AND papf.person_id(+) = pha.agent_id
       AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
                               AND papf.effective_end_date
       AND papf.employee_number IS NOT NULL
       AND pv.vendor_id(+) = pha.vendor_id
       AND pvs.vendor_site_id(+) = pha.vendor_site_id
       AND pvc.vendor_contact_id(+) = pha.vendor_contact_id
       AND apt.term_id(+) = pha.terms_id
       AND plc1.lookup_code(+) = pha.fob_lookup_code
       AND plc1.lookup_type(+) = 'FOB'
       AND plc2.lookup_code(+) = pha.freight_terms_lookup_code
       AND plc2.lookup_type(+) = 'FREIGHT TERMS'
       AND hlv_line_ship_to.location_id(+) = ploc.ship_to_location_id
       AND hlv_ship_to.location_id(+) = pha.ship_to_location_id
       AND hlv_bill_to.location_id(+) = pha.bill_to_location_id
       AND hou.organization_id = pha.org_id
       AND hou.location_id = loc.location_id(+)
       AND hrl1.location_id(+) = pha.ship_to_location_id
       AND hrl1.LANGUAGE(+) = 'US'
       AND hrl2.location_id(+) = pha.bill_to_location_id
       AND hrl2.LANGUAGE(+) = 'US'
       AND hou.organization_id IN (2763)
       AND NVL (pha.closed_code, 'OPEN') IN ('OPEN', 'CLOSED')
       AND NVL (pll.closed_code, 'OPEN') IN ('OPEN', 'CLOSED')
       AND NVL (ploc.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
       AND pha.authorization_status IN

As you can see there are 10 inline scalar subqueries (highlighted) in the query with a select distinct to finish off the processing of an 18 table join. That’s a lot of scalar subqueries so it’s worth asking whether the code should be rewritten to use joins (though in newer vesions of Oracle some of the subqueries might be transformed to outer joins anyway – but the OP is using We also know that a distinct is sometimes a hint that the code has a logic error that has been “fixed” by eliminating duplicates.

Ignoring those points, let’s consider the execution plan from the tkprof output which (with a tiny bit of extra formatting) is as follows:

call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        1      0.46       1.75          0          3          0           0
Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Fetch    50346    279.02    1059.39     179103   30146895          0      755164
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total    50348    279.49    1061.14     179103   30146898          0      755164

Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
Parsing user id: 678  
Number of plan statistics captured: 1

Rows (1st) Rows (avg) Rows (max)  Row Source Operation
---------- ---------- ----------  ---------------------------------------------------
         9          9          9  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_LINE_TYPES_TL (cr=20 pr=0 pw=0 time=680 us cost=2 size=32 card=1)
         9          9          9   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN PO_LINE_TYPES_TL_U1 (cr=11 pr=0 pw=0 time=323 us cost=1 size=0 card=1)(object id 63682480)

    576365     576365     576365  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B (cr=2267756 pr=28 pw=0 time=22598079 us cost=4 size=13 card=1)
    576365     576365     576365   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_U1 (cr=1720936 pr=0 pw=0 time=4644552 us cost=3 size=0 card=1)(object id 42812859)

    576365     576365     576365  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B (cr=2267747 pr=0 pw=0 time=2442479 us cost=4 size=13 card=1)
    576365     576365     576365   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_U1 (cr=1720936 pr=0 pw=0 time=1238342 us cost=3 size=0 card=1)(object id 42812859)

    576365     576365     576365  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B (cr=2267743 pr=0 pw=0 time=2029190 us cost=4 size=14 card=1)
    576365     576365     576365   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_U1 (cr=1720932 pr=0 pw=0 time=967729 us cost=3 size=0 card=1)(object id 42812859)

    672743     672743     672743  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE_ALL (cr=5507736 pr=163043 pw=0 time=535914552 us cost=3 size=27 card=1)
    672743     672743     672743   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE_U1 (cr=4560824 pr=163043 pw=0 time=533161038 us cost=2 size=0 card=1)(object id 42811947)
    755121     755121     755121    SORT AGGREGATE (cr=3540960 pr=163043 pw=0 time=530079821 us)
   1040963    1040963    1040963     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE_ALL (cr=3540960 pr=163043 pw=0 time=534243973 us cost=5 size=15 card=1)
   1776649    1776649    1776649      INDEX RANGE SCAN PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE_U1 (cr=1123074 pr=6392 pw=0 time=37128373 us cost=3 size=0 card=2)(object id 42811947)

    587486     587486     587486  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL (cr=3436629 pr=3564 pw=0 time=64125044 us cost=5 size=34 card=1)
    587486     587486     587486   INDEX RANGE SCAN MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL_U1 (cr=2852930 pr=869 pw=0 time=45628505 us cost=4 size=0 card=1)(object id 136492495)
         1          1          1    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID FINANCIALS_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ALL (cr=645351 pr=0 pw=0 time=5743158 us cost=2 size=10 card=1)
    322268     322268     322268     INDEX SKIP SCAN FINANCIALS_SYSTEM_PARAMS_U1 (cr=323083 pr=0 pw=0 time=5104895 us cost=1 size=0 card=1)(object id 42770563)

        10         10         10  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID FND_LOOKUP_VALUES (cr=51 pr=1 pw=0 time=3620 us cost=5 size=60 card=1)
        20         20         20   INDEX RANGE SCAN FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_X99 (cr=31 pr=1 pw=0 time=2133 us cost=4 size=0 card=1)(object id 42759866)

    634276     634276     634276  NESTED LOOPS  (cr=3540930 pr=5535 pw=0 time=181518759 us cost=5 size=28 card=1)
    634276     634276     634276   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL (cr=1631471 pr=5253 pw=0 time=65405333 us cost=3 size=12 card=1)
    634276     634276     634276    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_U1 (cr=994522 pr=5252 pw=0 time=31023194 us cost=2 size=0 card=1)(object id 42788583)
    634276     634276     634276   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL (cr=1909459 pr=282 pw=0 time=115275921 us cost=2 size=16 card=1)
    634276     634276     634276    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN PO_REQUISITION_LINES_U1 (cr=944449 pr=268 pw=0 time=12285440 us cost=1 size=0 card=1)(object id 42789681)

    511989     511989     511989  NESTED LOOPS  (cr=3533763 pr=6 pw=0 time=8999321 us cost=5 size=55 card=1)
    511989     511989     511989   NESTED LOOPS  (cr=2850293 pr=6 pw=0 time=7086027 us cost=4 size=45 card=1)
    576055     576055     576055    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID MTL_ABC_ASSIGNMENT_GROUPS (cr=612378 pr=0 pw=0 time=2002832 us cost=2 size=29 card=1)
    576055     576055     576055     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN MTL_ABC_ASSIGNMENT_GROUPS_U2 (cr=36323 pr=0 pw=0 time=951307 us cost=1 size=0 card=1)(object id 42783622)
    511989     511989     511989    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID MTL_ABC_ASSIGNMENTS (cr=2237915 pr=6 pw=0 time=4672006 us cost=3 size=16 card=1)
    511989     511989     511989     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN MTL_ABC_ASSIGNMENTS_U1 (cr=1551490 pr=4 pw=0 time=2533524 us cost=2 size=0 card=1)(object id 42757737)
    511989     511989     511989   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID MTL_ABC_CLASSES (cr=683470 pr=0 pw=0 time=1488045 us cost=1 size=10 card=1)
    511989     511989     511989    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN MTL_ABC_CLASSES_U1 (cr=171481 pr=0 pw=0 time=693745 us cost=0 size=0 card=1)(object id 42789694)

     13320      13320      13320  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS (cr=34801 pr=0 pw=0 time=802675 us cost=3 size=49 card=1)
     13320      13320      13320   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS_U1 (cr=21481 pr=0 pw=0 time=397344 us cost=2 size=0 card=1)(object id 42775044)

    755164     755164     755164  HASH UNIQUE (cr=30147018 pr=179103 pw=0 time=1058922684 us cost=749257 size=197349453 card=482517)
    768890     768890     768890   HASH JOIN  (cr=7289842 pr=6926 pw=0 time=244582512 us cost=696202 size=197349453 card=482517)
    140451     140451     140451    TABLE ACCESS FULL PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F (cr=38207 pr=0 pw=0 time=313692 us cost=18484 size=13278261 card=428331)
    768890     768890     768890    NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=7251635 pr=6926 pw=0 time=242897348 us cost=672652 size=30016980 card=79410)
    755121     755121     755121     NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=5538283 pr=6031 pw=0 time=154841427 us cost=443987 size=28382903 card=78623)
    755121     755121     755121      NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=5508916 pr=6031 pw=0 time=153523676 us cost=443982 size=18184959 card=51809)
    755121     755121     755121       NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=5386279 pr=6031 pw=0 time=151985656 us cost=443978 size=11642422 card=34142)
    755121     755121     755121        NESTED LOOPS  (cr=5090949 pr=6031 pw=0 time=139220421 us cost=375644 size=11574138 card=34142)
    792959     792959     792959         NESTED LOOPS  (cr=1747964 pr=134 pw=0 time=64597738 us cost=109035 size=19934760 card=73560)
    254919     254919     254919          HASH JOIN OUTER (cr=315780 pr=6 pw=0 time=14811187 us cost=29121 size=5413350 card=22650)
    254919     254919     254919           NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=286919 pr=0 pw=0 time=12395919 us cost=13792 size=5209500 card=22650)
    254919     254919     254919            HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER (cr=107134 pr=0 pw=0 time=12153146 us cost=13790 size=3868572 card=17426)
      3834       3834       3834             VIEW  HR_LOCATIONS (cr=3913 pr=0 pw=0 time=15826 us cost=125 size=360 card=60)
      3834       3834       3834              NESTED LOOPS  (cr=3913 pr=0 pw=0 time=15055 us cost=125 size=1080 card=60)
      3834       3834       3834               TABLE ACCESS FULL HR_LOCATIONS_ALL (cr=262 pr=0 pw=0 time=11211 us cost=125 size=304 card=38)
      3834       3834       3834               INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL_PK (cr=3651 pr=0 pw=0 time=6183 us cost=0 size=20 card=2)(object id 42783719)
    254919     254919     254919             HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER (cr=103221 pr=0 pw=0 time=11917174 us cost=13666 size=3764016 card=17426)
      3834       3834       3834              VIEW  HR_LOCATIONS (cr=3898 pr=0 pw=0 time=14651 us cost=125 size=360 card=60)
      3834       3834       3834               NESTED LOOPS  (cr=3898 pr=0 pw=0 time=14267 us cost=125 size=1080 card=60)
      3834       3834       3834                TABLE ACCESS FULL HR_LOCATIONS_ALL (cr=247 pr=0 pw=0 time=9532 us cost=125 size=304 card=38)
      3834       3834       3834                INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL_PK (cr=3651 pr=0 pw=0 time=9539 us cost=0 size=20 card=2)(object id 42783719)
    254919     254919     254919              HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER (cr=99323 pr=0 pw=0 time=11817243 us cost=13541 size=3659460 card=17426)
        45         45         45               INDEX RANGE SCAN FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_U1 (cr=21 pr=0 pw=0 time=614 us cost=4 size=49 card=1)(object id 63685210)
    254919     254919     254919               HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER (cr=99302 pr=0 pw=0 time=11729251 us cost=13537 size=2805586 card=17426)
        59         59         59                INDEX RANGE SCAN FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_U1 (cr=20 pr=0 pw=0 time=445 us cost=4 size=49 card=1)(object id 63685210)
    254919     254919     254919                NESTED LOOPS  (cr=99282 pr=0 pw=0 time=11653162 us cost=13533 size=1951712 card=17426)
         1          1          1                 NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=116 pr=0 pw=0 time=113273 us cost=3 size=40 card=1)
         1          1          1                  NESTED LOOPS  (cr=113 pr=0 pw=0 time=113227 us cost=2 size=32 card=1)
         1          1          1                   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNTS_TL_PK (cr=110 pr=0 pw=0 time=113164 us cost=1 size=17 card=1)(object id 63680720)
         1          1          1                   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS (cr=3 pr=0 pw=0 time=59 us cost=1 size=15 card=1)
         1          1          1                    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_PK (cr=2 pr=0 pw=0 time=7 us cost=0 size=0 card=1)(object id 42789144)
         1          1          1                  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID HR_LOCATIONS_ALL (cr=3 pr=0 pw=0 time=42 us cost=1 size=8 card=1)
         1          1          1                   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HR_LOCATIONS_PK (cr=2 pr=0 pw=0 time=7 us cost=0 size=0 card=1)(object id 42797079)
    254919     254919     254919                 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_HEADERS_ALL (cr=99166 pr=0 pw=0 time=11505632 us cost=13530 size=1254672 card=17426)
    255397     255397     255397                  INDEX SKIP SCAN PO_HEADERS_ALL_X3 (cr=1753 pr=0 pw=0 time=725236 us cost=352 size=0 card=37674)(object id 42773719)
    254883     254883     254883            INDEX UNIQUE SCAN AP_TERMS_TL_U1 (cr=179785 pr=0 pw=0 time=183291 us cost=0 size=8 card=1)(object id 42798416)
    482528     482528     482528           TABLE ACCESS FULL AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL (cr=28861 pr=6 pw=0 time=227983 us cost=13727 size=4323123 card=480347)
    792959     792959     792959          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_LINES_ALL (cr=1432184 pr=128 pw=0 time=53002963 us cost=5 size=96 card=3)
    793375     793375     793375           INDEX RANGE SCAN PO_LINES_U2 (cr=504726 pr=20 pw=0 time=17603112 us cost=2 size=0 card=5)(object id 42755253)
    755121     755121     755121         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL (cr=3342985 pr=5897 pw=0 time=71357938 us cost=4 size=68 card=1)
   1138558    1138558    1138558          INDEX RANGE SCAN PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_N15 (cr=1707311 pr=5830 pw=0 time=37903421 us cost=3 size=0 card=2)(object id 63697005)
    723002     723002     723002        VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE  HR_LOCATIONS (cr=295330 pr=0 pw=0 time=11391536 us cost=2 size=2 card=1)
    723002     723002     723002         NESTED LOOPS  (cr=295330 pr=0 pw=0 time=11004720 us cost=2 size=18 card=1)
    723002     723002     723002          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL_PK (cr=146911 pr=0 pw=0 time=1391389 us cost=1 size=10 card=1)(object id 42783719)
    723002     723002     723002          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID HR_LOCATIONS_ALL (cr=148419 pr=0 pw=0 time=9233363 us cost=1 size=8 card=1)
    723002     723002     723002           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HR_LOCATIONS_PK (cr=117800 pr=0 pw=0 time=836734 us cost=0 size=0 card=1)(object id 42797079)
    755119     755119     755119       INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL_PK (cr=122637 pr=0 pw=0 time=829404 us cost=0 size=20 card=2)(object id 42783719)
    755121     755121     755121      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL_PK (cr=29367 pr=0 pw=0 time=716408 us cost=0 size=20 card=2)(object id 42783719)
    768883     768883     768883     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL (cr=1713352 pr=895 pw=0 time=75314769 us cost=3 size=17 card=1)
    768883     768883     768883      INDEX RANGE SCAN PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_N1 (cr=1096671 pr=874 pw=0 time=24392643 us cost=2 size=0 card=1)(object id 42782429)

The plan is a bit long, but you may recall that a query with scalar subqueries in the select list reports the plans for each of the separate scalar subqueries before reporting the main query block – and I’ve inserted blank lines in the output above to improve the visibility of the individual blocks / scalar subqueries.

An odd little detail of this tkprof output was that there was no report of the wait information recorded against the query, though the following information appeared as the summary for the trace file, giving us a very good idea of the wait events for the individual query:


call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        6      0.85       2.14          0          6          0           0
Execute      6      0.00       0.00          0          7        104          85
Fetch    50358    279.03    1059.39     179103   30146895          0      755329
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total    50370    279.88    1061.54     179103   30146908        104      755414

Misses in library cache during parse: 3

Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
  Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
  ----------------------------------------   Waited  ----------  ------------
  SQL*Net message to client                   50363        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net message from client                 50362      157.17        227.70
  row cache lock                                141        0.03          0.67
  library cache lock                             77        0.01          0.21
  library cache pin                              75        0.01          0.27
  Disk file operations I/O                      791        0.00          0.01
  gc current block 3-way                     835881        0.15        305.35
  gc current block 2-way                     471360        0.24        144.04
  KJC: Wait for msg sends to complete            40        0.00          0.00
  gc cr multi block request                       8        0.00          0.00
  gc current block congested                  10014        0.03          4.23
  gc cr block 3-way                           20215        0.06          4.69
  gc current grant busy                          20        0.00          0.00
  gc cr grant 2-way                          165010        0.07         25.13
  db file sequential read                    179103        0.05        196.31
  gc cr grant congested                         729        0.19          0.36
  gc current block busy                       71431        0.05        118.15
  gc cr block 2-way                            1800        0.01          0.31
  latch free                                      3        0.00          0.00
  gc cr block congested                         197        0.01          0.06
  latch: cache buffers chains                    45        0.00          0.00
  latch: gc element                              15        0.00          0.00
  gc cr block busy                               15        0.02          0.07
  latch: object queue header operation            1        0.00          0.00
  KSV master wait                                 2        0.00          0.00
  ASM file metadata operation                     1        0.00          0.00
  SQL*Net more data to client                     1        0.00          0.00
  gc current grant 2-way                          6        0.00          0.00

An important initial observation is that the query returned 750,000 rows in 50,000 fetches (all figures rounded for convenience) and that’s consistent with the SQL*Plus default arraysize of 15. So there might be a little time saved by setting the arraysize to a larger value (but only a few 10s of seconds – based on the 227 seconds total minus the 157 second maximum wait for the “SQL*Net message from client” figures and there may be some benefit of increasing the SQL*Net SDU size at the same time). Critically, though, we should ask “why do you want a query to return 750,000 rows?”, and “how fast do you think is ‘reasonable’?” You’ll also note from the “gc” waits that the system is based on RAC with at least 3 nodes – and RAC is always a suspect when you see unexpected time spent in a query.

Where in the driving query block does most of the time go between the last hash join (line 62) and the hash unique (line 61) – it’s in the query block whose plan starts at line 28 where we see 163,000 physical blocks read (pr=) and 535 seconds (time= microseconds) of which 6,400 blocks come from the index range scan operation at line 32 but most comes from line 31 fetching 1 million rows (by index rowid) from table po_lines_locations_archive_all.

    672743     672743     672743  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE_ALL (cr=5507736 pr=163043 pw=0 time=535914552 us cost=3 size=27 card=1)
    672743     672743     672743   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE_U1 (cr=4560824 pr=163043 pw=0 time=533161038 us cost=2 size=0 card=1)(object id 42811947)
    755121     755121     755121    SORT AGGREGATE (cr=3540960 pr=163043 pw=0 time=530079821 us)
   1040963    1040963    1040963     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE_ALL (cr=3540960 pr=163043 pw=0 time=534243973 us cost=5 size=15 card=1)
   1776649    1776649    1776649      INDEX RANGE SCAN PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE_U1 (cr=1123074 pr=6392 pw=0 time=37128373 us cost=3 size=0 card=2)(object id 42811947)

This part of the workload comes from 672,743 executions of the subquery starting at line 36 of the original query text:

           (SELECT pla.promised_date
              FROM apps.po_line_locations_archive_all pla
             WHERE     pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
                   AND pla.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
                   AND pla.line_location_id = ploc.line_location_id
                   AND pla.revision_num =
                       (SELECT MIN (revision_num)
                          FROM apps.po_line_locations_archive_all plla2
                         WHERE     plla2.promised_date IS NOT NULL
                               AND plla2.line_location_id =

If we want to improve the performance of this query with a minimum of re-engineering, recoding and risk then a good point to start would be to examine this query block in isolation and see if there is a simple, low-cost way of improving its efficiency. (Note: this may not be a route to optimising the whole query “properly”, but it may give a quick win that is “good enough”.)

We could go a little further down this route of optimising the scalar subqueries by looking at the time spent in each of them in turn. Taking out the top line of each of the separate sections of the plan and extracting just the pr, pw and time values (which I’ll scale back from microseconds to seconds) we get the following

pr=      0      pw=0    time=   0
pr=     28      pw=0    time=  23
pr=      0      pw=0    time=   2
pr=      0      pw=0    time=   2
pr= 163043      pw=0    time= 536
pr=   3564      pw=0    time=  64
pr=      1      pw=0    time=   0
pr=   5535      pw=0    time= 182
pr=      6      pw=0    time=   9
pr=      0      pw=0    time=   1

The 8th scalar subquery (line 42 in the plan, line 75 in the query) gives us an opportunity to reduce the run time by 182 seconds, so might be worth a little investment in programmer time.

The 6th subquery (line 34 in the plan, line 49 in the query) adds only 64 seconds to the run time, so we might be less inclined to do anything about it.

You might note that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th subqueries are against the same table with the same predicate to get three different columns – this group is the “obvious” choice for recoding as a single join rather than three separate subqueries, but if you look at the total times of the three subqueries the “extra” two executions add only two seconds each to the total time – so although this scalar subquery coding pattern is undesirable, it’s not necessarily going to be worth expending the effort to rewrite it in this case.

If you’re wondering, by the way, why different subqueries are reporting different numbers of rows returned (and each one should return at most one row on each execution), there are two reasons for any subquery to be reporting fewer than the 768,890 rows reported by the basic driving hash join:

  1. an execution may simply return no rows,
  2. there may be some benefits from scalar subquery caching.

One of the nice details about newer versions of Oracle is that the “starts” statistic is also reported in the trace/tkprof output so you would be able to see how much your query had benefited from scalar subquery caching.

If we add together the time reported by each of the scalar subquery sections of the plan the total time reported is approximately 819 seconds. Cross-checking with the difference in the times reported for operations 61 and 62 (hash unique of hash join) we see: 1,059 seconds – 245 seconds = 814 seconds. This is a good match (allowing for the accumulation of a large number of small errors) for the 819 seconds reported in the subqueries – so the hash unique isn’t a significant part of the query even though it has virtually no effect on the volume of data. You’ll note that it didn’t spill to disc (pw = 0) but completed in memory.


I’ve written a quick note on this query because the coding style was undesirable and the execution plan quite lengthy. I’ve reviewed how the style of the SQL is echoed in the shape of the plan. I’ve then pursued the idea of optimising the code “piece-wise” to see if there were any opportunities for improving the performance “enough” without going through the effort of a complete redesign of the query. [Update: One of the participants in the thread is currently walking through the mechanics of manually unnesting the most expensive scalar subquery into an outer join.]

Given the information in the Row Source Operation section of the tkprof output it proved easy to identify where the largest amounts of times appeared that might be reduced by localised optimsation.

In passing I pointed out the possibility of reducing the time spent on network traffic by increasing the array fetch size, and increasing the SDU size (at both ends of the connection) for the SQL*Net messages to client.

Footnote (addendum)

I made a passing reference to the waits that told us that the user was running RAC. These waits merit a few follow-up comments.

The numbers for “gc” waits are high. Of particular note are the 71,000 waits and 118 seconds waited on “gc current block busy” which wave a big red flag telling us that there’s too much DML modifying the same object(s) from multiple nodes at the same time. (The even larger numbers for the “gc current block 2/3- way” say the same, but “busy” really emphasises the “hot-spot” aspect of the problem.)

Ideally we would like to see exactly where in the execution plan the bulk of those waits is occurring and, since the OP has been able to supply a trace file for the query, it’s possible that the query can be re-run to produce the SQL Monitor report (if the OP is suitably licenced) that summarises the Active Session History (ASH) for each line of the plan.

If the ASH data were available for a run of the report we could then do some analysis of parameter values recorded in v$active_session_history to see if that supplied further information. Unfortunately the view v$event_name doesn’t tell us what the parameter values mean for most of the “gc current%” waits, but a couple of the ones that do have descriptions report parameter1 as the file# and parameter2 as the block#, so maybe that’s true for many of them. (For some of the waits parameter1 is listed as the “le” (lock element), which doesn’t really help very much.)

Another diagnostic that could be very helpful is to take a snapshot of the session activity stats (v$sesstat) for the session as this might tell us that part of the load comes from “unexpected” work going on. In particular if we do an analysis of the “db file sequential read” waits we may find that many of the waits are for blocks in the undo tablespace, which would prompt us to examine the session stats to see what they tell us through the “% – undo records applied” statistics.

As a final comment – linking the “gc” activity back to my comment “That’s a lot of scalar subqueries so it’s worth asking whether the code should be rewritten to use joins” – if you add an extra table to a query with a simple join condition to add columns from that table to the query select list then Oracle can pin various index blocks; if you replace the join with a scalar subquery (which means you’re after just one column from one row each time) then Oracle has to pin and release all the index blocks on each call to the subquery. The benefit of the subquery approach is that scalar subquery caching may mean the subquery is rarely executed (check the highly suggestive stats in the plan for the first and seventh scalar subquery blocks – lines 16 and 39); the downside to the subquery approach is that you may end up spending a lot more time in buffer cache handling which, for RAC, includes the global cache (gc) management.

July 22, 2022

Trim CPU

Filed under: Execution plans,Hash Join,Joins,Oracle,Performance,Problem Solving — Jonathan Lewis @ 6:56 am BST Jul 22,2022

Prompted by an unexpectedly high CPU usage on a hash join of two large dadta sets Stefan Koehler posted a poll on twitter recently asking for opinions on the following code fragment:

    TAB1.COL1 = TAB2.COL1

While I struggle to imagine a realistic business requirement for the second predicate and think it’s indicative of a bad data model, I think it is nevertheless quite instructive to use the example to show how a hash join can use a lot of CPU if the join includes a predicate that isn’t on equality.


Before examining the potential for wasting CPU, I’ll just point out two problems with using the trim() function in this way – because (while I hope that col3 is character string in both tables) I’ve seen code that uses “to_date(to_char(date_column))” instead of trunc(date_column):

Cut-n-paste from SQL*Plus:

SQL> select 1 from dual where trim(100) > trim(20);

no rows selected


SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';

SQL> select d1, d2 from t2 where trim(d1) > trim(d2);

20-jul-2022 15:24:46 19-aug-2022 15:26:44

1 row selected.

SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';

SQL> select d1, d2 from t2 where trim(d1) > trim(d2);

no rows selected

The trim() function converts numerics and dates to strings using the default format for the session before the comparison takes place, so not only can you get unexpected (i.e. wrong) results, two users can get contradictory results from the same data at the same time because they’ve specified different session defaults!

The CPU issue

The critical point that everyone should remember is this: hash joins can only operate on equality (though, to avoid ambiguity, one should point out that “equality” does also mean “not equals”, which is why hash anti-joins can be efficient).

This means that even though the clause “where tab1.col1 = tab2.col1 and tab1.col3 > tab2.col3” might specify the matching rows for an individual tab1 row with high precision and great efficiency for a nested loop join with the right index, a hash join has a completely different workload. Every tab1 row has to have its col3 compared with every tab2 row that matches on col1. The secondary tests multiply up to “n-squared”, and if any col1 value is is highly repetitive then the work done on checking col3 becomes excessive.

It’s easier to see this in a worked example, so here’s some sample data:

rem     Script:         trim_cost.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          July 2022
rem     Last tested 

create table tab1 as select * from all_Objects where owner != 'PUBLIC' and object_type != 'SYNONYM' and rownum <= 200;

create table tab2 as select * from all_Objects where owner != 'PUBLIC' and object_type != 'SYNONYM';

On a new pdb in 19.11 and 21.3 the second statement gave me roughly 46,000 rows. checking owners and row counts I got the following results:

SQL> select owner, count(*) from tab1 group by owner;

OWNER                      COUNT(*)
------------------------ ----------
SYS                             128
SYSTEM                           65
OUTLN                             7

SQL> select owner, count(*) from tab2 group by owner;

OWNER                      COUNT(*)
------------------------ ----------
SYS                           40104
SYSTEM                          417
OUTLN                             7

... plus about 17 rows aggregating 6,000 rows

And here’s the query (indicating 4 variations) that I’m going to use to demonstrate the CPU issue, followed by its execution plan and rowsource_execution_statistics:

set serveroutput off
alter session set statistics_level = all;

inner join 
        tab1.owner = tab2.owner
-- and  trim(tab1.object_name)  > trim(tab2.object_name)
-- and  rtrim(tab1.object_name) > rtrim(tab2.object_name)
-- and  ltrim(tab1.object_name) > ltrim(tab2.object_name)
and     tab1.object_name > tab2.object_name

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'projection allstats last'));

SQL_ID  74m49y5av3mpg, child number 0
select  count(*) from  tab1 inner join  tab2 on  tab1.owner =
tab2.owner -- and trim(tab1.object_name)  > trim(tab2.object_name) -- and rtrim(tab1.object_name) > rtrim(tab2.object_name) 
-- and ltrim(tab1.object_name) > ltrim(tab2.object_name) and tab1.object_name > tab2.object_name

Plan hash value: 2043035240

| Id  | Operation           | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT    |      |      1 |        |      1 |00:00:00.39 |     942 |       |       |          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE     |      |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.39 |     942 |       |       |          |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN         |      |      1 |    101K|    329K|00:00:00.39 |     942 |  1335K|  1335K|  814K (0)|
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB1 |      1 |    200 |    200 |00:00:00.01 |       5 |       |       |          |
|   4 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB2 |      1 |  46014 |  46014 |00:00:00.01 |     937 |       |       |          |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("TAB1"."OWNER"="TAB2"."OWNER")

Column Projection Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - (#keys=0) COUNT(*)[22]
   2 - (#keys=1; rowset=407)
   3 - (rowset=256) "TAB1"."OWNER"[VARCHAR2,128], "TAB1"."OBJECT_NAME"[VARCHAR2,128]
   4 - (rowset=256) "TAB2"."OWNER"[VARCHAR2,128], "TAB2"."OBJECT_NAME"[VARCHAR2,128]

Comparing the basic colums the CPU time recorded at the Hash Join operation was 0.39 seconds, of which only a tiny amount was in the feeding tablescans. There are two things to note from the plan.

First is confirmation of my comments about the join having to be an equality and the inequality being applied later. You can see this in the Predicate Information in the way the user’s predicate list has been split at operation 2 into an access() predicate and a filter() predicate. The access predicate finds the right hash bucket and row(s) within bucket – the filter predicate is applied as a secondary test.

The second point to note is that the Column Projection Information shows us that the basic column values are passed up to the Hash Join, which tells us that the hash join operation has to do the trimming. The big question at that point is – how many times does the same value from the same incoming row get trimmed.

Remember that there are 128 rows in tab1 where where owner = ‘SYS’, so when a ‘SYS’ row arrives from tab2 the hash join has to find the right bucket then walk through the rows in that bucket (which will probably be nothing but those SYS rows). So how many times does Oracle evaluate trim(SYS). Arguably it needs to for each tab1 row in the bucket (though the hash table might have been built to include the trimmed value) but clearly it ought not to re-evaluate it 128 times for the column in the single tab2 row – and we’ll come back to that point later.

Let’s go back to the 3 variants on the first test. We were interested in the comparing trim() with trim(), but since trim() is equilavent to ltrim(rtrim()) I wondered if ltrim (left trim) and rtrim (right trim) took different amount of time, and whether the trim() time would be close to the sum of ltrim() time and rtrim() time.

Without showing the plans etc. here are the time reported in my test at the hash join operation (the 21.3 times were very similar):

  • no trim – 0.39 seconds
  • ltrim() – 1.02 seconds
  • rtrim() – 2.66 seconds
  • trim() – 2.70 seconds.

Clearly that’s a lot of extra CPU on top of the base CPU cost. This is not entirely surprising since string operations tend to be expensive, neverthless the differences are large enough to be more than random fluctuations and operational error.

Remember that this is just two tables of 200 and 46,000 rows respectively. It turned out that the rowsources that Stefan was using were in the order of 800K and 2M rows – with CPU time increasing from 1,100 seconds to 2,970 seconds because of the trim().

So how many times was the trim() function called in total?

Faking it.

If we assume that the trim() built-in SQL function behaves in the same way as a deterministic PL/SQL function we can at least count the number of calls that take place by writing a deterministic function to put into the SQL. Something like:

create or replace package p1 as
        n1 number;
        function f1(v1 in varchar2) return varchar2 deterministic;

create or replace package body p1 as 

        function f1 (v1 in varchar2)
        return varchar2 
                p1.n1 := p1.n1 + 1;
                return trim(v1);


set serveroutput off
alter session set statistics_level = all;

exec p1.n1 := 0

inner join tab2 on
    tab1.owner = tab2.owner
and     p1.f1(tab1.object_name) > p1.f1(tab2.object_name)
-- and  p1.f1(tab1.object_name) > trim(tab2.object_name)
-- and  trim(tab1.object_name)  > p1.f1(tab2.object_name)

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'projection allstats last'));

set serveroutput on
execute dbms_output.put_line(p1.n1);

I’ve created a package with a public variable n1 so that I can set it and read it from “outside”, then I’ve created (and lied about) a function that increments that variable and returns its input, claiming that it’s deterministic. Once I’ve got the package in place I’ve:

  • set the variable to zero
  • run a query that does one of
    • use my function twice
    • use my function once – on the build table
    • use my function once – on the probe table
  • report the execution plan with stats
  • print the value of the variable

The timings are not really important, but here’s the execution plan when I used the function on both sides of the inequality:

| Id  | Operation           | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT    |      |      1 |        |      1 |00:00:21.15 |    1513 |       |       |          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE     |      |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:21.15 |    1513 |       |       |          |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN         |      |      1 |  23007 |    329K|00:00:21.13 |    1513 |  1335K|  1335K|  860K (0)|
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB1 |      1 |    200 |    200 |00:00:00.01 |       5 |       |       |          |
|   4 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB2 |      1 |  46014 |  46014 |00:00:00.02 |     937 |       |       |          |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - access("TAB1"."OWNER"="TAB2"."OWNER")

Column Projection Information (identified by operation id):

   1 - (#keys=0) COUNT(*)[22]
   2 - (#keys=1)
   3 - (rowset=256) "TAB1"."OWNER"[VARCHAR2,128], "TAB1"."OBJECT_NAME"[VARCHAR2,128]
   4 - "TAB2"."OWNER"[VARCHAR2,128], "TAB2"."OBJECT_NAME"[VARCHAR2,128]

Apart from the change of function name the plan is the same – although it now takes over 21 CPU seconds to complete, of which most of the time is probably building and tearing down the PL/SQL stack. The important figure, though is the number of function calls I saw recorded in p1.n1: it was a little over 10 million calls to generate the 329 thousand rows (A-Rows for the hash join).

When I ran the code with only one call to my deterministic function it was called 5 million times regardless of whether it was used for the build or probe table. Oracle did nothing to minimise the number of times the function was called.

Predictive Mode

Near the start of this note I showed you a little query to aggregate the rows of the two tables by owner; with a little enhancement I can reuse that code to show you exactly how many times the deterministic function was called:

        v1.owner, ct1, ct2, ct1 * ct2, sum(ct1 * ct2) over() tot_ct
        (select owner, count(object_name) ct1 from tab1 group by owner) v1,
        (select owner, count(object_name) ct2 from tab2 group by owner) v2
        v2.owner = v1.owner

OWNER                  CT1        CT2    CT1*CT2     TOT_CT
--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SYS                    128      40104    5133312    5160466
SYSTEM                  65        417      27105    5160466
OUTLN                    7          7         49    5160466

3 rows selected.

The number of comparisons done by the filter() predicate 5,160,466: double it to get the number of function calls. For every single one of the 40,104 SYS rows in tab2 the function was called for every single one of the SYS rows in tab1, for both sides of the inequality.

It’s a shame that Oracle doesn’t calculate and project the “virtual columns” that will be used in the join predicates, because in my case that would have reduced the number of calls from 10 million to 40,232 – a factor of roughly 250. That would probably be worth a lot of CPU to Stefan.

Damage Limitation

For my silly little query that went from 0.39 seconds to 2.70 seconds you might decide there’s no point in trying to improve things – in fact many of the sites I’ve visited probably wouldn’t even notice the CPU wastage (on one call); but when the query runs for 2,970 seconds and a little fiddling around shows that it could run in 1,100 seconds you might be inclined to see if there’s something you could do improve things.

Andrew Sayer suggested the possibility of rewriting the query with a pair of CTEs (“with” subqueries) that were forced to materialize the trim() in the CTE. The cost of physically creating the two large GTTs might well be much less than the CPU spent on the trim()ed join.

Alternatively – and dependent on the ownership and quality of the application – you could write a check constraint on each table to ensure that the column value was always equal to the trim() of the column value.

A similar option would be to add an (invisible) column to each table and use a trigger to populate the column with the trimmed value and then use the trimmed column in the query.


I don’t think that anything I’ve done or described in this note could be called rocket science (or telescope science as, perhaps, it should be in honour of Webb); but it has shown how much insight you can gain into what Oracle is doing and how you may be able to pin-point excess work using a few simple mechanisms that have been around for more than 15 years.

June 17, 2022

Case Study

Filed under: Execution plans,Oracle,Parallel Execution,Performance,Problem Solving,Troubleshooting,Tuning — Jonathan Lewis @ 1:25 pm BST Jun 17,2022

The question “How do you trouble-shoot a performance problem” came up in an online session I did for the AIOUG (All-India OUG) today. It’s a very broad question and the only possible answers are either extremely generic, or very specific – so here’s a specific example that I talked about to give some idea of the processes I go through. It’s an example from the Oracle-l list server asking the (paraphrased) question:

I’ve got a parallel query that take 24 seconds to return 2,500 rows for 2018. .The same query for 2019 should return a similar amount of data but consumes a lot of TEMP space before failing; it takes 45 minutes to complete if I remove the parallel hint. The only difference between the two queries is a change to a single predicate: “opclf.year_number = to_number(‘YYYY’)” and the statistics are up to date – what’s going on?

The ease of diagnosing a problem is dependent on the ease of access to all the right information, and you don’t always know initially what the right information might be. In this case the OP had started by posting to github the SQL Monitor reports for the two queries, which were automatically generated since the queries were using parallel execution.

Click here to show/hide the first few sections for the 2019 output
SQL Text
SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(8) */ DISTINCT rd.document_id AS doc_id ,'firm_id' AS criteria_key ,opf.ultimate_parent_firm_id AS series_id ,period_number FROM ( SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(8) */ DISTINCT rd.document_id ,rd.client_role_id ,( CASE WHEN MONTHS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE('04/28/2022', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), TO_DATE('04/01/2017', 'MM/DD/YYYY')) > 12 THEN TRUNC(dc.date_value, 'YEAR') ELSE TRUNC(dc.date_value, 'MONTH') END ) period_number FROM REPORT_ENGINE.date_code dc ,REPORT_ENGINE.lit_fact_bd rd INNER JOIN
report_engine.firm FIRM ON rd.firm_id = FIRM.firm_id WHERE dc.date_value BETWEEN TO_DATE('04/01/2017', 'MM/DD/YYYY') AND TO_DATE('04/28/2022', 'MM/DD/YYYY') AND rd.publication_date_id = dc.date_id AND rd.year_number = to_number('2019') AND (FIRM.ultimate_parent_firm_id IN (to_number('252094'))) ) rd INNER JOIN report_engine.opposing_counsel op ON rd.client_role_id = op.legal_role_id INNER JOIN report_engine.lit_fact_bd opclf ON opclf.document_id = rd.document_id AND op.opposing_counsel_role_id
= opclf.client_role_id AND opclf.year_number = to_number('2019') INNER JOIN report_engine.firm opf ON opclf.firm_id = opf.firm_id AND opf.firm_id >= 1000 WHERE 1 = 1

Global Information
 Status              :  EXECUTING
 Instance ID         :  1
 Session             :  SYS (647:28741)
 SQL ID              :  3cjg20q2vw41f
 SQL Execution ID    :  16777216
 Execution Started   :  06/09/2022 05:08:24
 First Refresh Time  :  06/09/2022 05:08:25
 Last Refresh Time   :  06/09/2022 05:08:27
 Duration            :  221s
 Module/Action       :  sqlplus@c111dhw (TNS V1-V3)/-
 Service             :  SYS$USERS
 Program             :  sqlplus@c111dhw (TNS V1-V3)

Global Stats
| Elapsed |   Cpu   |    IO    |  Other   | Buffer | Write | Write |
| Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) | Waits(s) |  Gets  | Reqs  | Bytes |
|     222 |     179 |       28 |       15 |    49M | 11624 |   2GB |

Parallel Execution Details (DOP=8 , Servers Allocated=16)
|      Name      | Type  | Server# | Elapsed |   Cpu   |    IO    |  Other   | Buffer | Write | Write |         Wait Events         |
|                |       |         | Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) | Waits(s) |  Gets  | Reqs  | Bytes |         (sample #)          |
| PX Coordinator | QC    |         |    0.26 |    0.26 |          |     0.00 |  12144 |       |     . |                             |
| p000           | Set 1 |       1 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p001           | Set 1 |       2 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p002           | Set 1 |       3 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p003           | Set 1 |       4 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p004           | Set 1 |       5 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p005           | Set 1 |       6 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p006           | Set 1 |       7 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p007           | Set 1 |       8 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p008           | Set 2 |       1 |     220 |     177 |       28 |       15 |    48M | 11624 |   2GB | direct path write temp (28) |
| p009           | Set 2 |       2 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p010           | Set 2 |       3 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p011           | Set 2 |       4 |    1.71 |    1.70 |          |     0.01 |   595K |       |     . |                             |
| p012           | Set 2 |       5 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p013           | Set 2 |       6 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p014           | Set 2 |       7 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |
| p015           | Set 2 |       8 |         |         |          |          |        |       |     . |                             |

You’ll note that I haven’t got as far as the body of the execution plan yet, and I’ve highlighted line 44 – a line in the middle of the summary of activity for the parallel execution processes. There are 8 servers in each of two sets (we’re running parallel 8) and the line I’ve highlighted is the first server of the second set. The reason I’ve highlighted it is that it’s the one server that’s doing almost all the work – effectively the query (at some point in the plan) is running serially.

So, a first thought, maybe we’ve just been unlucky and running parallel 7 (say) would result in a better distribution of data across parallel servers and allow each of 7 processes to do whatever they had to do to a much smaller amount of data. Maybe a change to the distribution method (pq_distribute() hint) would spread the workload more evenly. In either case “N” smaller workload might still use a lot of TEMP, but possibly no individual process would fail, and the job would complete nearly N times as quickly.

Note: the 2018 Monitor report showed an equivalent skew in the data distribution, but the amount of work needed was much smaller with a read/write load of only 143MB compared to 2GB for the 2019 report. The OP did try running parallel 7, but with no change to the overall effect.

Let’s take a quick glance at the plan body (click to view/hide)
SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=1862006233)
| Id    |                     Operation                      |           Name            |  Rows   | Cost |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Write | Write | Mem | Temp | Activity |        Activity Detail       |
|       |                                                    |                           | (Estim) |      | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs  | Bytes |     |      |   (%)     |         (# samples)         |
|     0 | SELECT STATEMENT                                   |                           |         |      |           |        |     3 |          |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|     1 |   PX COORDINATOR                                   |                           |         |      |           |        |     3 |          |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|     2 |    PX SEND QC (RANDOM)                             | :TQ10003                  |     781 |  153 |           |        |       |          |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|     3 |     HASH UNIQUE                                    |                           |     781 |  153 |           |        |       |          |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|     4 |      PX RECEIVE                                    |                           |     781 |  151 |           |        |       |          |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|     5 |       PX SEND HASH                                 | :TQ10002                  |     781 |  151 |           |        |     2 |          |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|  -> 6 |        BUFFER SORT                                 |                           |     781 |  153 |       219 |     +3 |     2 |        0 | 11624 |   2GB | 61M |   2G |    26.21 | Cpu (26)                     |
|       |                                                    |                           |         |      |           |        |       |          |       |       |     |      |   | direct path write temp (28) |
|  -> 7 |         NESTED LOOPS                               |                           |     781 |  151 |       219 |     +3 |     2 |      39M |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|  -> 8 |          NESTED LOOPS                              |                           |     781 |  151 |       219 |     +3 |     2 |      39M |       |       |     |      |     0.49 | Cpu (1)                      |
|  -> 9 |           NESTED LOOPS                             |                           |     777 |   44 |       219 |     +3 |     2 |      39M |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
| -> 10 |            NESTED LOOPS                            |                           |      41 |   26 |       219 |     +3 |     2 |     6463 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
| -> 11 |             HASH JOIN                              |                           |      41 |   21 |       219 |     +3 |     2 |     6463 |       |       |  6M |      |   |                             |
|    12 |              BUFFER SORT                           |                           |         |      |         1 |     +3 |     2 |    36855 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    13 |               PX RECEIVE                           |                           |      87 |   19 |         1 |     +3 |     2 |    36855 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    14 |                PX SEND HASH                        | :TQ10000                  |      87 |   19 |         1 |     +3 |     1 |    38694 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    15 |                 NESTED LOOPS                       |                           |      87 |   19 |         1 |     +3 |     1 |    38694 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    16 |                  NESTED LOOPS                      |                           |      87 |   19 |         1 |     +3 |     1 |    38694 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    17 |                   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID      | FIRM                      |       1 |    2 |         1 |     +3 |     1 |       43 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    18 |                    INDEX RANGE SCAN                | FIRM_ULT_PARENT_FIRM_IDX1 |       1 |    1 |         1 |     +3 |     1 |       43 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    19 |                   PARTITION RANGE SINGLE           |                           |         |      |         1 |     +3 |    43 |    38694 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    20 |                    BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS     |                           |         |      |         1 |     +3 |    43 |    38694 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    21 |                     BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE      | LIT_FACT_BD_IDX09         |         |      |         1 |     +3 |    43 |       49 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    22 |                  TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID | LIT_FACT_BD               |      63 |   19 |         3 |     +1 | 38694 |    38694 |       |       |     |      |     0.49 | Cpu (1)                      |
|    23 |              PX RECEIVE                            |                           |      20 |    2 |         1 |     +3 |     2 |        2 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    24 |               PX SEND HASH                         | :TQ10001                  |      20 |    2 |           |        |       |          |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    25 |                PX BLOCK ITERATOR                   |                           |      20 |    2 |           |        |       |          |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
|    26 |                 TABLE ACCESS FULL                  | OPPOSING_COUNSEL          |      20 |    2 |           |        |       |          |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
| -> 27 |             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID            | DATE_CODE                 |       1 |      |       219 |     +3 |  6465 |     6463 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
| -> 28 |              INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                     | PK_DATE_CODE              |       1 |      |       219 |     +3 |  6465 |     6465 |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
| -> 29 |            PARTITION RANGE SINGLE                  |                           |      19 |      |       219 |     +3 |  6465 |      39M |       |       |     |      |   |                             |
| -> 30 |             TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID      | LIT_FACT_BD               |      19 |      |       220 |     +2 |  6465 |      39M |       |       |     |      |    35.92 | Cpu (74)                     |
| -> 31 |              INDEX RANGE SCAN                      | LIT_FACT_BD_IDX20         |       1 |      |       219 |     +3 |  6465 |      39M |       |       |     |      |     9.22 | Cpu (19)                     |
| -> 32 |           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                        | PK_FIRM                   |       1 |      |       219 |     +3 |   39M |      39M |       |       |     |      |    10.68 | Cpu (22)                     |
| -> 33 |          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID               | FIRM                      |       1 |      |       219 |     +3 |   39M |      39M |       |       |     |      |    16.99 | Cpu (35)                     |

You can see from the “->” symbols at the left hand side of the plan that this report was generated while the plan was still running. The thing that leaps out as you glance down the page is the value in the “Rows (Actual)” column at operations 7-9 (which show the rowsources generated by some nested loop joins) and operations 29, 32 and 33 of the plan that tell us something about how those rowsources were generated.

Operation 29 has executed (Execs) 6,465 so far, producing a total of 39M rows, and operations 32 and 33 have both executed 39M times each producing a total of 39M rows by index unique scan.

The plan for the 2018 data was similar though the join order for DATE_CODE, LIT_FACT_BD and FIRM was different (and it was the join to LIT_FACT_BD that increased the row count dramatically – so hinting it to be the last table in the join might help a bit), but the largest rowcount for the 2018 query was only 3M rows, not the 39M that had appeared after only 6,465 rows of a possible driving 39,855 in the 2019 query.

So it’s not surprising that the query could take much longer for 2019. It’s not the volume of output that matters, it’s the volume of input (or, more accurately, throughput or intermediate) data that matters.

Let’s think about that volume, though: the 2018 plan generated 3M rows and then crunched them down to 2,500 rows and the 2019 plan was supposed to produce a similar sized output (from 39M+ rows). Could we rewrite the query in some way that made it do some intermediate aggregation so that the volume of data to be aggregated was never enormous?

Let’s take a look at the plan from the 2018 Monitor report (click to show/hide)
SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=472871521)
| Id |                     Operation                      |           Name            |  Rows   | Cost |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read | Read  | Write | Write |  Mem  | Temp  | Activity |       Activity Detail       |
|    |                                                    |                           | (Estim) |      | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs | Bytes | Reqs  | Bytes | (Max) | (Max) |   (%)     |        (# samples)         |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT                                   |                           |         |      |         1 |    +24 |    17 |     2613 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
|  1 |   PX COORDINATOR                                   |                           |         |      |         1 |    +24 |    17 |     2613 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
|  2 |    PX SEND QC (RANDOM)                             | :TQ10003                  |       1 |   39 |         1 |    +24 |     8 |     2613 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
|  3 |     HASH UNIQUE                                    |                           |       1 |   39 |         9 |    +16 |     8 |     2613 |      |       |       |       |    9M |       |     6.90 | Cpu (2)                     |
|  4 |      PX RECEIVE                                    |                           |       1 |   38 |         9 |    +16 |     8 |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
|  5 |       PX SEND HASH                                 | :TQ10002                  |       1 |   38 |        12 |    +14 |     8 |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |     3.45 | Cpu (1)                     |
|  6 |        BUFFER SORT                                 |                           |       1 |   39 |        23 |     +2 |     8 |       3M | 4584 | 143MB |   703 | 143MB |  151M |  151M |    34.48 | Cpu (2)                     |
|    |                                                    |                           |         |      |           |        |       |          |      |       |       |       |       |       |   | direct path read temp (6)  |
|    |                                                    |                           |         |      |           |        |       |          |      |       |       |       |       |       |   | direct path write temp (2) |
|  7 |         NESTED LOOPS                               |                           |       1 |   38 |        15 |     +2 |     8 |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
|  8 |          NESTED LOOPS                              |                           |       1 |   38 |        15 |     +2 |     8 |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
|  9 |           NESTED LOOPS                             |                           |       1 |   38 |        15 |     +2 |     8 |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 10 |            NESTED LOOPS                            |                           |       1 |   38 |        15 |     +2 |     8 |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 11 |             HASH JOIN                              |                           |      41 |   21 |        15 |     +2 |     8 |    19334 |      |       |       |       |    7M |       |   |                            |
| 12 |              BUFFER SORT                           |                           |         |      |        13 |     +2 |     8 |    19233 |      |       |       |       |    1M |       |   |                            |
| 13 |               PX RECEIVE                           |                           |      89 |   19 |        13 |     +2 |     8 |    19233 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 14 |                PX SEND HASH                        | :TQ10000                  |      89 |   19 |         1 |     +1 |     1 |    19233 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 15 |                 NESTED LOOPS                       |                           |      89 |   19 |         1 |     +1 |     1 |    19233 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 16 |                  NESTED LOOPS                      |                           |      89 |   19 |         1 |     +1 |     1 |    19233 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 17 |                   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID      | FIRM                      |       1 |    2 |         1 |     +1 |     1 |       43 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 18 |                    INDEX RANGE SCAN                | FIRM_ULT_PARENT_FIRM_IDX1 |       1 |    1 |         1 |     +1 |     1 |       43 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 19 |                   PARTITION RANGE SINGLE           |                           |         |      |         1 |     +1 |    43 |    19233 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 20 |                    BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS     |                           |         |      |         1 |     +1 |    43 |    19233 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 21 |                     BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE      | LIT_FACT_BD_IDX09         |         |      |         1 |     +1 |    43 |       51 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 22 |                  TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID | LIT_FACT_BD               |      64 |   19 |         1 |     +1 | 19233 |    19233 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 23 |              PX RECEIVE                            |                           |      20 |    2 |        15 |     +2 |     8 |       20 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 24 |               PX SEND HASH                         | :TQ10001                  |      20 |    2 |         1 |    +14 |     8 |       20 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 25 |                PX BLOCK ITERATOR                   |                           |      20 |    2 |         1 |    +14 |     8 |       20 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 26 |                 TABLE ACCESS FULL                  | OPPOSING_COUNSEL          |      20 |    2 |         1 |    +14 |     3 |       20 |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 27 |             PARTITION RANGE SINGLE                 |                           |       1 |      |        15 |     +2 | 19334 |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 28 |              TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID     | LIT_FACT_BD               |       1 |      |        16 |     +1 | 19334 |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |    17.24 | Cpu (5)                     |
| 29 |               INDEX RANGE SCAN                     | LIT_FACT_BD_IDX20         |       1 |      |        15 |     +2 | 19334 |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |   |                            |
| 30 |            TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID             | DATE_CODE                 |       1 |      |        15 |     +2 |    3M |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |    10.34 | Cpu (3)                     |
| 31 |             INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                      | PK_DATE_CODE              |       1 |      |        16 |     +1 |    3M |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |     6.90 | Cpu (2)                     |
| 32 |           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                        | PK_FIRM                   |       1 |      |        23 |     +2 |    3M |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |     6.90 | Cpu (2)                     |
| 33 |          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID               | FIRM                      |       1 |      |        16 |     +1 |    3M |       3M |      |       |       |       |       |       |    13.79 | Cpu (4)                     |

We see from operations 3 – 7 that the 3M rows generated from the nested loop joins pass up through a buffer sort operation before being crunched down to 2,613 rows. It’s probably the buffer sort (which is buffering but not sorting) that has mostly passed through a single server and spilled to disc in the 2019 report. We just don’t want that 39M+ rows ever to exist.

So how easy will it be to change the SQL (click to view/hide)
        /*+ PARALLEL(8) */
        DISTINCT rd.document_id AS doc_id
        ,'firm_id' AS criteria_key
        ,opf.ultimate_parent_firm_id AS series_id
                /*+ PARALLEL(8) */
                DISTINCT rd.document_id
                                WHEN MONTHS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE('04/28/2022', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), TO_DATE('04/01/2017', 'MM/DD/YYYY')) > 12
                                        THEN TRUNC(dc.date_value, 'YEAR')
                                ELSE TRUNC(dc.date_value, 'MONTH')
                        ) period_number
        FROM REPORT_ENGINE.date_code dc
                ,REPORT_ENGINE.lit_fact_bd rd
        INNER JOIN report_engine.firm FIRM ON rd.firm_id = FIRM.firm_id
        WHERE dc.date_value BETWEEN TO_DATE('04/01/2017', 'MM/DD/YYYY')
                        AND TO_DATE('04/28/2022', 'MM/DD/YYYY')
                AND rd.publication_date_id = dc.date_id
                AND rd.year_number = to_number('2019')
                AND (FIRM.ultimate_parent_firm_id IN (to_number('252094')))
        ) rd
INNER JOIN report_engine.opposing_counsel op ON rd.client_role_id = op.legal_role_id
INNER JOIN report_engine.lit_fact_bd opclf ON opclf.document_id = rd.document_id
        AND op.opposing_counsel_role_id = opclf.client_role_id
        AND opclf.year_number = to_number('2019')
INNER JOIN report_engine.firm opf ON opclf.firm_id = opf.firm_id
        AND opf.firm_id >= 1000
WHERE 1 = 1;

Lines 7-10 and 27 tell us we alredy have an inline view where we’re doing a “select distinct” and, unwinding the mix of “Oracle” and “ANSI” syntax, we can see that it joins DATE_CODE, LIT_FACT_BD and FIRM, and we know that one of those tables explodes the intermediate data size to something enormous. So it looks like the original author of this code had already worked out that the query needed to aggregate early.

Checking back to the original plans we note that there’s only one “hash unique” operation, and there’s no sign of a “view” operation, so maybe the performance problem is a result of the optimizer suddenly deciding it can do complex view merging with this inline view, and perhaps all we need to do is add the hint /*+ no_merge */ to the inline view and see what happens.

Here’s the plan after adding the hint (click to hide/vew)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
| Id  | Operation                                            | Name                      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |    TQ  |IN-OUT| PQ Distrib |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                                     |                           |       |       |   314 (100)|          |       |       |        |      | |
|   1 |  PX COORDINATOR                                      |                           |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      | |
|   2 |   PX SEND QC (RANDOM)                                | :TQ10005                  |    23 |  2599 |   314   (1)| 00:00:06 |       |       |  Q1,05 | P->S | QC (RAN D)  |
|   3 |    HASH UNIQUE                                       |                           |    23 |  2599 |   314   (1)| 00:00:06 |       |       |  Q1,05 | PCWP | |
|   4 |     PX RECEIVE                                       |                           |    23 |  2599 |   314   (1)| 00:00:06 |       |       |  Q1,05 | PCWP | |
|   5 |      PX SEND HASH                                    | :TQ10004                  |    23 |  2599 |   314   (1)| 00:00:06 |       |       |  Q1,04 | P->P | HASH |
|   6 |       HASH UNIQUE                                    |                           |    23 |  2599 |   314   (1)| 00:00:06 |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|   7 |        NESTED LOOPS                                  |                           |    23 |  2599 |   313   (1)| 00:00:06 |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|   8 |         NESTED LOOPS                                 |                           |    23 |  2599 |   313   (1)| 00:00:06 |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|   9 |          NESTED LOOPS                                |                           |    23 |  2323 |   310   (1)| 00:00:06 |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|* 10 |           HASH JOIN                                  |                           |   388 | 21340 |   148   (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|  11 |            PX RECEIVE                                |                           |    20 |   160 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|  12 |             PX SEND BROADCAST                        | :TQ10002                  |    20 |   160 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  Q1,02 | P->P | BROADCA ST  |
|  13 |              PX BLOCK ITERATOR                       |                           |    20 |   160 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  Q1,02 | PCWC | |
|* 14 |               TABLE ACCESS FULL                      | OPPOSING_COUNSEL          |    20 |   160 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  Q1,02 | PCWP | |
|  15 |            VIEW                                      |                           |   835 | 39245 |   146   (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|  16 |             HASH UNIQUE                              |                           |   835 | 63460 |   146   (1)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|  17 |              PX RECEIVE                              |                           |   835 | 63460 |   145   (0)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|  18 |               PX SEND HASH                           | :TQ10003                  |   835 | 63460 |   145   (0)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  Q1,03 | P->P | HASH |
|* 19 |                HASH JOIN BUFFERED                    |                           |   835 | 63460 |   145   (0)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  Q1,03 | PCWP | |
|  20 |                 BUFFER SORT                          |                           |       |       |            |          |       |       |  Q1,03 | PCWC | |
|  21 |                  PX RECEIVE                          |                           |   835 | 52605 |   136   (0)| 00:00:03 |       |       |  Q1,03 | PCWP | |
|  22 |                   PX SEND HASH                       | :TQ10000                  |   835 | 52605 |   136   (0)| 00:00:03 |       |       |        | S->P | HASH |
|  23 |                    NESTED LOOPS                      |                           |   835 | 52605 |   136   (0)| 00:00:03 |       |       |        |      | |
|  24 |                     NESTED LOOPS                     |                           |   835 | 52605 |   136   (0)| 00:00:03 |       |       |        |      | |
|  25 |                      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     | FIRM                      |     1 |    12 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |        |      | |
|* 26 |                       INDEX RANGE SCAN               | FIRM_ULT_PARENT_FIRM_IDX1 |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |        |      | |
|  27 |                      PARTITION RANGE SINGLE          |                           |       |       |            |          |    30 |    30 |        |      | |
|  28 |                       BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS    |                           |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      | |
|* 29 |                        BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE     | LIT_FACT_BD_IDX09         |       |       |            |          |    30 |    30 |        |      | |
|* 30 |                     TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| LIT_FACT_BD               |   598 | 30498 |   136   (0)| 00:00:03 |    30 |    30 |        |      | |
|  31 |                 PX RECEIVE                           |                           |  1854 | 24102 |     9   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  Q1,03 | PCWP | |
|  32 |                  PX SEND HASH                        | :TQ10001                  |  1854 | 24102 |     9   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  Q1,01 | P->P | HASH |
|  33 |                   PX BLOCK ITERATOR                  |                           |  1854 | 24102 |     9   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  Q1,01 | PCWC | |
|* 34 |                    TABLE ACCESS FULL                 | DATE_CODE                 |  1854 | 24102 |     9   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |  Q1,01 | PCWP | |
|  35 |           PARTITION RANGE SINGLE                     |                           |     1 |    46 |     0   (0)|          |    30 |    30 |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|* 36 |            TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID         | LIT_FACT_BD               |     1 |    46 |     0   (0)|          |    30 |    30 |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|* 37 |             INDEX RANGE SCAN                         | LIT_FACT_BD_IDX20         |     1 |       |     0   (0)|          |    30 |    30 |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|* 38 |          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                           | PK_FIRM                   |     1 |       |     0   (0)|          |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
|  39 |         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID                  | FIRM                      |     1 |    12 |     0   (0)|          |       |       |  Q1,04 | PCWP | |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Note particularly that operations 15 and 16 tell us that we’ve forced the optimizer into treating the inline view as a separate query block and we now have two aggregation steps, one inside the view, and another after joining FIRM (again) and LIT_FACT_BD (again) to the inline view.

Unfortunately the plan shown here is pulled from memory using dbms_xplan.display_cursor() after execution, so it include the various parallel executoin colums (TQ, IN-OUT, PQ Distrib), but doesn’t have the rowsource execution stats enabled so we can’t see the actual workload and data volume, but in the words of the OP: “adding no_merge hint did the trick and now the SQL is just executing fine”.


The steps for solving the performance problems of a specific SQL statement are very fluid. For a long-running or parallel statement the SQL Monitor report will automatically be created (though there are limits on the size of the plan that may disable the feature) and this is the easiest source of useful information, though you might also need to pull the execution plan from v$sql_plan to get details about parallel execution and partitioning at the same time.

If you’re not licensed for the diagnostic and performance packs, though, enabling SQL Trace to get the plan and waits gets you a lot of infomation, and querying (g)v$pq_tqstat immediately after running the query can fill in the parallel traffic details.

In this example the SQL Monitor report showed a highly skewed distribution, which might have been fixable by changing the PQ distribution, or even by simply changing the degree of parallelism.

Further examination of the report showed that the query generated an enormous rowsource which it then crunched down to a small result set. Comparing the 2018 and 2019 plans (which were not quite identical but were sufficiently similar to justify comparison) the same skew and explosion of rowsource were visible in both, though the data size involved in the 2018 plan made it seem that the plan was a “good” one which really it wasn’t.

The obvious target for tuning was to see if the explosion in volume could be reduced or eliminated by writing the query with some intermediate non-mergeable view(s), and it turned out that the query had been written with that intent in its original form but without a hint to block complex view merging. After adding the hint the performance was acceptable.

May 5, 2022

Lag/Lead slow

Filed under: Bugs,Oracle,Performance,Problem Solving,Troubleshooting,Tuning — Jonathan Lewis @ 10:05 am BST May 5,2022

This note is about a surprising performance difference between the lead() and lag() analytic functions (which31 turns out to be due to the behaviour of the nth_value() function) when the option to “ignore nulls” is included in their use (jump to conclusion). The detail I’ll be writing about was highlighted in a thread on the Oracle developer forum about a requirement to add a number of analytic columns to a dataset of 156 million rows using a statement of the following shape:

create table tb_target_ignore
        lag (ed_ucc_dt ignore nulls, 1) over (partition by pat_id order by visit_date_dt) as prev_ed_ucc_dt,
        lead(ed_ucc_dt ignore nulls, 1) over (partition by pat_id order by visit_date_dt) as next_ed_ucc_dt,
        row_number() over (partition by pat_id order by visit_date_dt) as row_num

You’ll notice that I’ve introduced a row_number(), and both a lead() and a lag() of a column called ed_ucc_dt. All three analytic columns use the same partitioning and ordering, though, so Oracle will only be doing one “window sort” in the execution plan. Part of the performance problem, of course, was that with 156M rows of a couple of dozen existing columns and adding a dozen new columns, the workload due to sorting was bound to be very large, so there were various suggestions of how to minimise that part of the workload.

However Solomon Yakobson pointed out that the code was using the “ignore nulls” option and there was a bug in 11g that made lead() and lag() very slow when this option was used. He subsequently reported that this defect was still present in 19c, restricted it to just the lag() function, and cited a MOS document ID referencing the problem: LAG Function is slow when using ignore nulls (Doc ID 2811596.1). The implication of the MOS note is that we shouldn’t expect this to change.

A follow-up posting by User_H3J7U gave us a reason for the slowness of the lag() function by running a sample query through dbms_utility.expand_sql(). Oracle rewrites the query to use variants of the nth_value() function when you use “ignore nulls”, but rewrites it to use variants of first_value() when you aren’t using the “ignore nulls” option. This isn’t a complete explanation of why lag() should be slow while lead() is not – but it’s a significant pointer towards a possible implementation issue and is a good clue about working around the problem. So let’s build a model of the situation.

The basic model

rem     Script:         lag_ignore_nulls.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis / Sam P
rem     Dated:          May 2022
rem     Purpose:     
rem     Last tested

create table tb_source (
with generator as (
        select rownum id
        from    dual
        connect by
                level <= 1e4    --> comment to avoid wordpress format issue
        to_date('01-Apr-2022') + dbms_random.value(0,100),
        to_date('01-Apr-2022') + dbms_random.value(5,105)
--      to_date(null)
        generator g1,
        generator g2
where <= 20     --> comment to avoid wordpress format issue
order by

spool lag_ignore_nulls.lst

set serveroutput off
set timing on

prompt  ======================
prompt  Without "ignore nulls"
prompt  (My time 0.61 seconds)
prompt  ======================

create table tb_target_no_ignore
        lag (ed_ucc_dt, 1) over (partition by pat_id order by visit_date_dt) as prev_ed_ucc_dt,
        lead(ed_ucc_dt, 1) over (partition by pat_id order by visit_date_dt) as next_ed_ucc_dt,
        row_number() over (partition by pat_id order by visit_date_dt) as row_num

prompt  ======================
prompt  With "ignore nulls"
prompt  (My time 0.88 seconds)
prompt  ======================

create table tb_target_ignore
        lag (ed_ucc_dt ignore nulls, 1) over (partition by pat_id order by visit_date_dt) as prev_ed_ucc_dt,
        lead(ed_ucc_dt ignore nulls, 1) over (partition by pat_id order by visit_date_dt) as next_ed_ucc_dt,
        row_number() over (partition by pat_id order by visit_date_dt) as row_num

I’ve created a source table with 200,000 rows, consisting of 10,000 pat_id values, and 20 rows per pat_id. The 20 rows for a pat_id (probably) each have a different visit_date_dt and a different ed_ucc_dt.

After creating the data set I’ve created two more tables using the lead() and lag() functions to generate a previous (lag) and next (lead) ed_ucc_dt for each row, partitioning by pat_id, ordering by visit_date_dt. One statement includes the “ignore nulls” option the other doesn’t and, as you can see, the time to create the “no ignore” table was 0.61 seconds while the time to create the “ignore null” table was 0.88 seconds.

The variation isn’t dramatic – but this is just 200,000 rows, in memory, with only a few columns and only two columns added through lead and lag.

After the baseline test I tweaked the statement that created the table with the “ignore nulls” option to get three more times.

  • With neither lead() nor lag() the time was 0.29 seconds
  • With just the lead() column the time was 0.46 seconds – an increase of 0.17 seconds
  • With just the lag() column the time was 0.71 seconds – an increase of 0.42 seconds

You might note that 0.29 + 0.17 + 0.42 = 0.88 (the time I got for adding both columns) – it’s a little lucky that it looks like a perfect match, but even matching within a couple of hundredths of a second would be have been a nice detail. It certainly seems that lag() – with my test data – consumes more resources than lead() for a pair of operationd that look as if they should produce the same workloads.

Internal Rewrite

The next step was to check what the internal rewrite of the code looked like, so I passed the select part of the statements (the procedure won’t accepts “create as select”) through dbms_utility.expand_sql() and reformatted the results. Here are the two rewritten statements – first without “ignore nulls”:

        a1.pat_id pat_id,
        a1.visit_date_dt visit_date_dt,
        a1.ed_ucc_dt ed_ucc_dt,
                count(*) over (
                        partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                        rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding
                 1,     first_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt) over (
                                partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                                rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding
        ) prev_ed_ucc_dt,
                count(*) over (
                        partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                        rows between 1 following and 1 following
                 1,     first_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt) over (
                                partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                                rows between 1 following and 1 following
        ) next_ed_ucc_dt,
        row_number() over (partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt) row_num
        test_user.tb_source a1

The code looks a little long and messy, but that’s mainly because just about everything it does happens twice. The lag() function (prev column) turns into a first_value() function that looks at the row preceding the current row in the partition (rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding). However it first has to count over the same clause to see if a row exists, and then either report its value or report a null – hence the structure decode(count(), 1, first_value(), null)

Note: the full lag() function call is: “lag(expression, offset, default)” where the offset (number of rows to lag) defaults to 1 and the default is the value you want reported when there is no matching row, and defaults to null.

The call to lead() basically does the same thing, but uses (rows between 1 following and 1 following) to access the next row in the partition.

On the other hand this is the SQL that Oracle generates when we include the “ignore nulls” clause (which means Oracle can’t restrict the row range to just one preceding or following row):

        a1.pat_id pat_id,
        a1.visit_date_dt visit_date_dt,
        a1.ed_ucc_dt ed_ucc_dt,
                nth_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt, 1) from last ignore nulls over (
                        partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                        rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
        ) prev_ed_ucc_dt,
                nth_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt, 1)           ignore nulls over (
                        partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                        rows between 1 following and unbounded following
        ) next_ed_ucc_dt,
        row_number() over (partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt) row_num
        test_user.tb_source a1

Both lag() and lead() turn into nth_value() with a second parameter of 1 (i.e. nth == 1st … which makes you wonder why Oracle isn’t using first_value()), and we can also see the “ignore nulls” still being used.

The lag() call now uses the range (rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) i.e. everything from the start of partition to the previous row, while the lead() call uses the range (rows between 1 following and unbounded following) i.e. from the next row to the end of partition.

The other important detail to note is that the translation of the lag() call also includes the clause “from last” – in other words we want the first row when reading the partition in reverse order, and that might have something to do with the extra time it takes to operate the (translated) lag() function.


Oracle is using a generic nth_value() to translate a generic lead()/lag(), but we’re in the special case where we know n = 1, which means we (and Oracle) could use first_value()/last_value(). It’s perfectly reasonable for Oracle’s internal code to avoid special cases if it makes no difference to performance, of course, but maybe in this case we could imitate Oracle’s rewrite to get some benefit.

  • Step 1 – change nth_value() to the appropriate first/last.
  • Step 2 – get rid of the “from last” which won’t be needed with last_value()
  • Step 3 – move the “ignore nulls” to the spot that Oracle wants to see it with first/last

Here’s the resulting SQL – I’ve left the nvl(count, expression, null) in place, but if you wanted a null as the default return value for the original lead()/lag() calls you could simplify the code a little further.

create table tb_target 
        a1.pat_id pat_id,
        a1.visit_date_dt visit_date_dt,
        a1.ed_ucc_dt ed_ucc_dt,
                last_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt ignore nulls) over (
                        partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                        rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
        ) prev_ed_ucc_dt,
                first_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt ignore nulls) over (
                        partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                        rows between 1 following and unbounded following
        ) next_ed_ucc_dt,
        row_number() over (partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt) row_num
        test_user.tb_source a1

  • Run-time: 0.61 seconds.
  • Run-time with just last_value() / preceding: 0.47 seconds
  • Run time with just first_value() / following: 0.43 seconds

There still seems to be a little discrepancy between accessing to the preceding data compared to accessing the following data but there’s a much better balance than before.

One more edit – taking out the nvl() construct because the original lead()/lag() calls didn’t have a non-null default supplied:

create table tb_target 
        a1.pat_id pat_id,
        a1.visit_date_dt visit_date_dt,
        a1.ed_ucc_dt ed_ucc_dt,
        last_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt ignore nulls) over (
                partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
        ) prev_ed_ucc_dt,
        first_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt ignore nulls) over (
                partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                rows between 1 following and unbounded following
        ) next_ed_ucc_dt,
        row_number() over (partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt) row_num
        test_user.tb_source a1

With this simplification the time dropped by a further couple of hundredths of a second hovering between 0.57 and 0.58 seconds.

There was one last detail about the test code that should be mentioned – do the changes in code still produce the same results? As a quick and dirty check I ran the following query after each variant of creating the tb_target table (tb_target_ignore is the table created using the original lead()/lag() code with “ignore nulls”):

select  *
from   (
        select * from tb_target minus select * from tb_target_ignore
        union all
        select * from tb_target_ignore minus select * from tb_target

The result was always zero rows.


I raised the idea that the difference in timing for the lead() and lag() functions might have something to do with the volume of data that Oracle could be processing to find the one row it needed.

My thinking was that for the lead() rewrite – the call to nth_value(ed_ucc_dt,1) – would simply be looking at the next row in the partition (if it existed) because my data has no nulls that neeed to be ignored, while the rewrite of the lag() function with its “from last” requirement could be making Oracle re-read the entire preceding section of the partition before starting to process it backwards.

As a possible check to see if this was a viable hypothesis I ran one more test – visible in the initial declaration of tb_source – I created the data with ed_ucc_dt set to null in every single row, so that Oracle would be forced to process from the current position to whichever end of the partition was relevant regardless of whether it was calling lead() or lag().

With this change in place the timing for the lead() only and lag() only statements were nearly identical – which is a weak support for the hypothesis.

And once I’d done that test the next obvious test was to see what happened if I increased size of each partition (using non-null values for ed_ucc_dt) to see if larger partitions would increase the difference between the forward and backward tests. To do this I changed the script to create the tb_source table to produce 5,000 pat_id value with 40 rows per pat_id by changing the where clause to:

where <= 40     --> comment to avoid wordpress format issue
and <= 5e3    --> comment to avoid wordpress format issue

With this change in place the timings for the original form of the lead()/lag() statement were:

  • With both lead() and lag() in place the time was 1.05 seconds
  • With neither lead() nor lag() the time was 0.25 seconds
  • With just the lead() column the time was 0.41 seconds – an increase of 0.16 seconds
  • With just the lag() column the time was 0.98 seconds – an increase of 0.73 seconds

So the lag() time (ballpark figures) nearly doubles as the partition size doubles but the lead() time stays pretty much the same.

The results of these two tests do tend to suggest that the generic nth_value() implementation can do some short-circuiting when working “forwards”, using a mechanism that isn’t available when the “from last” clause requires it to work “backwards”.

Writing the previous paragraph prompted me to do one last test – it wouldn’t produce the same results, of course, but I ought to check the performance when I moved the “from last” clause out of the “prev”/lag() column expression into the “next”/lead() column expression in Oracle’s original translation to confirm that the problem was associated with the “from last” and not with the choice of “preceding” or “following” in the row range section of the over() clause. (It was the “from last” that made the difference.)


If you’re using the lag() or lead() functions with “ignore nulls” on a very large dataset you may find that you can rewrite the code with first_value() or last_value() calls that use less CPU. The benefit is probably only significant on fairly large data sets, and may be particularly noticeable for cases where the same over() clause is used many times and the partition sizes are more than a couple of dozen rows each.

The potential for excess CPU usage comes from the effect of a generic internal rewrite using the nth_value() function with the “from last” clause even for the special case where your lead()/lag() have an offset (i.e. n) of 1 which would allow for the use of first_value()/last_value().

To get the correct rewrite you can use dbms_utility.expand_sql() to generate a suitable statement from which you can extract and edit the relevant pieces of text.


A further point raised by Solomon Jakobson was that in the generic case (where you can’t use first_value() / last_value() to rewrite the SQL because you want to use an offset greater than one) it’s worth noting that the following two expressions are effectively identical:

                nth_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt, 2) from last ignore nulls over (
                        partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt
                        rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
        ) prev_ed_ucc_dt

                nth_value(a1.ed_ucc_dt, 2)           ignore nulls over (
                        partition by a1.pat_id order by a1.visit_date_dt desc
                        rows between 1 following and unbounded following
        ) prev_ed_ucc_dt

Note particularly that to avoid the issue of scanning the data “from last”, I’ve changed the ordering (in line 11) to descending and I’ve changed the preceding of line 4 to following in line 12 while reversing the positions of 1 and unbounded. (The same strategy can be applied for the lag() function in the original code).

In general it’s likely that lead() is will be more efficient than lag() so this change could make a big difference in performance. It’s worth noting, however, that if you’ve been using both lead() and lag() as my example did then your execution plan will (truthfully) show two “window sort” operations and the second (i.e. lower number in the plan) window sort will also be sorting the columns added by the first window sort. Depending on the nature of your data the additional sort might increase the workload by more than the benefit you get from eliminating a lag().

In an example created by Solomon Jakobson the effect of using lag( ,5) was catastrophic and the change that introduced the extra sort to get a lead( ,5) made a huge difference (40 seconds down to 0.15 seconds – and I haven’t made a mistake in the decimal point there); in my original test case the improvement I got from applying the same strategy was small (0.88 seconds down to 0.86 seconds). The critical difference between the test cases was that one had a single partition of 20,000 rows, the other had (10,000) partitions of only 20 rows.

(Footnote to the footnote – it did cross my mind that if you had a performance catastrophe with the simple lag(,n) and with the extra sort from reversing the order to use a lead(,n) would Oracle do something clever if you found a way to rewrite the query with a cascade of inline-views that all used last_value() – but I decided I wasn’t going to look at that option until someone paid me to. More seriously I did wonder about the option for using match_recognize to bypass the lag() problem, and may get around to thinking about that more carefully at some point.)

April 7, 2022

Parallel Inactivity

Filed under: Oracle,Parallel Execution,Performance,Troubleshooting — Jonathan Lewis @ 5:08 pm BST Apr 7,2022

This is a simple script that I wrote more than 20 years ago (for apparently) to get the session wait event figures from parallel query slaves as they were running. I’m posting it now because there’s a question on the Oracle Database Forum where it would be useful as a way for checking for performance problems in a long-running CTAS.

Oracle gives us the view v$px_session to link together the query co-ordinator with the parallel query slaves, and it gives us v$px_sesstat to report the linked session activity stats, but it doesn’t gives us a view to link together the session events for the multiple sessions, so this query simply joins v$px_session to v$session_events to produce that result:

rem     Script:         px_waits.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          Mar 2001
rem     Purpose:        Report events for PX execution
rem     Last tested:
rem     Notes:
rem     Note that the co-ordinator can be on a different instance
rem     in parallel server systems.  To cater for an oddity of the
rem     qcinst report, we need the current instance number in case
rem     the QC is on the current machine.
rem     If the co-ordinator is present, then it appears last on the list
rem     for a server group.

column instance_number new_value m_inst
select instance_number from v$instance;

set linesize 120
set pagesize 60
set trimspool on
set tab off
set verify off

spool px_waits

break -
        on qcsid skip 1 -
        on server_group -
        on degree -
        on server_set -
        on sid -
        on server# skip 1

column event format a32

column  qcsid           format a6       heading 'Coord'
column  server_group    format 999      heading 'Grp'
column  degree          format a5       heading 'Deg'   noprint
column  server_set      format 999      heading 'Set'   noprint
column  server#         format 999      heading 'Sno'
column  sid             format 9999     heading 'SID'
column  name            format a32      heading 'Statistic'
column  value           format 99,999,999       heading 'value'

        ss.qcsid || '/' || nvl(ss.qcinst_id,&m_inst)            qcsid,
       || '/' || ss.req_degree
        )       degree,
        v$px_session            ss,
        v$session_event         se
        se.sid = ss.sid
order by

clear columns
clear breaks
set verify on

spool off

See also: Parallel Activity for the session activity stats report.

Parallel Activity

Filed under: Oracle,Parallel Execution,Performance,Troubleshooting — Jonathan Lewis @ 4:49 pm BST Apr 7,2022

This is a simple script that I wrote more than 20 years ago (for apparently) to get the session activity from parallel query slaves as they were running. I’m posting it now because there’s a question on the Oracle Database Forum where it would be useful as a way for checking for a skewed data distribution in a long-running query.

Oracle gives use the view v$px_sesstat which connects PX slaves with their query co-ordinator (QC) and reports the session activity for all of them. The view only report statistics numbersm though, so this little query joins the view to v$statname to report the names. It eliminates stats where the value is zero, and orders by QC (though you could add a line to restrict the query to a single QC), parallel server group, then process, then statistic number.

rem     Script:         px_stats.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          Mar 2001
rem     Purpose:        Report statistics for PX slaves on the fly
rem     Last tested
rem     Notes:
rem     Note that the co-ordinator can be on a different instance
rem     in parallel server systems.  To cater for an oddity of the
rem     qcinst report, we need the current instance number in case
rem     the QC is on the current machine.
rem     If the co-ordinator is present, then it appears last on the list
rem     for a server group.
rem     This code really needs to be enhanced to do a proper job on OPS/RAC
rem     by accessing gv$px_sesstat, and handling sids and instances correctly
rem     The user running this query has to have SELECT privileges 
rem     on the views v$instance, v$statname and v$px_sesstat

column instance_number new_value m_inst
select instance_number from v$instance;

spool px_stats

set tab off
set pagesize 60
set linesize 156
set trimspool on
set verify off

break -
        on qcsid skip 1 -
        on server_group -
        on degree -
        on server_set -
        on sid -
        on server# skip 1

column  qcsid           format a6               heading 'Coord'
column  server_group    format 999              heading 'Grp'
column  degree          format a5               heading 'Deg'
column  server_set      format 999              heading 'Set'
column  server#         format 999              heading 'Sno'
column  sid             format 9999             heading 'SID'
column  name            format a52              heading 'Statistic'
column  value           format 99,999,999,999   heading 'value'

        st.qcsid || '/' || nvl(st.qcinst_id,&m_inst)            qcsid,
       || '/' || st.req_degree
        )       degree,
        v$px_sesstat    st,
        v$statname      sn
        sn.statistic# = st.statistic#
and     st.value != 0
order by

clear columns
clear breaks
set verify on

spool off

See also: Parallel Inactivity for a simple script reporting wait events

February 21, 2022

CTE Enhancement

Filed under: 12c,Oracle,Performance,Transformations — Jonathan Lewis @ 9:24 am GMT Feb 21,2022

For many years I’ve told people that when you materialize a CTE (common table expression / “with” subquery) the result set will be written to the temporary tablespace using direct path writes and will be read back using cached reads. This stopped being an accurate description in 12c.

There is a clue about this in the way that the corresponding execution plans and I’ll be pointing that out later. The key difference between earlier versions of Oracle and newer versions is that the GTT (global temporary table) that holds the materialized result set is not necessarily written to disc, and may even avoid allocating a temporary segment.

I started looking at this feature a couple of days ago after remembering that someone, somewhere, had mentioned some details about a temporary object being kept in the PGA rather than being written to disc if the size wasn’t too big. I couldn’t remember if this was GTTs or temporary LOBs (or something completely different) and I only had a vague memory that there was a critical size that might have been 256KB; so I started experimenting with materializing CTEs.

Here’s the script I used to establish a baseline in 11g. I took a fairly arbitrary starting guess that if there was a PGA/Temp split is might be around 64KB.

rem     Script:         cte_writes.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          Feb 2022
rem     Purpose:        
rem     Last tested 

alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';

prompt  ==============================
prompt  First sample - just under 64KB
prompt  ==============================

set arraysize  35
set pagesize  35

set pause Waiting...
set pause on

execute snap_ts.start_snap
execute snap_my_stats.start_snap

with g1 as (
        select  /*+ materialize */
                lpad(rownum,1024)       v1
        connect by
                level <= 63

alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';

execute snap_my_stats.end_snap
execute snap_ts.end_snap

prompt  ==============================
prompt  Second sample - just over 64KB
prompt  ==============================

execute snap_ts.start_snap
execute snap_my_stats.start_snap

with g1 as (
        select  /*+ materialize */
                lpad(rownum,1024)       v1
        connect by
                level <= 64

execute snap_my_stats.end_snap
execute snap_ts.end_snap

set pause off

The calls to the package snap_my_stats are the usual ones I use (very old source at this Wayback URL) to report the session’s activity (v$mystat) between start and end snapshot and the calls in the snap_ts package do the same for the I/O per tablespace, summing bu tablespace across v$filestat and v$tempstat.

This script basically materializes and reports a GTT with a single column of 1,024 bytes, and in this case either 63 or 64 rows. You’ll note that I’ve built another assumption into the code that the CTE (if kept in memory) won’t follow all the details of a “real” table block, but will be a simple array with a tiny overhead per row – I’ve also assumed that the optimizer isn’t smart enough (or foolhardy enough) to push the substr() call inside the CTE.

I’ve set pause on and set both the arraysize and pagesize to a value less than the total number of rows I’ll be fetching so that I can check a couple of dynamic performance views (in particular v$sort_usage) from another session while the queries are running.

As a starting point, here are some critical values I’ve selected from the various outputs for just the 63 row case when running 11.2.04:

Session stats
Name                                                 Value
----                                                 -----
physical reads                                           9
physical reads cache                                     9
physical writes                                          9
physical writes direct                                   9
physical writes direct temporary tablespace              9

T/S Stats 
TS#        Reads      Blocks   Avg Csecs    Max      Writes      Blocks   Avg Csecs    Max Tablespace
----       -----      ------   ---------    ---      ------      ------   ---------    --- -------------------
   3           1           9        .000      1           1           9        .000      0 TEMP

Since I’ve enabled extended tracing at level 8 (waits) I can also show you the I/O waits reported for the reads and writes

WAIT #140185232180256: nam='direct path write temp' ela= 180 file number=201 first dba=35073 block cnt=9 obj#=-1 tim=1645178184267768
WAIT #140185232180256: nam='db file scattered read' ela= 183 file#=201 block#=35073 blocks=9 obj#=-40016369 tim=1645178184268342

A dump of the 9 blocks of the temporary file (the “file number-201” translates to tempfile 1 since I have db_files = 200) starting at block 35073 looks like an ordinary table with pctfree 10 (which is one of the annoying details of GTTs – you can’t adjust it), 3 ITL slots (which is normal for CTAS) and 7 rows per block.

So, for 11g, we conclude that the effect of materializing a CTE is simply to create a GTT in the temporary tablespace, write it out using direct path writes, then read it back into the buffer cache using db file scattered reads. (You might want to confirm that this always happens, even if the CTE holds only one row.)

If you take advantage of the pause to issue “alter system flush buffer_cache” from another session you can also dump the segment header block (35072 in my case) to see that it’s a normal table segment header block – using freelist management, not ASSM because that’s the way temporary tablespaces have to be declared. The segment header block didn’t get written to disc in the normal course of the test.

12c Enhancement

This is the moment where the second query, and the pause that allows me to query v$sort_usage, becomes significant. When I started with the 63 row query I saw:

  • No I/O on the temporary tablespace
  • No entry in v$sort_usage

To my great satisfaction the 64 row query did report I/O to the temporary tablespace (10 blocks this time – needing one extra block to cater for the 64th row) with v$sort_usage reporting a segment being created on my behalf. Obviously I re-ran the test a couple of times, flushing the buffer cache and shared pool, and connecting to a new session each time. The results were totally consistent: 63 rows => no GTT, 64 rows => GTT.

If you’re feeling a little suspicious at this point, bear with me.

This is the point where I switched to – and both queries ran in memory with no sign of a GTT being created. Luckily I had cloned the query several times in the script generating different pairs of numbers of rows: 127/128, 255/256, 511/512, 1023/1024, and when I hit 1024 (and 1023) my session produced a GTT.

Somewhere between 512 and 1023 rows I was hitting a critical breakpoint – so I nearly started working through a binary chop to find the actually breakpoint; luckily, though, I had a little inspiration: if the overhead per row was 3 bytes (as it would be for a normal table column of more than 254 bytes) then 1023 rows would have an overhead of about 3KB – so I should test 1021 rows if I wanted to test a memory of just under 1MB.

Sure enough, at 1021 rows the GTT didn’t appear, at 1022 rows it did – time after time after time.

But …

My tests seemed to be totally repeatable. Again, I connected to a new session a few times, I flushed the buffer cache, I flushed the shared pool, I checked v$sort_usage. Consistently the results seemed to say:

  • 12.2 uses the PGA up to 64KB then dumps to a GTT
  • uses the PGA up to 1MB then dumps to a GTT

Except – that night I had to shut down the two virtual machines because sometimes, for no obvious reason, I can’t hibernate my laptop while the VMs are running; and when I started everything up again the following morning and started re-running the tests as I wrote up the results something had changed. In fact my 19.11 instance didn’t dump to a GTT until I had reached nearly 10MB of data and my 12.2 wasn’t even dumping at 1MB; and I have no idea why a complete restart made such a difference.

After spending a little time trying to figure out what had changed – and I think it may have been that I’d been running the previous day’s tests after doing a lot of heavy work with temporary LOBs trying to pin down an anomaly with the handling of the temporary tablespace – I finally tried a google search using keywords that might be relevant and found this article that Keith Laker wrote about 5 years ago.

The feature is known as In-memory “cursor-duration” temporary table. I mentioned a clue in the execution plans at the start of this note: materialization shows up with a “temp table transformation” operation followed, in 11g, by with a child operation of “load as select”; but in 12.2 the child operation is “load as select (cursor duration memory)”. I really should have started my investigation by putting the entire text of that operation into a search engine.


(Basically the highlights from Keith’s article):

  • The “in-memory cursor-duration”temporary table” change appeared in 12.2
  • It can be used in a number of transformations that the optimizer does
  • It’s not possible to force the use of the feature for a given query, it’s down to an internal algorithm
  • The mechanism uses memory that is “essentially” PGA
  • Despite the name this feature does not require you to licence the In-Memory option
  • If you’re still using an older version of Oracle this could be a good reason for upgrading as it can reduce the I/O load particularly for “analytic” types of query at a cost of using extra memory.

All the work I had done trying to find a break-point where Oracle switched from using PGA to using a GTT had been a waste of time – and the apparently consistent results on the first day had been an “accident” dictated (possibly) by some PGA-related activity that had taken place before I started running my tests .

Footnotes and geeky things

Five years on from the publication date of Keith’s article we shouldn’t be surprised to see some changes. Keith notes that the mechanism will apply only to serial queries that do more than one pass over the table – but there are two points to raise there:

  • possibly the two-pass thing is because it usually takes two passes over a CTE before Oracle will materialize a CTE automatically; my example shows the in-memory effect on a single pass – but that was a forced materialization.
  • the restrictions on parallelism may have been relaxed by now – if you check for hidden parameters you will find: _in_memory_cdt_maxpx, default value 4, described as “Max Parallelizers allowed for IMCDT”.

Interestingly there are more “cdt” parameters in 12.2 than there are in 19.11, and there are clear indications of some changes in algorithm and mechanism:

12c parameters like '%cdt%
Parameter                                  System Value         Description
--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------
_cdt_shared_memory_limit                   0                    Shared Memory limit for CDT
_cdt_shared_memory_query_percent           20                   Per Query Percentage from CDT pool
_imcdt_use_mga                             ON                   MGA for In Memory CDT
_in_memory_cdt                             LIMITED              In Memory CDT
_in_memory_cdt_maxpx                       4                    Max Parallelizers allowed for IMCDT

19g parameters like '%cdt%'
Parameter                                  System Value         Description
--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------
_hcs_enable_in_mem_cdt_hint                FALSE                add hint opt_param('_in_memory_cdt', 'off')
_in_memory_cdt                             LIMITED              In Memory CDT
_in_memory_cdt_maxpx                       4                    Max Parallelizers allowed for IMCDT

The parameter “_in_memory_cdt” can take the values ON, LIMITED, or OFF – which tells you that even if you can’t force a query to use in-memory CDTs you can (if you really want to) stop a query from using the feature. There are a few notes about this parameter and its significance to RAC and parallel execution (for 12.2) on MOS – if you have an account – Doc ID 2388236.1 What is _in_memory_cdt Parameter?

The reference to MGA (the “managed global area”) in 12.2 is also quite interesting. This is documented as a Solaris feature using OSM to share memory between processes. For more general details you can review MOS Doc ID 2638904.1 MGA (Managed Global Area) Reference Note (again, only if you have an account).

The “new” oradebug mechanism shows (from 18c) a couple of relevant components under SQL compilation and execution that you could trace if you want to investigate further.

Components in library RDBMS:
  SQL_Compiler                 SQL Compiler ((null))
    ICDT_Compile               In Memory CDT Compilation (qks3t)
  SQL_Execution                SQL Execution (qer, qes, kx, qee)
    ICDT_Exec                  In Memory CDT Execution (qes3t, kxtt)

January 19, 2022

Hash Aggregation – 2

Filed under: Execution plans,Infrastructure,Oracle,Performance,Tuning — Jonathan Lewis @ 12:03 pm GMT Jan 19,2022

In the note I wrote a couple of days ago about the way the optimizer switches from hash group by to sort group by if you add an order by X,Y clause to a query that has a group by X,Y I mentioned that this had been something I’d noticed about 15 years ago (shortly after Oracle introduced hash aggregation, in fact) but it was only the second of two details I’d noted when experimenting with this new operation. The first thing I’d noticed came from an even simpler example, and here’s a (cryptic) clue to what it was:

column operation_type format a24

        operation_type, count(*)
group by
order by

------------------------ ----------
APPROXIMATE NDV                   1
BUFFER                          130
CONNECT-BY (SORT)                10
GROUP BY (HASH)                  12
GROUP BY (SORT)                 240
HASH-JOIN                       466
LOAD WRITE BUFFERS               10
RESULT CACHE                      4
SORT (v1)                        10
SORT (v2)                       147
WINDOW (SORT)                    35

The clue isn’t in the query, it’s in what’s missing from the result set, so here’s some code to create and query some data to make it easier to spot the anomaly:

rem     Script:         hash_agg.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          Sept 2007

create table t1
with generator as (
        select  rownum id
        from    dual
        connect by
                level <= 1e4 -- > comment to avoid wordpress format issue
        lpad(mod(rownum-1,1000),6)      small_vc_K,
        lpad(rownum-1,6)                small_vc_M
        generator       v1,
        generator       v2
        rownum <= 1e6 -- > comment to avoid wordpress format issue

set serveroutput off

prompt  ===========================
prompt  1000 distinct values (hash)
prompt  ===========================

        /*+ gather_plan_statistics 1000 */
        select  /*+ no_merge */
                distinct small_vc_K

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'cost allstats last'));

prompt  ===========================
prompt  1000 distinct values (sort)
prompt  ===========================

        /*+ gather_plan_statistics 1000 */
        select  /*+ no_merge no_use_hash_aggregation */
                distinct small_vc_K

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'cost allstats last'));

I’ve added the /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ hint to the query so that I can check on the rowsource execution stats and (particularly) the memory and/or temporary space used; and I’ve blocked hash aggregation in one of the two queries, so I expect to see a “hash unique” operation in the first query and a “sort unique” operation in the second. Here’s what I get from

1000 distinct values (hash)


SQL_ID  1baadqgv02r6b, child number 0
select  /*+ gather_plan_statistics 1000 */  count(*) from  (  select
/*+ no_merge */   distinct small_vc_K  from   t1  )

Plan hash value: 171694178

| Id  | Operation            | Name | Starts | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)| A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers | Reads  |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |      |      1 |        |   765 (100)|      1 |00:00:00.07 |    2637 |   2632 |       |       |          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE      |      |      1 |      1 |            |      1 |00:00:00.07 |    2637 |   2632 |       |       |          |
|   2 |   VIEW               |      |      1 |   1000 |   765  (56)|   1000 |00:00:00.07 |    2637 |   2632 |       |       |          |
|   3 |    HASH UNIQUE       |      |      1 |   1000 |   765  (56)|   1000 |00:00:00.07 |    2637 |   2632 |  1889K|  1889K| 1417K (0)|
|   4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1   |      1 |   1000K|   405  (17)|   1000K|00:00:00.04 |    2637 |   2632 |       |       |          |

17 rows selected.

1000 distinct values (sort)


SQL_ID  a66rqhgw7a6dk, child number 0
select  /*+ gather_plan_statistics 1000 */  count(*) from  (  select
/*+ no_merge no_use_hash_aggregation */   distinct small_vc_K  from
t1  )

Plan hash value: 1750119335

| Id  | Operation            | Name | Starts | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)| A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |      |      1 |        |   765 (100)|      1 |00:00:00.22 |    2637 |       |       |          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE      |      |      1 |      1 |            |      1 |00:00:00.22 |    2637 |       |       |          |
|   2 |   VIEW               |      |      1 |   1000 |   765  (56)|   1000 |00:00:00.22 |    2637 |       |       |          |
|   3 |    SORT UNIQUE       |      |      1 |   1000 |   765  (56)|   1000 |00:00:00.22 |    2637 | 48128 | 48128 |43008  (0)|
|   4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1   |      1 |   1000K|   405  (17)|   1000K|00:00:00.02 |    2637 |       |       |          |

Look back at the summary of v$sql_workarea. Can you now spot something that might be missing? Since we’ve now got two execution plans with their sql_ids, let’s run a much more precise query against the view.

        sql_id, child_number, operation_id, operation_type ,
        total_executions, last_memory_used/1024 last_mem_kb
        sql_id in (
order by
        sql_id, child_number, operation_id

------------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- ---------------- -----------
1baadqgv02r6b            0            3 GROUP BY (HASH)                     1       1,417
a66rqhgw7a6dk            0            3 GROUP BY (SORT)                     1          42

The first thing to note, of course, is that the sort aggregate at operation 1 doesn’t report a workarea at all; but this shouldn’t be a surprise, the operation is simply counting rows as they arrive, there’s no real sorting going on.

Operation 3 in both cases is the more interesting one. In the plan it’s reported as a “hash/sort unique” but the workarea operation has changed this to a “group by (hash/sort)”.  It’s a little detail that probably won’t matter to most people most of the time – but it’s the sort of thing that can waste a couple of hours of time when you’re trying to analyze a performance oddity.

And another thing …

You’ll have noticed, by the way, that the hash unique operation actually demanded far more memory than the sort unique operation; 1.4MB compared to 42KB. In a large production system this may be fairly irrelevant, especially since the discrepancy tends to disappear for higher volumes, and hardly matters if the operation spills to disc. However, if you have a large number of processes doing a lot of small queries using hash aggregation you may find that cumulatively they use up an unexpected fraction of your pga_aggregate_target.

There is some scope (with the usual “confirm with Oracle support” caveat) for modifying this behaviour with a fix_control:

16792882    QKSFM_COMPILATION_16792882  Cardinality threshold for hash aggregation(raised to power of 10)

alter session set "_fix_control"='16792882:3';

The default value is 0, the maximum value seems to be 3 and the description about raising to power of 10 seems to be the wrong way round, but I haven’t done any careful testing. When I set the value to 3 the hash unique with an estimated output of 1,000 switched to a sort unique.(hence my suggestion about 10N rather than N10).


In the previous note I pointed out that Oracle would use a single sort group by operation rather than a consecutive hash group by / sort order by pair of operations. This simpler example helps to explain why. If you check the CBO trace files for the two you can check the costs of the inline aggregate view.

From a trace file here are two costing fragments for the hash group by strategy; the first bit is the cost of the tablescan that acquires the rows (operation 4) the second is the final cost of the inline view / query block:

  Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
         Cost: 404.639881  Degree: 1  Resp: 404.639881  Card: 1000000.000000  Bytes: 0.000000

Final cost for query block SEL$2 (#2) - All Rows Plan:
  Best join order: 1
  Cost: 764.843155  Degree: 1  Card: 1000000.000000  Bytes: 7000000.000000
  Resc: 764.843155  Resc_io: 337.000000  Resc_cpu: 1069607888
  Resp: 764.843155  Resp_io: 337.000000  Resc_cpu: 1069607888

I won’t show you the equivalent extracts for the example where I blocked hash aggregation because the numbers are identical. So there’s no way that Oracle will want to do hash group by followed by sort order by, when it can do just a single sort group by that costs exactly the same as the hash group by operation alone. This is a shame, and a little ironic because when Oracle Corp introduce hash aggregation they made a bit of a fuss about how much more efficient it was than sorting- but it looks like no-one told the optimizer about this.

January 17, 2022

Hash Aggregation – 1

Filed under: CBO,Hints,Oracle,Performance,Tuning — Jonathan Lewis @ 1:15 pm GMT Jan 17,2022

Here’s an observation I made some time in 2007, but didn’t mention online until a (possibly) relevant question appeared on the Oracle database forum in 2017; and the topic reappeared in a nearly unrelated question a little while ago. The 2017 question was this:

I am running following SQL, which it taking almost 4-5 seconds and returning only 18 records.

   a.LEVEL2_ENAME AS c2,
   MONTH_D c
    AND b.YEARMO = 201704
    AND c.CURR_YEARMO = 201704
    AND a.YEARMO = 201706

If I remove the ORDER BY clause it is returning results in 1 second.

Before saying anything else, I’ll just make a couple of points about the SQL:

  • It’s not a good idea to mix traditional Oracle syntax with “ANSI” syntax – it’s likely to make things harder for the next person to read the code and there’s just a slight possibility that the rewrite that Oracle applies to hide the ANSI syntax may block some of the possible execution paths.
  • The C3, C2 in the order by clause are the column aliases for the curr_yearno, level2_ename columns used in the group by clause.  Although Oracle allows you to use aliases in the order by (but not in the group by) doing so can only make the SQL a little harder to interpret (especially in a case like this when you have both clauses).
  • There’s a left outer join to month_d (aliased as c), but the where clause then includes the predicate c.CURR_YEARMO = 201704 which will eliminate any rows where curr_yearmo is null, thus converting (we hope – but the mix and match syntax might introduce a side-effect) the outer join to an inner join – so maybe that’s a design error in the SQL.

Addressing the question, though, the first thought (rapidly eliminated) is that perhaps this is the standard complaint of the GUI interface: “it’s fast until I add an order by clause”.

The commonest reason for this complaint is that the typical GUI interface shows you the first few rows and waits for you to page down, so your impression of the response time is “the time to see the first few rows” rather than “the time to get the complete result set” when it might take much more time to return the entire result set. When you add an order by clause it’s possible that Oracle will have to sort the entire result set before you see any of it. It’s often the difference between “first few rows” and “entire result set” that triggers the complaint.

In this case the “rapid elimination” of this thought is due to the OP saying the result set was only 18 rows. which is likely to produce the gut feeling that it shouldn’t take very long for Oracle to sort 18 rows if it had to find all of them before showing displaying them. On the other hand the thought might need a little follow-up, after all:

  • it’s possible that the GUI is only displaying 15 rows at a time and it’s takes a lot of time to find the extra 3 rows. Just think of a tablescan with a filter subquery when the rows you want are the first few in the table. Without an order by the rows can be displayed as they are found, with an order by Oracle will have to get to the end of the tablescan before the rows can be sorted and displayed.
  • the optimizer can produce terrible estimates and the order by clause might prompt it to say “if I start with a different table, driving through a specific index, and changing the join order then I won’t have to do any sorting for the order by clause” The resulting path may be a very bad idea if the arithmetic produces the wrong results.

The OP hasn’t shown us the execution plan – and that’s what we really need to see; but there is an alternative  guess that we could make about what the optimizer is doing that would affect the performance this much.

The query is an aggregate query – we have a group by. Since 10g Oracle has been able to use “hash aggregation” – which shows up as the HASH GROUP BY operation in an execution plan. Here’s a little demo script, with a couple of sample queries:

rem     Script:         sort_hash.sql
rem     Author:         Jonathan Lewis
rem     Dated:          May 2012

create table t1
with generator as (
                rownum id 
        from dual 
        connect by 
                level <= 1e4  -- > comment to avoid wordpress format issue
        trunc(dbms_random.value(0,262144))      n_256K,
        trunc(dbms_random.value(0,131072))      n_128K,
        trunc(dbms_random.value(0,8192))        n_8k
        generator       v1,
        generator       v2
        rownum <= 8 * 1048576  -- > comment to avoid wordpress format issue

set arraysize 1000
set timing on
set autotrace traceonly 

prompt  ===========
prompt  No Order by
prompt  ===========

        n_8K, count(*) ct
group by

prompt  =============
prompt  With Order by
prompt  =============

        n_8K, count(*) ct
group by
order by

My table has 8M rows, and my queries target the column with 8K distinct values. I’ve enabled autotrace from SQL*Plus, set a large arraysize (to reduce time lost to SQL*Net round-trips), and set timing on so we can get an elapsed time for total execution. I’ve set autotrace to “traceonly” so that the SQL*Plus client will fetch the data but won’t doesn’t waste resources formatting it, but I’m not actually interested in the handful of execution statistics that will be reported.

Here are the two sets of results from a test run on Note, particularly, the figure for Elapsed:

No Order by

8192 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.58

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 136660032

| Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |  8192 | 32768 |  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  HASH GROUP BY     |      |  8192 | 32768 |  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1   |  8388K|    32M|  3460  (21)| 00:00:01 |

With Order by

8192 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:03.03

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3946799371

| Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |  8192 | 32768 |  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY     |      |  8192 | 32768 |  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1   |  8388K|    32M|  3460  (21)| 00:00:01 |

The time has jumped from slightly under 0.6 seconds to just over 3 seconds as the critical operation changes from a HASH GROUP BY to a SORT GROUP BY (even though the estimated cost, hence predicted run-time, of execution has not changed).

Your first thought at this point is probably along the lines of “surely it doesn’t take 2.4 seconds to sort 8,192 small rows, why doesn’t Oracle do a hash group by followed by a sort order by?” The answer seems to be “it just doesn’t”. So here’s one way to make it happen (with execution plan and elapsed time from again):

        dist_8k, ct
        select  /*+ no_merge */
                n_8K dist_8k, count(*) ct
        group by
order by 

8192 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.59

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 1705136228

| Id  | Operation            | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |      |  8192 |   208K|  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY       |      |  8192 |   208K|  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   2 |   VIEW               |      |  8192 |   208K|  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |    HASH GROUP BY     |      |  8192 | 32768 |  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1   |  8388K|    32M|  3460  (21)| 00:00:01 |

Again the estimated cost of execution doesn’t (to the nearest whole number) change from the basic cost of the hash aggregation – but we have brought the time back down to just under 0.6 seconds.

It’s worth reminding you at this point that if you can re-engineer any SQL that’s performing badly and can see that the driving core of the query can be reduced to something much simpler and more efficient, then wrapping that core into an inline view with the /*+ no_merge */ hint (and possibly putting it up into a “with subquery” clause) might be the safest first step and most effective way of improving performance.

There is an option for avoiding the query rewrite here – hint the path you want to see:

select  /*+ use_hash_aggregation */
        n_8K, count(*) ct
group by
order by 

8192 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.59

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 2808104874

| Id  | Operation           | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT    |      |  8192 | 32768 |  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY      |      |  8192 | 32768 |  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   2 |   HASH GROUP BY     |      |  8192 | 32768 |  6938  (61)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| T1   |  8388K|    32M|  3460  (21)| 00:00:01 |

The nice thing about this, of course, is that you don’t actually have to edit the text; the hint could be attached to the query through an SQL Patch (or by abusing the SQL Profile or SQL Plan Baseline mechanisms).

The difficult part of hinting is finding the correct query block name for a more complex query. I simply added the hint /*+ use_hash_aggregation */ but the hint can be aimed at a query block so, in the absence of explicit query block names I could have used the hint /*+ use_hash_aggregation(@sel$1) */ using the default naming.

In a more complex case you can find the appropriate query block name by using the ‘alias’ format option when generating the execution plan. Consider the following query (where t2 and t3 are created from view all_objects), with its initial execution plan:

explain plan for
        t2.owner, count(*)
        t2.object_id in (
                select  t3.object_id 
                from    t3 
                where   t3.object_type = 'TABLE'
group by 
order by 

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display(format=>'alias'));

Plan hash value: 2646727453

| Id  | Operation             | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT      |      |    23 |   575 |   319   (8)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY        |      |    23 |   575 |   319   (8)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN RIGHT SEMI|      |  2298 | 57450 |   317   (7)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL  | T3   |  2298 | 34470 |   158   (7)| 00:00:01 |
|   4 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL  | T2   | 57448 |   561K|   156   (6)| 00:00:01 |

Query Block Name / Object Alias (identified by operation id):
   1 - SEL$5DA710D3
   3 - SEL$5DA710D3 / T3@SEL$2
   4 - SEL$5DA710D3 / T2@SEL$1

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("T2"."OBJECT_ID"="T3"."OBJECT_ID")
   3 - filter("T3"."OBJECT_TYPE"='TABLE')

The Query Block Name / Object Alias information tells us that the query block holding the sort group by at operation 1 is named SEL$5DA710D3 so we can use that as the target query block in the hint: /*+ use_hash_aggregation(@SEL$5DA710D3) */ and the plan changes to:

| Id  | Operation              | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT       |      |    23 |   575 |   319   (8)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY         |      |    23 |   575 |   319   (8)| 00:00:01 |
|   2 |   HASH GROUP BY        |      |    23 |   575 |   319   (8)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    HASH JOIN RIGHT SEMI|      |  2298 | 57450 |   317   (7)| 00:00:01 |
|*  4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL  | T3   |  2298 | 34470 |   158   (7)| 00:00:01 |
|   5 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL  | T2   | 57448 |   561K|   156   (6)| 00:00:01 |

It’s possible that you’ll only notice a significant difference in performance (and, perhaps, PGA memory allocated) when you aggregate a large number of rows into a small result set. And it does seem that this is one case where the only way to get the plan you want without a significant code rewrite is through a hint


If you have some code which does a “group by X, Y, Z order by X, Y, Z” (the order of the columns/expressions used doesn’t have to be the same for the two clauses) then Oracle will use a sort group by operation to handle the aggregation and ordering in a single step, even though we can find cases where hash aggregation followed by sort ordering is more efficient.

If you come across such a case then injecting the hint /*+ use_hash_aggregation(@query_block_name) */ may be the only way to change the execution plan if you’re not allowed to edit the SQL.


In the second of the two links to the Oracle Developer Forum you’ll see that one poster pointed out that if the order by clause uses a suitable expression to substitute for one of the columns in the group by clause then you don’t need to hint the code, e.g.

group by
order by
        numeric_column + 0

Very cute, but not a good idea.

Footnote 2

There is another part to the testing I started in 2007, and I’ll come back to that later in Hash Aggregation – 2.

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